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VIDEO: Coach Dave Daubenmire Confirms Men Can Enter Women’s Restrooms at All Target Stores Nationwide
_______________________ TAKE ACTION: Contact Target at 800-440-0680 or using their Online Contact Form; and sign the AFA “Boycott Target” petition if you plan to join the boycott. If you do, make a point of going into your local Target store or calling the manager to explain why you are no longer going to shop there. _______________________ Folks, here is a short video produced by Coach Dave Daubenmire of Pass the Salt Ministries confirming Target Corporation’s official policy allowing males to enter women’s restrooms in all Target stores nationwide. Target is one of the leading corporations pandering to the LGBTQ Lobby–see this AFTAH article on their endorsement of the radical LGBTQ “Equality Act.” American Family Association now has more than 1.1 millions signatures on its petition to Boycott Target over it’s pro-transgender bathroom policy. Kudos to Coach, and more coming on the Target story. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH P.S. A corresponding “Buy-cott” at Walmart stores–giving consumers a pro-family alternative to Target–is problematic because Walmart (90% ranking on homosexual group Human Rights Campaign’s corporate scorecard) has shifted to becoming an aggressive supporter of the LGBTQ agenda. See our AFTAH article HERE on Walmart’s sponsorship of the child-non-friendly 2015 New York City homosexual “pride” parade. Here is Coach Dave’s description of the video:
This article was posted
on Sunday, May 1st, 2016 at 10:47 pm and is filed under "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Corporate Promotion, Corporations, News, Target, The Folly of PC, Too Much Tolerance, Transgender-General.
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