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Update on Leftist SMUG ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ Lawsuit against Scott LivelyLiberal Clinton-appointed judge allows case to proceedFolks, our friend and culture war hero Scott Lively sent out the following Alert yesterday regarding the outrageous “Crimes Against Humanity” lawsuit against him. (We’ve have added emphasis and a few web links to the original.) For more information on the “Center for Constitutional Rights” (CCR), the far-left group that Lively labels as “Cultural Marxists,” see this excellent report by the conservative Capital Research Center. (And yet somehow, Grove City College Assistant Professor and pro-family-advocate-turned-homosexuality-defender Warren Throckmorton — who finds time to stringently critique various conservatives like David Barton and Lively — curiously describes CCR as a “human rights” group.”) Please pray for Scott Lively and support his group, Defend the Family International. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH _______________________________ DefendTheFamily.com E-mail Alert, September 23, 2013 By Scott Lively Friends,Today Federal Judge Michael Ponsor denied my motion to allow me to appeal his denial of my Motion to Dismiss the outrageous SMUG lawsuit. Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) has sued me for “Crimes Against Humanity” for preaching against homosexuality in Uganda. (But it is not the Africans that are at fault in this travesty, the real scoundrels are a coalition of Cultural Marxists led by the Center for Constitutional Rights.) I am being judged according to a European legal standard in my own federal court system for speech that is 100% protected in both America and Uganda. The Alien Tort Statute (ATS) which allowed this abomination into our U.S. court system was recently stripped of its power to hold Americans accountable for their conduct in foreign countries by the United States Supreme Court in the Kiobel case. Since then every case which had been filed under the ATS has been dismissed except for two. One which had unusual facts was not dismissed but the judge in that case certified it for immediate appeal on his own initiative.The other is my case. Today, Judge Ponsor denied my motion to appeal the part of his recent ruling (against my Motion to Dismiss) that dealt with the ATS. I am thus the only defendant in America still being sued under the ATS.This means we must now move down the long, unpleasant road toward trial. This email is to provide some guidance to my friends and supporters on how to pray.First, pray for God to guide Judge Ponsor as he makes future decisions in this case.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_ Pray especially for Holly Richardson of both Arise and OUT NOW, the self-described 44-year-old “butch” lesbian at the bottom right in the photo under the “Harm Reduction” category of the OUT NOW website. She has been especially aggressive against me and against our church.Lastly, pray for the George Soros-funded so-called “Center for Constitutional Rights.” CCR is the “principality and power” behind the SMUG lawsuit and many far-left causes, a truly demonic organization, operating from the heart of New York City at 666 Broadway (no joke; see this link).Pray for all of these Marxist activists to be saved and delivered from their sin and error in rejecting the truth of God. As they press forward to attack me, pray confusion into their camp and for all of their strategies and tactics to be turned against them. Lastly, I ask you to pray for my attorneys at Liberty Counsel, especially lead counsel Horatio Mihet to be strengthened and given favor by God. And to pray for Anne and I as we are forced to endure this continuing persecution. This case has enormous implications for First Amendment rights here at home and abroad, for the supremacy of our Constitution over foreign law, for Christian values under international law, and for the future power of homosexual activists to crush anyone who stands in the way of their global agenda. I am just a pawn in this international power-play, the one they want to make an example of to discourage all the Christians from speaking the truth of God. This case is hugely important to the global socialist agenda and its most powerful players. It will take a miracle to stop them, so please pray hard. Pray for my victory and an enlargement of the scope and impact of my work for His Kingdom, but more than that: that God will be glorified in whatever results from this case Standing Strong in Christ,
This article was posted
on Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 at 11:37 am and is filed under "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, C - Heroes for Truth, Homo-fascism - Intimidation by Gay Lobby, Homosexual Hate, International, Left-wing activism, Liberal Groups' Misinformation, Lies by homosexual activists, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Politics of "Hate", Scott Lively, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Uganda.
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