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No Criticism of Trans-Insanity Allowed: Facebook cited the above 2016 post as the reason for banishing the private account of AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera for 30 days. The post advertises the 2016 AFTAH banquet presentation by pro-family Christian advocate Linda Harvey. The picture is from the Twitter feed of Alex Matheny, a beautiful young woman who had her healthy breasts surgically removed two years ago in her tragic quest to identify as a man. Just days ago, Facebook “unpublished” Americans For Truth’s FB page, citing similar “hate” violations.
UPDATE, 11-26-18: Today I received this notification from Facebook that my “appeal” had been rejected, so my 30-day “jail” sentence remains. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH:
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Well, what do you know? Just a few days after Americans For Truth’s Facebook page was “unpublished” due to ridiculous alleged “hate” violations [See articles in LifeSiteNews, WND and AFTAH], my private Facebook page (Peter LaBarbera) was just put on 30-day “Facebook jail” notice for the attached post advertising Linda Harvey speaking at the AFTAH banquet–way back in October 2016!
That means for 30 days from Saturday, Nov. 24, I will be unable to post on Facebook or communicate using Facebook’s Messenger service. I clicked the “appeal” button, but don’t count on the nameless, corporate bureaucrats and “social justice warriors” at this social media giant to admit that they made a mistake.
Take a look at my allegedly “hateful” FB post above. So now it’s OK for a severely gender-confused young woman (in this case, Alex Matheny) to have her healthy breasts surgically removed (essentially a medically unnecessary double-mastectomy), but it’s “hate” for us to criticize it and warn parents and youth that this is destructive and wrong? How absurd. Pro-LGBTQueer “Progressives” hate truth.
Social media giant cites “safety” concerns and being “respectful,” but by not respecting and tolerating Christian conservatives’ views, is Facebook guilty of ‘hate’ and bigotry?
Facebook ‘hates’ conservatives (or at least their ideas): This is the notice AFTAH received Sunday from Facebook. Jason Salamone is an administrator of the AFTAH FB page. We are appealing the decision. Facebook has “unpublished” AFTAH’s or Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera’s pages on previous occasions.
Fight Leftist Censorship; donate securely to AFTAH online: [Click HERE], or mail a gift to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522
Folks, leftist social media censorship is accelerating, because “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” (Lord Acton). On Sunday, [Nov. 18, 2018,] Facebook took down–“unpublished”–AFTAH’s (Americans for Truth About Homosexuality) Facebook page, saying we violated their “hate” standard. We are appealing the decision but unlike Twitter, Facebook does not even let the groups they banish make a case for why the ban is wrong and should be reversed. This ban is beyond Orwellian: Facebook provides no specific examples of *how* our AFTAH posts violated their alleged “hate” standard, but you can see what sort of posts “triggered” these progressive-techie snowflakes HERE, or below.
I tweeted this:
From Twitter: [Sunday] the cowardly yet proficient anti-conservatives at Facebook took down (“unpublished”) our AFTAH (Americans For Truth) FB page, citing violations of their spurious “hate” standards. We are appealing. Look for a piece on this in WND…
Of course, the “hate” charge is spurious and ultimately effectively precludes all MORAL opponents of homosexuality from using Facebook. AFTAH, a Christian educational organization, has from its inception condemned real hatred and violence against homosexuals (or anyone). We have long denounced groups like Westboro Baptist Church with its preposterous “God Hates Fags” message. Please help us spread the word on this cowardly social media censorship of ideas that run counter to “progressive” sacred cows. Thanks. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Here is an example of an Americans For Truth post that Facebook deemed “hateful”; see full story HERE:
Fake “Hate”: Above is the entry for Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) “Hate Map.” The spurious map lops conservative groups opposing the LGBTQ agenda, illegal immigration and radical Islam with fringe racist groups like the KKK. The SPLC is leading the Left’s smear campaign against conservatives, with its strategy of labeling Christian moral advocates and cultural opponents as “haters” to marginalize them in the public square.
By Robert Knight
The hate business may not be what it used to be – at least on the government level.
The Defense Department has become the latest federal agency to sever ties with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an Alabama-based, hard-left group whose “hate map” is being used against Christian groups.
Well, bully for the Pentagon for showing that bully to the door.
The DOD’s pullback from the SPLC was reported by the Daily Caller, which said that a Justice Department attorney stated in an email that the DOD “removed any and all references to the SPLC in training materials used by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI).”
In 2014, the FBI dropped the SPLC from its resources page after congressional staff, acting on behalf of the Family Research Council (FRC) and other Christian groups on the “hate map,” met with FBI officials to discuss their concerns, according to the Daily Caller.
Once hailed for tracking the Ku Klux Klan and other extremists, the SPLC has in recent years been wielded against mainstream Christian organizations over their defense of Biblical sexual morality and marriage.
