Born that Way?

The Politically Incorrect Truth about Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse

Monday, October 30th, 2006

From The Politically Incorrect Truth, by Tony Perkins, published Oct 5, 2006, by the Family Research Council:

tony-perkins.jpg In the last few days I’ve worked nearly two dozen media interviews on the scandal surrounding Republican Cong. Mark Foley (R-FL) into an already tight schedule that has had me crisscrossing the country. [View appearance on MSNBC’s “Hardball”] The response has been interesting. I’ve been attacked by the Left and some partisans on the Right. One issue that has sent the Left into a tizzy is the point I made in Monday’s Update about the link between male homosexuality and child sexual abuse. The more recent revelation that Foley himself was molested as a teenager, and his lawyer’s acknowledgment that he is indeed a homosexual, simply reinforce a pattern well-attested in the scholarly literature.

For example, the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy found that boys molested by men are almost four times more likely to become homosexual or bisexual than boys who weren’t molested. Homosexual activists don’t want you to know that, because it undermines the myth that people are “born gay.”

Although homosexuals and bisexuals are less than 3% of the male population, male-on-male abuse accounts for about a third of all child molestation.

The Archives of Sexual Behavior reported that “eighty-six percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.” Homosexual activists don’t want you to know that either, because it undermines the myth that homosexuality is an entirely harmless “identity,” rather than a psychological and behavioral pathology. Not all homosexuals are child molesters, and not all child molesters are homosexual–but the link is simply too strong to ignore – even if it is politically incorrect.

We should step back and look at what we’ve become as a nation as tolerance and diversity have been made the guidepost for public life. Our children are not even safe in the midst of some of our nation’s leaders. Do we like what we see?

Ex-Congressman Foley Needs Sexual Reorientation, Not Alcohol Rehab

Monday, October 23rd, 2006

Excerpted from Ex-Congressman Foley Needs Sexual Reorientation, Not Alcohol Rehab, published Oct 23, 2006, by PFOX:

Like Mr. Foley, many were taken advantage of sexually by adults when they were young teenagers. They never had a chance to fulfill their heterosexual potential and often feel guilty or at fault. But there is an alternative to unwanted same-sex attractions. No one is born gay. Thousands of ex-gay men and women have overcome their same-sex attraction. Sexual reorientation therapies and ex-gay ministries provide a safe place to talk about the painful past and receive help in overcoming unwanted same-sex attractions.

Continue reading this PFOX press release… 

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