Liberty Counsel Files Complaint with the FCC for Indecent Acts of Homosexual Adam Lambert


Millions of young Americans saw this simulated homosexual oral sex act on ABC thanks to Adam Lambert pushing his "queer" lifestyle choice on the rest of us. Lambert deliberately sought to be provocative and characterized criticism of his vulgar stage act as "discrimination."

Folks, we’ll have much more on Adam Lambert and his calculated use of his nationally broadcast American Music Awards stage act to advance homosexual immorality and sadistic perversions in the name of “nondiscrimination”:

Liberty Counsel Files Complaint with the FCC for Indecent Acts of Adam Lambert

November 24, 2009
From the Liberty Counsel website:

Liberty Counsel has filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission against the American Broadcasting Company (“ABC”) for airing an outrageously lewd and filthy performance by Adam Lambert on November 22, 2009 during the 2009 American Music Awards.

Prior to going on-air, Lambert explained that his motive went beyond performing. According to the Associated Press, Lambert “wanted to break down a double standard that existed where female performers are often sexually provocative while men don’t do it that often.”

When faced with the opportunity to edit the performance before airing it on the West Coast, ABC’s reaction was to promote Lambert’s indecent acts and actually tease and tout his actions as “what everyone will be talking about tomorrow.” This shows that ABC used Lambert’s obscene sexual conduct and not his vocal performance to promote its show.

Contact ABC about their indecent decision at 500 South Buena Vista Street, Burbank, CA 91521. You can also call ABC at 818-460-7477, or, you may contact ABC on the web through their Audience Relations Department.

Read Liberty Counsel’s FCC letter requiring decency in broadcasting here.

This article was posted on Wednesday, November 25th, 2009 at 12:11 pm and is filed under ABC, BDSM, Biblical Truth, Celebrities, Extremism, Homosexual Quotes, Leather, Media Promotion, News, Post-modernism/relativism, Pro-Family Quotes, Promiscuity, Public Indecency, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy. You can follow any updates to this article through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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