If you say out loud that men are different from women, you just took a big step toward the “hate map.” If you say that marriage necessarily involves both sexes, bingo. And if you say that it’s not loving to steer boys into identifying as girls, you might earn an SPLC mention alongside skinheads and Neo-Nazis.
The SPLC also targets those who oppose illegal immigration and those who believe Islamic expansionism is a threat to freedom. All in all, the SPLC might want to consider changing its name to Hate, Inc….
Flanders sends emails claiming mugshot from assault arrest against teen boy is “copyrighted” property; two gullible corporations buy it and close down AFTAH sites
Media Release September 17, 2018 Contact: Peter LaBarbera, americansfortruth@gmail; 312-324-3787
A “Copyrighted” Mugshot? This mugshot photo of homosexual activist and registered sex offender Adam Flanders is from a November 24, 2006 arrest in Maine on assault charges against his underage boyfriend. Flanders–who later held a knife to the neck of the boy, then 16, to threaten the boy’s dad–is on the registered Sex Offenders list in Maine and California after pleading guilty in 2008 for “Sexual Abuse of a Minor” for having sex with an underage boy. Flanders says he is the “sole copyright owner” of the photo–and he used that absurd claim to threaten AFTAH’s web service provider, FirstLight Fiber, which bowed to his demands. The photo above was evidently taken after Flanders was arrested on assault charges on November 24, 2006, according to his Criminal History Record as obtained from the Maine State Bureau of Identification. (See page 2 for Assault arrest apparently associated with this “11-25-06” mugshot.) NOTE: Flanders’ claim that the above mugshot photo exposes his Social Security number is also bogus. The numbers on the black card are NOT his SSN number; the information on his jail wristband is not legible. Perhaps that explains why this same photo remains on MassResistance’s site despite Flanders’ fanatical attempts over several years to have it and other material removed.
CHICAGO, IL—The entire website for Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org) was shut down for more than two weeks beginning August 24 after a convicted homosexual sex offender, Adam Flanders, threatened a lawsuit against FirstLight Fiber, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) for AFTAH’s web host company–claiming his mugshot photo from a 2006 assault arrest against a minor boy was “copyrighted” material.
Flanders, a homosexual activist, is a registered sex offender in both Maine and California, where he now lives. He pleaded guilty in 2008 to “Sexual Abuse of a Minor” involving a boy aged 14 or 15. He also admitted to engaging in homosexual sex with his then-14-year-old boyfriend when he (Flanders) was 18–in a 2007 public letter exposing a Maine “gay youth” club. Later, Flanders sought to retract the letter and demanded that web sites take it down.
Flanders has a long history of making such litigious and mendacious threats containing absurd, exaggerated and sometimes nonsensical claims against pro-family leaders and websites that have exposed his past criminal offenses and other actions.
The mugshot photo in question can be viewed at upper right. AFTAH will not take it down because it is obviously in the public domain and not “owned” by Flanders. (Mugshots are routinely used in news stories and political ads.) Note also that after years of Flanders’ harassing threats and even a $1 million “defamation” lawsuit against pro-family hero Brian Camenker and his organization, MassResistance (see below), the identical Flanders 2006 mugshot photo printed by AFTAH remains posted throughout the MR site. Had Flanders’ accusations any legal merit, would Camenker leave them up, risking further ordeals?
Weighing legal options
Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth, and Jared Heath, CEO of Altha Technology, AFTAH’s web host company, are weighing their legal options against Flanders and FirstLight Fiber, the ISP that capitulated to his spurious email demand. Another ISP, HostGator, took down an AFTAH temporary site (see below); that site, “Americans For Truth Censored,” remains down.
“Flanders’ reckless actions and the ISPs that bowed to them have caused me and Jared Heath, the ex-Marine who runs AFTAH’s web host company, severe emotional and mental distress. They also have caused us significant financial harm and damage to our reputations,” said LaBarbera. “I know Flanders wants to erase his crimes from the web, especially his Sexual Abuse of a Minor conviction, but we will never give in to his intimidation tactics.”
Internet Bully: This vicious and venomous image was created by Maine “gay” activist Adam Flanders to bully Christian singer/songwriter Paulie Heath and intimidate the Heath family. Paulie’s husband, pro-family hero Mike Heath, was head of the Christian Civic League of Maine at the time. See below.
LaBarbera also called on Flanders to privately and publicly apologize to Paulie Heath, Jared’s mother, for the horrific and demented web-bullying graphic he created in 2005 cruelly distorting her visage (see below).
