Christianity Today magazine in March interviewed Charlene Cothran, a former lesbian who — after converting to Christ — changed her Venus Magazine from promoting the acceptance of homosexuality to helping homosexuals find freedom and deliverance through Jesus Christ. The CT interviewer, Amy Tracy, is also a former lesbian (and former press secretary for the feminist National Organization for Women!). Here is the introduction and two questions and answers from the March 23, 2007 Christianity Today interview with Cothran, titled “The Rebirth of Venus”:
Charlene Cothran, publisher and editor-in-chief of Venus Magazine, a national publication for African-American gays and lesbians she launched 13 years ago, made a startling announcement: After 29 years as a gay activist, she’s become a Christian, renounced her homosexuality, and changed the format of her magazine to spread the gospel to the gay community. Amy Tracy, whose own similar conversion story was told in an earlier Christianity Today article, interviewed Cothran about her new direction.
CT: What finally led to your conversion?
Cothran: I also [publisher of] a publication called the Kitchen Table News. In June 2006, I was getting set to run an article on a local gospel group. A pastor in the group called to add something to the piece. She asked me a question, and from my response she knew I wasn’t “unchurched.” But I felt like pushing it. I told her I was a proud, card-carrying lesbian. She let me go on and on. Then she said, “I can tell that you want to come back to God, but you feel unworthy. That is a lie. Many souls will be saved by your saying yes to Jesus.” I could not speak for several moments. She continued to minister to me. She didn’t back down. I lived in silence for 48 hours. The Lord was dealing with me in my soul. I told him that I’d give back everything He gave me.
CT: How did your family react?
Cothran: My sister and mother prayed for me for years. It was a wonderful reunion with my family. My mother had prayed for God to deliver me. She knew the devil had his hold. She always knew that somehow I’d make it back. My mother was stubborn that way. She died before she could see me come back. I regret so much. She expected much from me, but I became a lesbian and an “out lesbian” at that. Now when I hear from parents of gay children, I use my voice to apologize … to apologize for their sons and daughters.
To read the entire Christianity Today interview, click HERE.
This article was posted
on Wednesday, June 20th, 2007 at 12:03 pm and is filed under
A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?,
B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies,
C - Heroes for Truth,
E - Praying for the Lost,
The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups,
The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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