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VIDEO: Anne Paulk Interviews Frank Worthen, Dean of Ex-‘Gays’ – at Restored Hope Network ConferenceThere are lots of hidden gems in the pro-family movement because we don’t have the media helping us get the word out. Frank Worthen, the dean of the “ex-gay” movement, is one of them. This interview occurred at the 2015 conference of the Restored Hope Network, the ex-“gay” umbrella group that replaces Exodus International (which imploded through failed, unbiblical leadership). RHN Executive Director Anne Paulk conducts this interview, which is also posted on her YouTube channel. Frank was “in” the homosexual lifestyle for 25 years and he’s been “out” of homosexuality and married for decades. Think about that. How many times have you heard the lie that people cannot overcome the pull of homosexuality? That being “gay” is “who they are”? That people are “born gay,” etc.? Also, note how a religious man whom Frank respected sought to confirm him as a homosexual. How evil is that? Please share this interview with your network of friends–especially young people swimming in cultural myths and falsehoods about disordered sexuality. Come to think of it, Anne Paulk, who herself came out of lesbianism and who is doing terrific work running RHN, is another one of those gems. Please support Restored Hope Network with your prayers and gifts–and buy Frank’s books. They would make a wonderful gift to anyone who struggles with same-sex attractions or claims a “gay” identity. Yes, lasting, wholesome change for homosexuals is possible! Frank Worthen is proof of that. But more importantly, his life is a shining testimony to the love, mercy and grace of Jesus: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” — 2 Corinthians 5:17-18 — @Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH The following description accompanied the video on Paulk’s YouTube channel: Published on Nov 19, 2015 His first book, Steps out of Homosexuality, was published in 1984; this has been followed by several books offering help and education in this specific ministry, the most recently being, Destiny Bridge in 2010 – an autobiography of Frank’s life. Most of his past years have been filled with speaking and teaching for Christian groups throughout the country and overseas. Frank has also been the director of three of these ministries. An Assistant pastor of the Church of the Open Door in San Rafael, California, Frank was married to Anita Thomas in 1984. Anita has worked tirelessly alongside of Frank for all these years. Recently Frank has come out of retirement to help in the founding of the Restored Hope Network.
This article was posted
on Monday, July 18th, 2016 at 11:27 pm and is filed under 'Gayness' as identity?, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, C - Heroes for Truth, Causes of homosexuality, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, News, Restored Hope Network, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, YouTube videos.
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