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U. of Texas Dismisses Homosexual Extremist Scott Rose’s Misconduct Complaint against Prof. Mark Regenerus, Author of ‘Gay Parenting’ StudyRose smeared MN pro-family leader as “spokes-turd” and Maggie Gallagher as “Gagginwhore”WARNING: Vulgar and highly offensive hate graphic (created by Scott Rose) ![]() The above malicious and sophomoric hate-graphic attacking (Minnesota-based) Parents Action League leader Laurie Thompson, was created by homosexual activist Scott Rose — for his now-defunct blog, “AntiGay Bigotry Scares Me.” It was the same Rose who filed a “professional misconduct” complaint against U. of Texas scholar Mark Regnerus, whose landmark study exposed the negative effects of “gay parenting.” U-T rejected Rose’s complaint, finding no grounds for a formal ethics investigation of Regnerus. Click on graphic to enlarge in separate window. By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH The University of Texas has cleared its scholar, Sociology Prof. Mark Regnerus, of any “professional misconduct” related to his landmark study implicating homosexual parenting. Thus U-T rejects the tendentious ethics complaint by Scott Rose (aka Scott Rosenweig), who bills himself as an “investigative reporter,” but is in reality a hateful homosexual activist who viciously and crudely demonizes pro-family leaders. How hateful and vindictive is Rose? Above is a malicious graphic created by Rose for an attack-piece (since scrubbed from his own blog, which has been down for weeks). Its target is Laurie Thompson, a leader of the Parents Action League, a pro-family group that opposes pro-homosexual policies and curricula in Minneapolis schools. AFTAH has also acquired e-mail correspondence between Thomson and Rose that exposes his abusive tactics, e.g., calling Thompson a “gay-bashing monster.” (Rose writes for a homosexual advocacy website, “The New Civil Rights Movement.”) In a further demonstration of Rose’s cruelty and penchant for nasty attacks, see the graphic further below in this article — in which he labels pro-marriage leader Maggie Gallagher, a founder of the National Organization for Marriage, as “Maggie Gagginwhore,” under a photo of a pig. This original post also has been taken offline [see graphic at bottom of this article], undoubtedly to hide Rose’s true nature as an extreme LGBT militant willing to go to absurd and lengths to vilify his opponents. The following is excerpted from U. of Texas’ Aug 29, 2012 press release exonerating Regnerus:
The inquiry by four University of Texas faculty members answered a “multi-page document consisting of a series of allegations” by Rose against Regnerus. But U-T Executive Vice President and Provost Steven Leslie, who led the inquiry, concluded (emphasis added):
Rose violates U-T confidentiality policy The preliminary inquiry was exhaustive — including sequestering 42,000 of Prof. Regnerus’ e-mails at the university — but Rose himself blatantly violated the rules of the process by publishing his accusations online. Alan Price, the independent expert with impeccable credentials charged with overseeing the inquiry to make sure it complied with university policies and procedures, wrote in his report validating U-T’s findings:
Here is one of Rose’s accusatory pieces against Regnerus published on the “New Civil Rights Movement” website. At bottom of this article (see graphic below) is one of Rose’s previous “hit-pieces” against Maggie Gallagher on his “Anti Gay Bigotry Scares Me” blog — which has since been taken down. This writer concurs with Laurie Higgins that Rose likely sought to hide his most extreme and inflammatory work so as not to undermine his formal complaint filed with the University of Texas. AFTAH will be publishing further portions of Rose’s online “paper trail,” which reveal him to be far from an objective “investigative reporter” but rather a hardened and deeply anti-Christian homosexual activist who is willing to vilify his pro-family targets with a vileness and ferociousness that would put off even most homosexual advocates. We will also be watching to see if due to his objectively hateful antics Rose is labeled as a perpetrator of “hate” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is under fire for assigning that spurious designation to numerous pro-family organizations, including AFTAH. To date, the SPLC has not applied its “hate” label to any homosexual activist or organization — including the Gay Liberation Network, a Marxist Chicago group that expressly refused to condemn a pro-homosexual brick attack against Americans For Truth in 2011. More Evidence of Scott Rose’s Hateful Tactics WARNING: Vulgar Language: Not for Children Below is another terribly nasty graphic and attack-article put up by Scott Rose on his now-defunct “AntiGay Bigotry Scares Me” blog [see “eBlogger” notice at bottom of this article]. We apologize for the vulgar language, and also to pro-family icon Maggie Gallagher (whom Rose childishly calls “Gagginwhore”) for reproducing this vile graphic and story. We do so only to provide evidence documenting Rose’s extreme hatred and his cruel, dehumanizing tactics. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH This is only a portion of the longer screed against Gallagher [click HERE for a copy of the full article]: _________________________________ The following is an excellent article on the Regnerus-Rose controversy written a month ago by Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute: Regnerus Study on Family Structures, Scott Rose and Academic InconsistencyBy Laurie Higgins, Illinois Family Institute, July 30, 2012 [note: this reprint does not include all the web links from the original article; many of the same links can be found above] **Caution: Reader discretion advised.