VIDEO: Jamaican Pro-Family Coalition Fights Effort to Rescind Anti-Buggery Law

United States, European Union use foreign aid to pressure small Caribbean nation to make pro-homosexual change

Folks, this is a well-done video by the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society, which is co-sponsoring a pro-family conference in the capital of Kingston tomorrow. Jamaica is being pressured — by pro-homosexual forces worldwide (including the United States, which supports the main LGBT group in the country) — to rescind its laws against homosexual behavior. I will be speaking for AFTAH at tomorrow’s event, titled “International Law and the Welfare of the Family.” The U.K.-based Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship (affiliated with Christian Concern) is the other co-sponsor. I cannot help but think that millions of American young people — and their parents! — would benefit greatly by watching this 55-minute video. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth

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