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Dutch Children’s Video Has Boy Singing about his “Two Real Fathers”If you think we have it bad with aggressive homosexual activism here in the USA (and we do, especially if you live near a big city), then thank God you don’t live in The Netherlands. You won’t believe this Dutch video (with English subtitles) that you can access by clicking the link below. In this video–which appears to be a Dutch equivalent of a staged “Barney” concert (for very young children)–a pre-adolescent boy, Terence, sings earnestly: “I have two fathers, two real fathers.” Hundreds of children in the studio audience sing along with their parents. Of course, “gay” advocates think this video is wonderful and wish Americans were as “progressive” as the Dutch–illustrating the huge philosophical gap between pro-family advocates and their pro-homosexual foes. Remember, this is the “family” brand of homosexual activism … the “conservative,” domesticated side of their movement. And it necessarily requires indoctrinating the minds of impressionable children that having “two fathers” or “two mothers” is a good thing. In one of the song’s lines, Terence says of his “two fathers”: “Who, if they have to, both can be my mother.” Talk about redefining the family! The “diversity” movement couldn’t be more wrong: “two daddies” can never replace a mom in a child’s life, and it is utterly selfish of homosexual adults to intentionally put children in this position–and to subject other children to propaganda like this. Today, the Netherlands. Tomorrow, the USA? God help us.– Peter LaBarbera To view the video, CLICK HERE
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on Monday, September 18th, 2006 at 4:08 am and is filed under Adoption & Foster Parenting, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Parenting, News.
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