Homosexual bathhouses like Steamworks promote reckless, anonymous sex to young men. This is a web ad for a "Spring Break" promotion by Steamworks of Chicago. These "gay" perversion centers should be shut down as public health hazards. Click on graphic to enlarge.
Press Release, Americans For Truth, www.AmericansForTruth.org
December 1, 2011
Contact: Peter LaBarbera:americansfortruth@gmail.com
CHICAGO—Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), offered the following common-sense recommendations on “World AIDS Day” (December 1); WARNING: Graphic content:
- ACKNOWLEDGE HIGH RISK ‘GAY’ SEX: Recognize HIV/AIDS as a predominantly “gay disease” in the USA (as some LGBT leaders like Matt Foreman have admitted) — linked to male homosexual behavior (and IV drug abuse—another high-risk behavior). Gay writer Jack Hart has called gay male sex practices like anal sex “highly efficient ways of transmitting disease.”
- TEACH KIDS REAL RISKS IN THE CLASSROOM: Stop pretending that all lifestyles are at equal risk for AIDS – because HIV is NOT behaviorally- or lifestyle-neutral. Instead, teach students in school health classes the DOCUMENTED REALITY that certain behaviors, especially male homosexual sex, are particularly high-risk for contracting HIV (and other STDs like hepatitis). See this September 2011 CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) fact sheet, which points out: “MSM [men who have sex with men] account for more than half of all new HIV infections in the United States each year (61%, or an estimated 29,300 infections).”
- RE-STIGMATIZE DANGEROUS BEHAVIORS: In the wider culture and especially among youth, re-stigmatize anal sex and other (predominantly) homosexual acts (e.g., “rimming,” homosexual slang for oral-anus perversion). If other behaviors were as dangerous as homosexual male sex, there would be well-funded PR campaigns and government mobilizations to curtail them. Political Correctness is no excuse for failing to educate against bad and harmful behaviors.
- CLOSE DOWN GAY BATHHOUSES: Using whatever means and laws necessary, shut down all “gay” bathhouses (e.g., Steamworks in Chicago, and Flex Baths in Cleveland). These anonymous sex clubs facilitate unnatural and deviant, disease-spreading sex. Moreover, because they are used by bisexual men and those on the “down low” (homosexuality-practicing men who do not identify as “gay”), bathhouses help spread AIDS to innocent women. For the record, AFTAH also supports citizen action against heterosexual swinger clubs as well as strip clubs and pornographic video stores, which promote promiscuity and undermine natural marriage.
- EQUALIZE DISEASE SPENDING: Work toward equalizing (taxpayer) federal/government spending on HIV/AIDS vis-a-vis other serious, life-threatening diseases. As the non-partisan Fair Foundation has demonstrated, AIDS receives vastly disproportionate federal research funding per death compared to other diseases like Alzheimer’s. There is no valid reason why HIV should receive such privileged taxpayer funding – especially since it is driven by high-risk behaviors long-considered immoral.
- STOP BIGOTED “HOMOPHOBIA” PROPAGANDA: Stop the highly politicized “anti-homophobia” rhetoric emanating from government agencies like the CDC — which should be focused on eradicating disease, not bashing adherents of Judeo-Christian or Muslim morality. “Homophobia” is a contrived smear term used to denigrate faith-based opposition to homosexuality. It is counter-productive folly to promote the normalcy of homosexual behavior – e.g., through offensive, indecent public ad campaigns — in the name of “safer sex.”
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