Garry Ingraham is executive director of the Love and Truth Network, based in Phoenix, Arizona.
Folks, we introduce a new writer for AFTAH, Garry Ingraham, who “came out”–of the homosexual lifestyle–and now leads the sexual wholeness ministry Love and Truth Network. Garry is also a Board Member of Restored Hope Network, an umbrella group of ex-“gay” ministries, member churches and Christian counselors across the nation. Here Garry comments on a LifeSiteNews article about American Psychological Association (APA) researcher (and LGBTQ activist) Dr. Lisa Diamond’s determination that “sexual orientation” is fluid — and that homosexual advocates should stop promoting the “born that way” myth. Please consider supporting Garry’s important work HERE. And sign up for the outstanding LifeSiteNews’ daily updates HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
By Garry Ingraham, first published on Facebook Oct. 7, 2016
As a former gay-identified man and bartender at a gay bar, who concluded that “there has to be more to life than this”, I know from personal experience that sexuality and attractions are fluid and can be changed over time. I’ve also known hundreds of others who are on the same journey toward Christ – out of homosexuality and a life dominated by sexual & relational brokenness.
Finally, in the attached article we have an intellectually and scientifically accurate statement from the APA about what many people have known all along…People can and do change their sexual attractions. These are not hard wired… Check out the article below-
Whether or not someone desires to change is up to them, but the right to change or seek help to overcome unwanted LGBT attractions and desires has come under legal attack — all for the sake of political correctness and an ideological crusade — based on the false narrative of the immutability of LGBT desires and sexual attraction.
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