Flanders held knife at teen boyfriend’s throat
As this 2013 U.S. District Court document reveals (p.2), Flanders was arrested again in 2007 for another, more violent crime involving the same boy, now 16. According to U.S. Magistrate Judge Margaret Kravchuk’sdecision, Flanders knifed the father of the teen boy lover after violating a court protection order to stay away from the boy. In that altercation, when the boy’s father came to rescue his son, Flanders held a knife at the boy’s throat, and knifed both the father and the boy in the altercation.
FirstLight took down the entire AFTAH website on August 24, 2018, three days after receiving an “abuse” complaint demanding “removal of copyrighted content pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).” AFTAH site has been up since September 10 using a separate IP address, but Flanders is continually working to take it down, and is again threatening legal action against LaBarbera and Heath.
FirstLight’s reckless takedown of an entire pro-family website containing thousands of articles–based on a single email containing outlandish assertions by a homosexual activist trying to erase his criminal history–demonstrates the growing crisis of anti-conservative censorship in Corporate America.
As AFTAH was reeling from Flanders’ harassment, it learned that Facebook had demanded that the AFTAH Facebook page take down a harmless post involving another homosexual activist, Phillip Picardi. The post, shown HERE and below, shows Picardi taking a selfie of him kissing another man as he defiantly gives the finger to critics upset at his defense of an article promoting anal sex in Teen Vogue, a magazine for young girls. Picardi is digital editor of Teen Vogue.
The following is a sample of Flanders’ previous outrageous and litigious stunts:
AFTAH in the News: intolerant “progressive” LGBTQ cheerleaders have become more “fundamentalist” than Christian “fundamentalists”
HBO late-night host John Oliver’s “children’s book mocking one by the vice-president’s daughter, Charlotte Pence, promotes homosexuality and same-sex “marriage” to children.
The following piece about HBO late-night host John Oliver’s nasty stunt, featuring comments by AFTAH, is from One News Now, the daily news site produced by our friends at American Family Association (AFA founder Don Wildmon received the first Americans For Truth “Truth Teller” award in 2009).
I am struck by the sheer meanness of self-righteous “progressives” and their obsession with homosexualism (and gender rebellion), which seems to have surpassed unlimited abortion as their Holy Grail. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com
P.S. The main problem with Charlotte Pence’s response to Oliver’s mock-book is that we should never applaud a book that corrupts children, as his does (by celebrating homosexual “marriage” and demonizing those who oppose it). Also, the LGBTQ group that benefits from Oliver’s book, Trevor Project, is hardly a “charity” as it pushes for laws to shut down pro-heterosexual change therapy for minors. But who can blame Charlotte Pence for trying to pivot away from the hateful attacks of “progressives” against her father and her family?
Pence’s Daughter One-betters Late-night Host
By Steve Jordahl, One News Now, March 19, 2018
A mean-spirited late-night host is mocking a children’s book simply because the authors are related to Vice-president Mike Pence.
Second-Daughter Charlotte Pence and her mom, Karen, wrote a kids book about Charlotte’s pet rabbit, Marlon Bundo, who has become popular on social media. It’s called, A day in the Life of the Vice President.
But late night television host John Oliver appears to believe that no one with the name Pence should be allowed out in public.
I would love to say, ‘Fine, it’s a fun, sweet book about a rabbit … Who gives a [expletive]?’” Oliver expressed on his show. “But unfortunately, one of the stops on that book tour is at Focus on the [expletive]-ing Family. So, congratulations, Pence, you’ve even managed to ruin Marlon Bundo.”
Not being content to just harangue the Pences with foul language, Oliver then decided to hit where he thought it would hurt the Pences most.
“We also wrote a book about Mike Pence’s rabbit that has also been published,” the vitriolic host continued. “You’ll notice right away that our rabbit has a bow tie, so there’s that. Also, our story is about Marlon Bundo falling in love with another boy rabbit because our Marlon Bundo is gay.”
Focus on the Family Vice President Paul Batura says the ministry is honored to have the Pences stop by.
“I’m not shocked that late-night TV would spoof or would mock, but I think it sort of goes to a new low to do it with a children’s book – to try and politicize something that’s clearly positive and fun and innocent, really,” Batura shared.
Meanwhile, Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth insists that celebrating homosexuality has become the Holy Grail to the left.
“Ironically, they despise biblically faithful Christians, but they’re more fundamentalist in their anti-faith than most Christians are with their faith,” LaBarbera insisted.
Shining above Oliver, Charlotte Pence is taking the high road. On her twitter feed, she has a picture of Marlon with a bow tie. On it, she wrote, “Not gonna lie, I do look pretty fly in a bow tie. The only thing better than one bunny book for charity is TWO bunny books for charity.”
Real Hate: A leader of the Gay Liberation Network in Chicago refused to condemn a leftist brick attack against an AFTAH banquet speaker in 2011.
