
Jerusalem “Gay Pride” Parade Set for September 21

Thursday, August 31st, 2006

Pray for Jerusalem.

Excerpted from Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade Set for September 21, by Gudrun Schultz, published Aug 29, 2006, by LifeSite News:

The International Gay Pride Parade has been rescheduled to take place in Jerusalem on September 21, Israel National News Arutz Sheva reported today.

The weeklong homosexual celebration was originally planned for August, but was postponed due to the outbreak of violence in Lebanon.

The homosexual activist organization Open House announced the date for the planned event in defiance of concerted international opposition from Jewish and Islamic religious leaders, and the Vatican. The event has been condemned as an affront to the millions of faithful worldwide who consider Jerusalem to be a holy city.

“The event is scheduled to take place literally days before the Jewish New Year, a time of deep spiritual introspection for all Jewish people,” Rabbi Yehuda Levin, with the organization Jews for Morality, told LifeSiteNews.com. “It is inappropriate, so inappropriate, for them to flaunt their disrespect for thousands of years of Jewish tradition.”

Rabbi Levin called on Jewish, Muslim and Christian faithful to exercise passive resistance to the event by joining ranks and physically blocking the parade route, “to protect the holy soil of Jerusalem against this spiritual rape.”

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