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AFTAH Asks: Why Are ‘Conservative’ Leaders Selling Out on ‘Civil Unions’?Americans For Truth rejects “civil unions” as a capitulation, not a compromise
_________________________________________ Help Americans For Truth … and Get a Free Book If you will help Americans For Truth with a tax-deductible gift of $25 or more, we will send you a free copy of the hard-cover book Homosexuality: A Freedom Too Far, by the late Charles Socarides, a man who dedicated his life to understanding homosexuality and helping people overcome it. Will you consider a gift of $25, $100, $500 or even $1,000 or more to help Americans For Truth fight the powerful, well-financed Homosexual Lobby? You can make your gift online at www.americansfortruth.com/donate, or mail your gift to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. A Special Appeal from AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera:Dear Readers, I am writing to ask your help to lift Americans For Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) out of a financial crisis, but also to you to do your part to lift America out of her moral crisis. If you support Americans For Truth, it’s probably because you appreciate our direct approach to the problem of homosexual activism. We at AFTAH don’t play politically correct games by trying so hard not to offend anyone that we water down Truth. No, we just tell it like it is, and the homosexual activists hate us for it. Every day, I receive vicious letters like this from an e-mail containing the name Seth Yatovitz (who gave his e-mail name as “Jesus”) [WARNING: VULGAR]:
Day in, day out, Americans For Truth gets bashed by hate-filled bloggers who strangely see themselves as “tolerant.” Of course, there is the childish name-calling (“Porno Pete”) and the lies (I’m a self-loathing, secret homosexual, you know). One godless “leatherman” was so angered by AFTAH’s role in exposing and closing down a homosexual “pig sex” orgy in a Washington, D.C. hotel that he posted a piece titled, “Peter LaBarbera Wants to Have Sweaty Mansex with Every One of You”:
Yes, this is a very ugly business, and homosexual activists routinely resort to mean and dirty tactics in their crusade for sodomy-based “rights.” But we press on because what is at stake is the very soul of this great nation. You see, most Americans have no clue that such organized evil as “pig sex” hotel parties and nudity- and orgy-filled “street fairs” like Folsom Street in San Francisco (House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s district) even exist. And many Americans don’t want to know – just as they choose to remain ignorant of the escalating threat to freedom posed by fanatical “GLBT” (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender”) activists, who selfishly put their newfangled “gay rights” above our historic, religious First Amendment freedoms. (Just ask the beleaguered Boy Scouts, or New Mexico Christian photographer Elaine Huguenin, whose company was fined $6,638 by the New Mexico Human Rights Commission for “discrimination” because she declined to shoot a lesbian “commitment ceremony.”) We hear a lot these days about the country’s financial crisis, but the USA has been in a moral meltdown for decades – and perversion movements thrive amidst moral anarchy. Now self-styled “queer” activists – who for years scolded us for “imposing our morality” – are aggressively pressing the federal government to impose their immorality and preaching at us – as if WE are sinning for standing up for a sex as ordained by God, in marriage! (Watch “queer” writer Mike Signorile in the YouTube below.) They who have no shame are scolding us for resisting their sin-based movement. To paraphrase the Prophet Isaiah, “Good is evil and evil is good” in modern, “tolerant,” post-Christian America. Some naively thought the homosexual lobby would be appeased by “tolerance” – but they manipulated tolerance to advance an aggressive legal agenda that now seeks to use the government – including public schools – to promote homosexuality as normal and to force people to accept homosexual and transsexual behaviors. This is public-policy madness and societal suicide, and anybody who purports to defend America’s Judeo-Christian heritage should have no part of such state-sponsored social re-engineering. Conservatives Capitulating? But instead of confronting the insanity, the appeasing calls for “compromise” only get louder. If you want a good indicator of how severe America’s moral meltdown is, just listen to some “conservatives” talk about homosexuality-related issues. Have you noticed how some key opinion-makers on the Right are now espousing (or willing to consider) “civil unions” as an acceptable compromise on the homosexual “marriage” issue? (“Civil unions” would grant government recognition to immoral relationships based on homosexuality –– a revolutionary idea that perverts the biblically-informed purpose of government envisioned by our Founding Fathers, i.e., to dissuade and punish sin, by instead rewarding it.)