Here is an excellent video, “Selling Hate,” by libertarian journalist John Stossel and Reason magazine. It exposes the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) for what it is: a “hate group” and ” and “left-wing, money-grabbing slander machine.” The SPLC listed AFTAH (Americans For Truth About Homosexuality) as a “hate” organization (and later a hate website) in 2010 when it first began adding groups and individuals that oppose the homosexual agenda to its “hate” listings (which until then included mostly racist and anti-Semitic fringe groups). See our 2012 protest led by Black pastors against SPLC at their headquarters HERE.
Just as SPLC fails to list Antifa as a “hate group” (see their feeble and technical explanation as to why HERE), they do not list extremist homosexual groups like the Chicago-based Gay Liberation Network (GLN) as “hate groups.” This despite obvious demonstrations of real hatred by such groups: go HERE to read our press release about a GLN leader, Bob Schwartz, who refused to condemn the 2011 leftist brick attack against AFTAH and our banquet speaker, Scott Lively.
Kudos to Stossel for calling out the evil SPLC–something most left-leaning journalists still refuse to do. Please share this short (5:41) video far and wide. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera[More info from video after video and jump]
Fox anchor silent as he was routinely “outed” by homosexual journalists;
Shep has history of making anti-conservative comments on air:
“Haters gonna hate,” he quipped about Kim Davis
Ridiculed 2012 “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day,” calling it “National Day of Intolerance”
Editor’s Note: this article was revised Oct. 20, 2016
The Non-Secret Is “Out”: D.C.’s homosexual newspaper Washington Blade reported in 2014 that Shep Smith was a “closeted” (secret) homosexual. Here he attends a fund-raiser for the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association–which is funded by Fox News and other media corporations. Smith is the man on the farthest right. Read America’s Survival’s 2013 in-depth report on Fox’s escalation pro-homosexual bias HERE.
Well, we called it on Shep, but so did just about every other conservative who is in the know about Fox News: the network’s afternoon news anchor, Shepard Smith, has publicly “come out” as homosexual, in an interview with Huffington Post. Notice that we reject the modern vernacular, that Shep “came out as gay,” because we regard every personal “coming out” embracing homosexuality as a tragedy. Shep is not nobly walking into truth, he’s publicly embracing a lie–identifying himself positively with a sexual sin.
The main reason we predicted this sad news is that Shep never denied it when homosexual “journalists” like the editors at OUT magazine routinely labeled him as a “closeted” homosexual. No normal guy doesn’t deny that. And a guy who is struggling to overcome unwanted same-sex desires doesn’t show up for happy photos at a homosexual journalists fundraiser (the same group that once auctioned off a male stripper to raise funds).
Identifying publicly with a destructive and unnatural sin is a problem–not something to proud of, nor a natural identity, nor even a mere acknowledgement of an innocuous trait. We’re not buying it–as so many lazy thinkers in our country have–that Shep is inherently (or innately) “gay.”Hopefully one day he will ditch the lie and leave homosexuality behind, as so many people have.
In the HuffPo interview, Smith and his puff interviewer play up his “newsman” credentials–and he certainly is the guy to watch during, say, a terrorism crisis or natural disaster. But in covering cultural and political stories, Shep occasionally departs from objectivity and moves into–sometimes scathing–commentary that exposes his liberal bias. Exhibit A: his cheap shot at the hundreds of thousands of Americans taking part in Gov. Mike Huckabee’s 2012 “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” (see below).
As we have observed many times, “out” media elites have difficulty keeping their “proudly gay” politics from from influencing their public conduct. So we expect that the more comfortable Smith becomes in his “openly gay” shoes, the more he will let slip those unprofessional pro-“gay” quips that generally evince a contempt for religious and moral Americans.
And Fox News will continue to trend in a pro-LGBTQ direction, as it has since I wrote the 2013 America’s Survival report on the network’s growing pro-homosexual bias. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
Excerpted from the 2013 America’s Survival report, “Unfair, Unbalanced and Afraid: Fox News’ Growing Pro-Homosexual Bias and the National Gay & Lesbian Journalists Association” [PDF version here]:
Shepard Smith: the Next Anderson Cooper?
Is Fox News’ Shepard Smith the next Anderson Cooper? Shep raised a lot of eyebrows by snidely calling the “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” the “National Day of Intolerance” in his newscast.
Folks, here is a good and accurate cartoon meme by a site called “Heterosexuals (Heteros) Inspiring Pride” — which apparently has been kicked off of Facebook (see second graphic below). The creator(s) of this site are despised by the Left for making some cool memes like this one (click on graphics to enlarge):
We’ll try to get to the bottom of this–but I suspect it is just another case of “snowflake” leftists–in this case, biased Facebook geeks–not being able to tolerate criticism and a lively debate over ideas. How naive of Heterosexuals Inspiring Pride to put a Facebook site identifier on all their compelling graphics!