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Obama Fibbed About ‘Growing Chorus’ of Support for Radical Transgender Bathroom Policy – White House Responds to Public Advocate FOIA![]() Homosexual Halo, Sinful Agenda: Newsweek magazine in 2012 declared Obama “the first gay president”–as their openly homosexual writer, Andrew Sullivan, championed Obama’s far-left commitment to “transforming” America in a pro-homosexual and pro-“transgender” direction. Click to enlarge. Dear AFTAH Readers, What a shock: President Obama–the same man who fibbed to U.S. voters in 2008 about his pious opposition to homosexual “marriage”–was truth-challenged again about what led up to his disastrous “transgender,” men-and-boys-in-female-restrooms Executive Order. Always remember this: the self-righteous Left employs an “End Justifies the Means” approach because, in their foolish pride, they define their entire agenda–no matter how depraved or extreme its policies–as morally superior to their reactionary, “hateful” opponents. (Think partial-birth So a few lies here and a few lies there are no big deal if that’s what it takes to “transform” America in the direction of “equality” (GaySpeak for radical egalitarianism falsely equating natural heterosexuality and marriage with deviant-sex/confused-gender immorality)…Can I get a smug leftist amen? Kudos to Eugene Delgaudio and Public Advocate for digging this nugget of truth out. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH _________________________ Related AFTAH articles:
_________________________ The following is a news release by veteran pro-family advocate Eugene Delgaudio of Public Advocate: Friday Data Dump — White House Responds to FOIA Request by Public AdvocateContact: Eugene Delgaudio, Public Advocate, 703-845-1808,eugenedelgaudio@rcn.com; twitter: @eugenedelgaudio; @publicfreedom FALLS CHURCH, Va., Oct. 14, 2016 /Christian Newswire/ — The White House authorized the release of 424 pages of documents containing very little evidence to support President Obama’s assertion that a “growing chorus” had complained about transgender bathroom and shower policies, proving his public statements made earlier this month on transgender policies a fraud.H Public Advocate, a non-profit group, thanked the White House today for producing the 424 pages of documents that uncovered proof that the President, and two federal agencies, lied when telling the nation in an address and posted statements earlier this year that a “growing chorus” had complained and that he was responding to a national outpouring about transgender bathroom and shower policies. Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate provides the following statement in response to a legal review of 424 pages of documents provided by the federal government:
Public Advocate has obtained over 100,000 likes, petitions, and shares on just a handful of websites responding negatively and in opposition to President Obama’s transgender policies. (publicadvocateusa.org/news/article.php?article=10573) Timeline and Discoveries of Legal Action By Public Advocate: Description or summary of all documents found in 424 pages in FOIA request from the Department of Education has been posted here. Delgaudio wrote his supporters about Obama’s FOIA Response: “I smelled a rat” publicadvocateusa.org/news/article.php?article=10800 Conclusion: Public Advocate hit the nail squarely on the head. The Obama Administration continues to force radical, leftist policies on this country that are opposed by a majority of Americans. One News Now reported on this:
This article was posted
on Saturday, October 15th, 2016 at 11:43 am and is filed under "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, News, Obama, Sex Reassignment Surgeries, Sex-change Operations, Transgender-General.
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