Because this is the issue where all the forces of the Left and the media are united and focused, and – as a public leader — it’s hard to stay committed to truth and principle knowing that a tiny but powerful army of homosexual militants will target you as a “homophobe” and a “bigot” — and try to destroy your career — if you publicly disagree with them. This is precisely what they did to Rick Warren (who appears to be caving), Dr. Laura Schlessinger, and – back in the 1970’s – a brave Christian woman named Anita Bryant. But selling out is not the answer. It is the farthest thing from “conservative” — and it only encourages the radical bullies to demand more concessions. Look at how the Homosexuality Lobby has responded to Chamberlain-esque offers of “compromise” in the form of “civil unions.” GLBT activists are only stepping up their demands for “same-sex marriage” in the name of “equality” – as if two men in a sodomitic relationship (engaging in outside homosexual sex, of course), or two lesbians in a household that is intentionally fatherless could ever come close to God’s natural design of marriage and family. To my fellow conservatives I plead: get a backbone and start “conserving” God-given sexuality in marriage as a foundational truth that cannot be compromised without destroying societies and undermining God’s moral order. If you are a Christian, please join me in taking this pledge before God:
If you are not a Christian, try this:
_________________________________________ Help Americans For Truth … and Get a Free Book If you will help Americans For Truth with a tax-deductible gift of $25 or more, we will send you a free copy of the hard-cover book Homosexuality: A Freedom Too Far, by the late Charles Socarides, a man who dedicated his life to understanding homosexuality and helping people overcome it. Will you consider a gift of $25, $100, $500 or even $1,000 or more to help Americans For Truth fight the powerful, well-financed Homosexual Lobby? You can make your gift online at www.americansfortruth.com/donate, or mail your gift to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Signorile’s Brazen Prediction From a spiritual and philosophical perspective, I am fascinated by the out-of-control arrogance of homosexual activists. Watch the end of the YouTube video below of Michelangelo Signorile’s interview with Laura Ingraham, subbing for Bill O’Reilly. Signorile brazenly predicts that Ingraham, a committed Catholic, and indeed everyone who opposes homosexualized “marriage,” will abandon their opposition to it because “the world is changing.” Few people watching the FOX TV debate would know what we at AFTAH know well: that a revolutionary was hiding underneath Signorile’s conservative-looking suit. The veteran “queer” activist once wrote that winning legalized homosexual “marriage” would allow “gay” activists to “redefine the institution of marriage completely,” and “radically alter an archaic institution.” In 1996, Signorile wrote in the homosexual magazine OUT:
You see, homosexuality-based “civil rights” — enforced by government — is one of the greatest scams perpetrated on the American people. Homosexual militants like Signorile are in the vanguard of aggressively undermining America’s Judeo-Christian moral belief system, but even as they demonize Christians, re-write the Word of God, and try to destroy noble groups like the Boy Scouts, they’ve got half the country convinced that they’re the “victims” (thanks to their lackeys in the liberal media and Hollywood). The truth is, Mike Signorile and fellow GLBT activists are the aggressors, they pose a grave threat to Americans’ liberties, and they are guilty before God and man for helping to “mainstream” behavior which is immoral, unhealthy, unnatural and changeable. Conservatives should know better than to try to make an accommodation with Big Homosexuality. That would be like cutting a deal with the Abortion Lobby — say, to ban only partial-birth infanticide — while defending the rest of the abortion agenda as a “woman’s right to choose.” Conservatives must not limit their goals to defending just “the word” marriage — while ushering in willy nilly the rest of the “gay” agenda. We must avoid the temptation of promoting one evil (government endorsement of homosexual relationships) as the necessary price to pay for preventing another (same-sex “marriage”). I cringe every time I hear a “conservative” spokesman talking favorably about homosexual relationships or cavalierly about how homosexuals in this state or that “already have all the benefits of marriage” (due to pro-homosexual laws). (Some, like FOX’s Margaret Hoover — Bill O”Reilly’s fake “conservative” culture warrior — now openly embrace full “gay marriage.”) So often we gladly engage on the homosexual activist playing field, speaking with words lifted from the Gay Dictionary, not understanding that this ensures long-term (and sometimes short-term) defeat. Besides, every state high court decision imposing “gay marriage” has regarded “civil unions” and other pro-homosexual legislation in that state as the logical antecedent to “same-sex marriage,” not a valid reason to deny it. We at AFTAH understand that our opponents may be gaining political and cultural momentum — thanks in large part to their media, educational and cultural allies. But morality is not a popularity contest and their continued ascendancy is not assured. At one time, pro-abortion feminists thought the battle was largely over and they had won — now look at who’s got the Big Mo’! Like abortion, the battle over homosexuality in America is a titanic moral struggle, and Americans For Truth will be fighting aggressively and non-apologetically on the side of good until the end. You have my word on that. Thank you for helping us with your gifts and prayers. Sincerely, Peter LaBarbera President Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (www.aftah.com) _________________________________________ Help Americans For Truth … and Get a Free Book If you will help Americans For Truth with a tax-deductible gift of $25 or more, we will send you a free copy of the hard-cover book Homosexuality: A Freedom Too Far, by the late Charles Socarides, a man who dedicated his life to understanding homosexuality and helping people overcome it. Will you consider a gift of $25, $100, $500 or even $1,000 or more to help Americans For Truth fight the powerful, well-financed Homosexual Lobby? You can make your gift online at www.americansfortruth.com/donate, or mail your gift to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.
This article was posted
on Thursday, May 28th, 2009 at 4:57 pm and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, Boy Scouts, FOX News, Government Promotion, Hollywood Promotion, Homosexual Blogs, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Media Promotion, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, YouTube videos.
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