‘Gay’ Doctor, Stephen Goldstone: Anal Sex Like a ‘Battering Ram’ for which Your ‘Sphincter Is No Match’

Homosexual doctor Stephen Goldstone is an expert in the bodily trauma and diseases that result from the violent act of rectal sodomy.

Not Natural, Not Healthy: Homosexual doctor Stephen Goldstone–author of this “medical handbook” about homosexual sex– is an expert on the bodily trauma and diseases that result from the violent act of rectal sodomy.

WARNING: Description of homosexual perversion

Can you handle the truth about homo-sex? Most people can’t, because it is brutal (literally) and repulsive. Here is a quotation from Dr. Stephen Goldstone, an open homosexual and author of The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex. Dr. Goldstone is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine and an expert on “gay men’s health” and “anorectal disorders,” according to the (“gay”-affirming) Physicians Research Network [see their bio of Goldstone HERE]. This item is reprinted from 1999 issue of Lambda Report, the print predecessor to Americans For Truth.

As I wrote back then, “keep in mind that Goldstone is a ‘sex positive’ homosexuality advocate who dedicates his book to his [male] lover, Bruce.” Also, it seems obvious but it needs to be said: anal sex is also high-risk if practiced by heterosexuals [see this British web article and this interesting piece, “Women Are Having Anal Sex for All the Wrong Reasons”]. Tragically, pornography is helping to “mainstream” this destructive vice — which in saner times was described (by English jurist William Blackstone) as the “infamous crime against nature” — and “a subject the very mention of which is a disgrace to human nature.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Dr. Goldstone writes (emphasis is authors):

“Just as your internal sphincter muscle involuntarily relaxes when feces enter your rectum, it involuntarily contracts when a penis or other object attempts to enter from the outside…An anal tear can occur during the initial phase of anal sex precisely because your partner pushes his penis through a closed sphincter. Think of his penis as a battering ram, one for which your internal sphincter is no match.”

Dr. Stephen Goldstone

Dr. Stephen Goldstone

–Dr. Stephen Goldstone, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men, (Dell: New York, 1999), p. 4.


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This article was posted on Monday, January 20th, 2014 at 10:52 am and is filed under Anal Sex, Gay Sex Health Risks, Health & Science, Homosexuality - Practical Considerations, Homosexuals in their own words, News, Physical Health. You can follow any updates to this article through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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