Fast-food chain echoes homosexual activists’ smear

Why does McDonald’s equate defenders of marriage and Judeo-Christian morality with “hate”? TAKE ACTION: Call McDonald’s to let them know about your decision to boycott at 1-800-244-6227 (or 630-623-3000; fax: 630-623-5004). For more information about AFTAH’s Wednesday press conference at McDonald’s world headquarters, write americansfortruth@comcast.
Dear Readers,
Americans For Truth has called a press conference outside of McDonald’s world headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois, this Wednesday, July 16, in support of American Family Association’s (AFA) boycott of the fast-food giant. Joining AFTAH and AFA will be representatives of Liberty Counsel, Illinois Family Institute, AFA of Pennsylvania, Culture Campaign and other pro-family advocates — including some moms who will explain why they won’t be taking their children to McDonald’s until the corporation stops promoting homosexuality and “gay” activism.
Note McDonald’s unfortunate choice below of the word “hate” as applied to critics of the company’s pro-homosexual policies. When we’ve reached the point where belief in the Bible and traditional morality is routinely equated with hatred, America has become hostile territory for people of faith. Sadly, pro-homosexual “diversity” is becoming a code-word for anti-Christian bigotry, as we at AFTAH have experienced before. (See our story about the founder of DiversityInc magazine, Luke Visconti, outrageously equating this writer (and Americans For Truth) with racist pro-slavery advocates of the past. Click HERE for African American ex-lesbian Charlene Cothran’s response to Visconti’s ugly and, yes, hateful analogy.)
We must stand up for marriage and the natural family and defend truth, in love — which includes pointing people caught up in homosexuality to the possibility of wholesome change. Thanks for your support! — Peter LaBarbera,
American Family Association writes July 10, 2008:
McDonald’s: those opposing SSM motivated by hate
Throwing out any pretense of being neutral in the culture war, McDonald’s has taken up the rhetoric of gay activists, suggesting those who oppose same-sex “marriage” (SSM) are motivated by hate.
AFA has asked for a boycott of McDonald’s restaurants because of the company’s promotion of the gay agenda. AFA asked McDonald’s to remain neutral in the culture war. McDonald’s refused.
In response to the boycott, McDonald’s spokesman Bill Whitman suggested to the Washington Post that those who oppose SSM [“same-sex marriage”] are motivated by hate, saying “…hatred has no place in our culture.” McDonald’s has decided to adopt the “hate” theme used by homosexual activist groups for years.
Whitman went on to say, “We stand by and support our people to live and work in a society free of discrimination and harassment.” Mr. Whitman has intentionally avoided addressing the reason for the boycott. This boycott is not about hiring gays or how gay employees are treated. It is about McDonald’s choosing to put the full weight of their corporation behind promoting their agenda.
McDonald’s donated $20,000 to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce in exchange for membership and a seat on the group’s board of directors. The NGLCC lobbies Congress in support of same-sex “marriage.”
McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner said the company will promote issues they approve. “Being a socially responsible organization is a fundamental part of who we are. We have an obligation to use our size and resources to make a difference in the world…and we do.”
Take Action!
• Sign the online [AFA] Boycott McDonald’s petition:
• Forward this to family and friends and ask them to sign the petition.
• Print and distribute the Boycott McDonald’s petition.
• Call your local McDonald’s. Speak with the manager. Tell him or her (in a polite manner) that you will be boycotting McDonald’s until they stop promoting the pro-homosexual agenda. To find the phone number of your nearest McDonald’s, click HERE.
Thank you for caring enough to get involved. If you feel our efforts are worthy of support, would you consider making a small tax-deductible contribution to help us continue? [click HERE to donate to AFA; click HERE to donate to Americans For Truth]
Donald E. Wildmon,
Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
This article was posted
on Monday, July 14th, 2008 at 2:58 pm and is filed under
"Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage",
"Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage",
A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?,
B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies,
Biblical Truth,
Christian Persecution,
Corporate Promotion,
Diversity Propaganda,
Freedom Under Fire,
Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights,
Homosexual Hate,
The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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