Victims of Homosexual Murderers

Sentencing for Unapologetic Homosexual Activist Who Murdered Chicago Cab Driver

Thursday, September 21st, 2006

Watch this WGN Channel 9 video:

Sentencing for Man who Ran over Cabbie – 9/20

Excerpted from Chicago Gay AIDS Activist Sentenced To Prison For Cabbie Murder, published Sept 20, 2006, by the pro-homosexuality 365Gay:

One witness, Susan Lichtman, told the court that she saw the two fighting on the street in front of the cab. She testified that one of the men, who she identified as Jackson, walk to the cab, get in, and after a few moments ” he backed the cab up about a half a car length, then Mr. Jackson turned the front wheel, put it in gear and into drive. He accelerated the cab, driving into Mr. Paryani.”

Paryani, 61, who emigrated from Pakistan in 1971, was a U.S. citizen and had been driving cabs for more than 20 years, according to friends and family.

He suffered multiple rib fractures, heart lacerations and head wounds and died in hospital.

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Excerpted from Man Who Killed Cabbie Gets Prison, by Brendan McCarthy, published Sept 20, 2006, in The Chicago Tribune:

Cook County Criminal Court Judge James Schreier said that Jackson’s driving back and forth over Paryani’s body was a “salient factor in this case.

“What matter of man would drive over another human being three times?” Schreier said…

Jackson, who is HIV positive, is awaiting trial on a misdemeanor charge of reckless assault for allegedly spitting on a nurse at Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove in April 2005.

He also is awaiting trial on a misdemeanor charge for aggravated assault for allegedly having sexual contact with inmates in the DuPage County Jail without disclosing his HIV status.

Continue reading in The Chicago Tribune…

The Tragic Death of Jesse Dirkhising, 13

Saturday, August 26th, 2006

Excerpted from The Tragic Story of Jesse Dirkhising, by Allyson Smith, published Sept 23, 2002, by WorldNet Daily:

[Jesse] Dirkhising suffocated to death during the early morning hours of Sept. 26, 1999, after being bound, drugged, gagged and brutally sodomized by Davis Don Carpenter, then 38, and Joshua Macabe Brown, then 22, at the men’s apartment in Rogers, Ark.

Earlier that summer, Jesse – with the permission of his mother and stepfather, Tina and Miles Yates – had begun spending weekends with the homosexual couple.

Carpenter, who had known Miles Yates for several years and was considered a “family friend,” made a 60-mile round trip on weekends to pick up Jesse at his trailer park home in Prairie Grove and take him back to Rogers, where he earned $45 helping to sweep the Regis Hairstylists beauty salon that Carpenter managed. Dirkhising planned to use the money to fix up a truck.

During the five-hour assault that began around midnight in the couple’s bedroom, Brown, acting on written instructions from Carpenter, bound the seventh-grader with nylon rope, placed a T-shirt blindfold over his head, and gagged his mouth with a pair of dirty underwear secured by a bandana and duct tape.

After propping pillows beneath Dirkhising’s abdomen, Brown sodomized him with three fingers, his penis, a frozen banana, and a urine enema laced with the sedative drug amitryptiline while Carpenter watched, masturbating, in the bedroom doorway.

Midway through the assault, Carpenter went to an all-night grocery store to purchase additional rape implements. A receipt later found by police, time-stamped 3:07 a.m., showed “Eckrich” sausage, cucumbers, “tape” and “deli” sandwiches.

Upon Carpenter’s return from the store, Brown continued sodomizing Jesse with the sausage and cucumber, using Vaseline. He then left the room to eat a sandwich. When he returned, the boy was no longer breathing.

Continue reading at WorldNet Daily…

Transgender Prisoners Fight For Surgery

Friday, August 25th, 2006

Excerpted from Transgender Prisoners Fight For Surgery, published Aug 19, 2006, by Associated Press:

…Michelle Kosilek was Robert Kosilek when convicted in the killing of his wife. In 1993, while in prison, Kosilek legally changed his name to Michelle. Since then, Kosilek has been fighting with prison officials to complete her transformation into a woman.

Kosilek, 57, wants the state Department of Correction to pay for a sex-change operation. After two lawsuits and two trials, the decision now rests with a federal court judge…

The case is also being closely watched by attorneys and advocates across the country who say Kosilek is an example of the poor treatment transgendered inmates receive in prison.

Continue reading at 365Gay…

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