A scruffy Wayne Besen (left) poses with pro-family advocate Matt Barber at "The Awakening 2010" conference at Liberty University Friday. Click on photo to enlarge; photo: Wayne Besen, TruthWinsOut.org
Note: Wayne Besen’s self-serving and inaccurate account of “The Awakening 2010” panel can be found on his website HERE. — AFTAH
LYNCHBURG, Va. — Wayne Besen, extremist homosexual blogger and “ex-gay denier” (as Matt Barber calls those who shun the existence of the untold thousands of former homosexuals) has pulled off the granddaddy of all homosexualist spy missions. Having apparently dyed his hair, growing several days worth of scruff, dawning shabby clothing and sporting a backpack to appear as a Liberty University Student, Besen infiltrated the Awakening 2010 conference at Liberty University held this past Thursday and Friday [April 15-16].
Among other sessions, Besen attended the panel covering homosexual issues given by Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel attorney and AFTAH board member, Rena Lindevaldsen, professor with Liberty Law and Andrea Lafferty of the Traditional Values Coalition.
With incredible stealth and skill, Besen was able to slip past the Awakening’s extremely tight security and blend in among the gathering of right-wing extremist homophobes. (The event was free of charge and open to the public.)
Matt Barber has provided Americans for Truth with an exclusive account of the intense confrontation which followed (some of which will soon be available on archived video):
“A few minutes after we began our breakout session on ‘LGBT’ issues, Wayne slipped in the back of the room, sat down, put his head down and began gazing side-to-side as if expecting to be knocked from his chair and dragged away at any moment. I immediately recognized him.
“As we were wrapping-up and preparing for questions, I ‘called Wayne out,’ announced that we had a homosexual activist guest with us and asked Wayne if he’d like to give out his Web site which he did. I told him ‘welcome’ and Andrea Lafferty then asked if he had any questions. He stuttered, stammered and in a nearly inaudible voice said, ‘uh, no.’ Poor guy looked as if he’d seen a ghost.
“Afterward I approached Wayne, shook his hand and told him we were very glad to have him. A few other people visited with him as well. He was clearly confused and taken-aback by the kindness he received. The cognitive dissonance on his face was evident to all as he’s apparently bought-in to his own hyperbolic rhetoric which demonizes Christians as ‘hateful, bigoted homophobes.’
“Wayne asked for a picture, and I joked, ‘sure, as long as you promise not to Photoshop horns on my head.’ We visited a bit more and I told Wayne ‘God bless you’ and wished him safe travels on his way home to New York and on his upcoming trip to Ireland which he shared about. I have to say, although Wayne puts on an awfully tough front for his fellow homosexual activists, the guy was a real kitten in person and even seemed like he might be a genuinely nice fellow when you get him away from the safety and security of his computer.
“It’s my hope and prayer that the Holy Spirit planted a seed in Wayne’s heart and soul while he was at Liberty. I know that God had him there for a reason. I’d love to sit down with him sometime over a cup of coffee and share my own story of how the Lord freed me from a life of sexual sin (a testimony I’ve publicly shared in the past).
“As a young man, I didn’t always view God’s daughters as He does, but rather, saw them as sexual objects for my conquest. After years of promiscuous womanizing, a painful divorce and hitting rock bottom, God decided it was time to ‘call me out’ and to His worship and Service.
“I haven’t looked back and am now married to a beautiful, Godly woman who valued purity but forgave my own lack thereof. I have three beautiful children and, on a daily basis, have the joy of experiencing an indescribable relationship with the Lord of the universe Who became manifest in the person of Jesus Christ.
“Meeting Wayne in person, it was clear to me that he is searching. It is my hope and prayer that he and all who struggle with same-sex attraction, live a life of heterosexual or homosexual promiscuity or adultery, or anyone else for that matter, can come to know the life-changing, life-saving, life-making grace and redemption that can only come through surrender, belief and acceptance of Christ Jesus.
“I pledge to pray for Wayne and would ask everyone reading this to do the same. The Lord could use mightily, this talented, passionate young man whom He knows and loves.”
This article was posted
on Saturday, April 17th, 2010 at 12:20 pm and is filed under
A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?,
B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies,
Biblical Truth,
E - Praying for the Lost,
Gospel evangelism,
The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality,
Truth Wins Out.
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