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Are ‘Gay’ Men More Promiscuous than Straights?Excerpted from Surveys Reveal Sex Practices of Homosexuals, published Sept 15, 2006, by Agape Press: …A survey by The Advocate, a homosexual magazine, revealed that promiscuity is a reality among homosexuals. The poll found that 20 percent of homosexuals said they had had 51-300 different sex partners in their lifetime, with an additional 8 percent having had more than 300…
A survey in Ireland by the Gay Men’s Health Project found that almost half of homosexuals said they were having unprotected sex. The Advocate survey…found that 55 percent of homosexuals said they never (20%), occasionally (10%) or usually (25%) practiced so-called “safer sex.”
…The fact that many homosexuals appear to live their lives in sexual overdrive does not seem to concern leaders in the movement. In an editorial from the same issue (August 15) in which the survey results were published, The Advocate said: “[Homosexuals] have been proud leaders in the sexual revolution that started in the 1960s, and we have rejected attempts by conservatives to demonize that part of who we are.” Continue reading at Agape Press…
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on Thursday, September 28th, 2006 at 7:02 pm and is filed under 01 - Gay, Health & Science, Physical Health.
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