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Hateful Homosexual Protesters Slam Cardinal George as ‘Archbigot’ at Sunday Morning Church ProtestAFTAH in the News: real ‘hate’ comes from ‘Gay Liberation Network’![]() Gay Liberation Network protester marches with sign smearing Chicago Card. Francis George as an "Archbigot" -- in Sunday morning protest directly in front of Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. Homosexual activists are pushing hard for legalizing homosexual "marriage" in Illinois. Click on photo to enlarge. PHOTO: Americans For Truth TAKE ACTION: Illinois Residents: call your state representative and senator (www.ilga.gov; 217-782-2000) and urge them to OPPOSE the “same-sex marriage” bill, HB 5170, that was just introduced by three openly homosexual lawmakers in Springfield. (Also, ask them to REPEAL the “Civil Unions” bill passed enacted last year.) The Civil Unions law quickly became a tool of anti-religious oppression against Christians, and now it is revealed as a mere stepping-stone for the Homosexual Lobby’s real goal: the revolutionary redefinition of marriage — using the State to advance the absurd idea that sinful “unions” based on (changeable) homosexuality should be awarded equal status with natural marriage. Religious Freedom? Also please note the audacity of liberals calling the new bill the “Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act” — similar to their artful name for the Civil Unions bill — even though both legal “civil unions” and “gay marriage” would force employers to subsidize immoral homosexual relationships (the very antithesis of “religious liberty”). ____________________________________________________ Dear AFTAH Supporter, Click on the photo above right to enlarge it. How would you like to have to walk past THIS to get into church Sunday morning? I was there to witness Gay Liberation Network protesters marching directly in front of Holy Name Cathedral in downtown Chicago on Sunday morning (Feb. 12, 2012) during the main church service. (At least two GLN signs smeared Cardinal Francis George as “Arch-bigot”; one showed his photo and mocked: “Archbigot of Chicago… is intrinsically disordered + needs reparative therapy.”) The GLN activists (only about 10 showed up) are the Marxist “street-fighter gays” — and these disruptive Sunday morning protests are now a regular thing for them. [Click HERE for the fact sheet on GLN Hate and Intolerance that I passed out to counter the homosexual extremists’ picket.] The previous evening (Feb. 11), Equality Illinois — the state’s leading homosexual lobby group — held a black-tie fundraiser for the “business-suit gays” at the swank Hilton Chicago Hotel. That event surely raised tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars for Equality IL’s new “gay marriage” push in the Land of Lincoln (see TAKE ACTION note above).
The pro-homosexuality forces — with media cheerleaders in tow — are dead serious about passing counterfeit homosexual “marriage” in this state this session, and we need to be serious, too. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org _____________________________________________ WBBM Radio Quotes AFTAH on Who the Real Haters Are: the Gay Liberation NetworkRead/listen to story on WBBM website: http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/02/12/activists-rally-for-same-sex-marriage-outside-holy-name-cathedral/ On Sunday, in addition to listening to Moody Church pastor Erwin Lutzer preach on the radio driving down to Chicago, my “church” Sunday was countering the obnoxious Gay Liberation Network protest against Cardinal Francis George at Holy Name Cathedral. I joined Nick Costello and Carolyn Serrano of DefendMarriageIllinois.org and a few others in countering the GLN protest — which though small in size of course received lots of media coverage (as opposed to pro-family and conservative protests, which usually get a media blackout in Chicago). Here is the transcript of the WBBM story, which was fair, to reporter Michele Fiore’s credit: _________________________________________________ WBBM LOCAL Read/listen to story on WBBM website: http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/02/12/activists-rally-for-same-sex-marriage-outside-holy-name-cathedral/ Activists Rally For Same Sex Marriage Outside Holy Name CathedralFebruary 12, 2012 4:04 PM Gay rights activists staged a rally outside Holy Name Cathedral on Feb. 12, 2012, to push for same sex marriage and criticize Francis Cardinal George and the Catholic church for opposing gay marriage. Reporting Michele Fiore CHICAGO (CBS) – Just days after state lawmakers introduced legislation to legalize gay marriage in Illinois, Chicago’s Gay Liberation Network led a demonstration outside Holy Name Cathedral Sunday morning. As WBBM Newsradio’s Michele Fiore reports, protesters were holding up signs accusing Francis Cardinal George, the Archbishop of Chicago, of being the city’s “arch bigot.” “People may not like to hear that word, but when you oppose equal employment rights, equal housing rights and equal health care rights and equal marriage rights, you are by definition a bigot,” said Andy Thayer, co-founder of the Gay Liberation Network. LISTEN: WBBM Newsradio’s Michele Fiore reports [go to CBS Chicago website] Thayer applauded the enactment last year of legislation legalizing civil unions for same sex couples in Illinois, “but we want full marriage rights. We don’t want separate drinking fountains for our community. We want full marriage rights.” State Rep. Greg Harris (D-Chicago) this past Wednesday introduced the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act, H.B. 5170, with co-sponsor Reps. Deborah Mell (D-Chicago) and Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) signing on. The proposed legislation declares that “all laws of this State applicable to marriage apply equally to marriages of same-sex and different-sex couples and their children; parties to a marriage and their children, regardless of whether the marriage is of a same-sex or different-sex couple, have the same benefits, protections, and responsibilities under law.” Gay rights activists staged the demonstration outside Holy Name to draw attention to the Catholic Church’s opposition to same sex marriages. Across the sidewalk, Peter LaBarbera, president of the anti-gay organization Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, led a small counter protest. “I believe most Catholics still oppose same sex marriage, but the point is Cardinal George stands up for the Catholic Church teachings; and they are trying to intimidate him by showing up on a Sunday morning with very hateful signs, calling him ‘arch bigot,’” LaBarbera said. “I think it’s pretty unseemly for people who just want to go to church have to walk through a protest, reading these signs that are accusing Cardinal George of being an ‘arch bigot.’” LaBarbera said it’s harsh words like “bigot” that make the Gay Liberation Network seem like what they claim to oppose: hateful. ________________________________________ [Click HERE for the Fact Sheet on the Gay Liberation Network’s Hate and Intolerance that AFTAH passed out to counter the homosexual extremists’ picket.]
This article was posted
on Wednesday, February 15th, 2012 at 12:11 pm and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Christian Persecution, Freedom Under Fire, Homosexual Hate, Illinois, News.
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