Father-son relationshps – strained

LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Ex-Transsexual Walt Heyer – Part One

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

“You can’t change your gender,” says man who tried

Walt Heyer as himself, a man.

Over the years I’ve interviewed or met many former homosexual men and ex-lesbians, but never an ex-transgender. Walt Heyer is one such man: with Christ’s help he walked away from the “transgender” lifestyle (gender confusion). Unfortunately, his godly change occurred long after he’d undergone a radical “sex-change” operation that mutilated his genitalia — as part of his quest to become the woman in his head, “Laura” (see photo below). This interview [listen HERE], the first of three parts, was pre-recorded and aired July 16, 2011 on WYLL 1160-AM Chicago.

Heyer describes his very troubled childhood — including being beaten by his father and victimized at a young age by his grandmother — who dressed him up as a girl. Walt was also sexually molested over a period of three years by his uncle. Heyer now crusades against “Gender Reassignment Surgery” and counsels others seeking to overcome the pull of gender confusion in their lives. He has also authored three books including his autobiography, “Trading My Sorrows,” and “Paper Genders” — all available on his website, www.tradingmysorrows.com/. Please share this interview with your friends and especially young people, who are barraged with pro-“transgender” and pro-homosexual messages. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

Walt Heyer as "Laura Jensen" after his "sex-change" operation.

HOW TO LISTEN: Left click once on the link below to play. You may also right-click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. NOTE: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Do not use Real Player; it is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it. (Please be patient: depending upon the speed of your internet connection, it may take a moment or two to load.) 

7-16-11, Walt Heyer, Part One

Ex-‘Gay’ Testimony: ‘Bisexual’ Man Overcomes Homosexual Desires with God’s Help

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

“I don’t struggle with those illicit sexual desires any longer,” says changed man

The following is an anonymous testimony of ‘Tim,’ who became involved in homosexual (bisexual) behavior but then left it behind through a renewed and strengthened commitment to his Maker:

I grew up in a very stable home with two loving parents.  However, my dad and I are somewhat alike in personality, but with very different interests.  He’s an outdoorsman.  I’m a something of a “geeky nerd”.  I never felt that I could quite please him.  I love him, and he loves me.  But we have clashed many times over my life.  My two brothers are/were outdoorsmen, much like our dad.  (My elder brother is deceased now.)  I was the odd man out. 
That being said, I struggled with thoughts/feelings of bisexuality for many years.  I was not completely gay.  I was still attracted to women.  But there was a part of me that was curious and wanted to experience some things.  I had a couple of very brief [homosexual] experiences in college and right after college.  That scared me, and I just “knew” I was dying of AIDS or something.  So, I did not act on these feelings (except in private fantasy) for a number of years.
In addition to my sometimes troublesome relationship with my dad, I also felt very insecure about women, even though I was attracted to them.  I also did not want to “cheat” on my lovely wife, so I seldom entertained thoughts of doing anything with any other woman than my wife. 

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