** A study conducted by Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas compared the “social, emotional, and relational” outcomes for children raised in different family structures, including children raised by heterosexual parents and those raised in homes in which the parents had been in homosexual relationships. It found that the children raised in homes in which parents had had homosexual relationships were disadvantaged in numerous ways. Regnerus’ research has come under heavy fire for flawed test construction which, critics charge, is due to bias. The central criticisms include the following: Regnerus’ conclusions are biased because he follows a faith tradition that teaches that volitional homosexual acts are not moral. Regnerus’ study was funded by two conservative organizations. Regnerus compared apples to oranges. That is, he compared the social, emotional, and relational outcomes for children raised within intact heterosexual family structures to those for children raised by parents who had had a homosexual relationship. As William Saletan for Slate Magazine explained, “[Regnerus] compared children of intact mom-and-dad families not to the tiny subset of kids raised by same-sex couples (which was statistically nonviable) but to the much bigger sample of kids with a parent who had at some point engaged in a gay relationship.” The scorched earth assault on Regnerus’ study was precipitated by two events: a petition signed by 200 academicians, surely motivated only by their professional concern for the ethical integrity of academic research (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). The other precipitating event was a formal letter of complaint sent to the Director of Research Integrity at the University of Texas by a notorious homosexual activist from New York City, Scott Rose (aka Scott Rosenweig), who is known for his anti-Christian hatred, obscenity-laced screeds, and misogyny. Rose likes to think of himself as an “investigative journalist,” and the “neutral” press is only too happy to play along. Rose’s role in the Regnerus saga needs to be more fully known and his dubious character more fully exposed. Scott Rose: toxic shock I first learned about Rose last year while working with a parent group in the Anoka-Hennepin school district in Minneapolis who were trying valiantly to establish school policy that would prevent teachers from using curricula and their classrooms to advance their personal moral and political views of homosexuality. Rose sent a letter to the Anoka-Hennepin superintendent in which he called the parents group [Parents Action League] as well as Minnesota Family Council, “loud-mouthed anti-gay bigot adults.” Then last month, Rose contacted me incensed that I had posted an article critical of [homosexual activist icon] Harvey Milk. At one point in our email exchange I said, “My hope and prayer is that someday you will come to know Christ, who can free you from bondage to sin and give you peace,” to which Rose responded:
Even more disturbing — bordering on pathological — is the blog Rose had which was titled “Anti-Gay Bigotry Scares Me.” He took it down within a week after our email exchange during which I quoted his own shocking words from his blog to him. I suspect Rose took down his blog because he didn’t want his true nature to be revealed to the public and the credulous press. Rose now writes for The New Civil Rights Movement, whose name parasitically exploits the African American fight for civil rights and depends on the offensive and nonsensical comparison of homosexuality to race. You can, however, read two of his posts, (HERE and HERE), that were available online as recently as June 10, 2012. (Caution: disturbing images and language.) These posts are ironic coming from a card-carrying member of the “no-name-calling” crowd. The first one is an execrable piece of calumny written about the brilliant Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage — who endures the most pernicious ad hominem attacks in the thankless job of defending marriage. The second of Rose’s blog posts is a repellent attack on Laurie Thompson [see graphic above], one of the parents in the Minneapolis parents group [Parents Action League] that works tirelessly for the good of children and the integrity of public education. I apologize to Maggie Gallagher, Laurie Thompson, and IFI readers for the obscene, hateful, misogynistic content of these posts, but the public needs to know the true character of the man who is now trying not just to challenge Regnerus’ research but to assassinate the character of anyone who dares to dissent from Rose’s beliefs about homosexuality. A few concluding ruminations on social science research The viciousness, speed, and intensity of the attacks from academicians on Regnerus’ research seem unusual, particularly as compared to the lack of criticism leveled at research whose findings the homosexual community likes. I wonder why 200 academicians didn’t criticize the deeply flawed lesbian study that came out in 2010. As Andrew Ferguson wrote in the Weekly Standard:
Social science research can be helpful, but most of us who are non-social scientists and non-statisticians won’t be able to evaluate the quality of research studies. And in this highly politicized, pro-homosexual climate, it’s difficult to determine the reliability of even assessments of the quality of the research. I wonder if academicians are as suspect of homosexuality-related research conducted by those who believe volitional homosexual acts are inherently moral as they are of those who believe such acts are inherently immoral. Finally, social science research has limited utility and certainly can’t be used as any ultimate arbiter of morality. If, for example, social science research were to show that children raised by parents who were biological siblings fared just as well as children raised by non-siblings, I don’t think society would conclude that sibling incest is morally defensible—at least not yet. _____________________________________ A Vicious Homosexual Website Scrubbed: This is the image that comes up on E-Blogger when one clicks the original link for Scott Rose’s “AntiGay Bigotry Scares Me” blog post targeting Minnesota pro-family advocate Laurie Thompson. It appears something else “scared” Rose as he filed his (failed) “professional misconduct” complaint against University of Texas sociology professor Mark Regnerus. Click to enlarge in separate window:
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on Friday, August 31st, 2012 at 11:10 am and is filed under Academic Bias, Academic Freedom, Homo-fascism - Intimidation by Gay Lobby, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, News.
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