Wayne Besen, homosexual propagandist.
I posted this comment today on the homosexual website “Truth Wins Out,” in response to an article they posted about a nasty video targeting yours truly as “Porno Pete”:
Wayne, you are a hater and hypocrite of the highest order, though you do a good con-job on TV playing a respectable, decent gay activist. (I still remember the days debating you back in DC before you left HRC — how you would obnoxiously talk over your opponents whenever they brought up inconvenient truths like the disproportionate rates of sexual disease for Men Who Have Sex with Men.)
It’s too bad now, as one who should be a mature man, that you have to resort to such crude demonizations, sophomoric slanders and character assassination to advance your dubious cause. What a waste of writing talent, but Saul Alinsky would be proud.
The jig is up: despite the Gay Left’s campaign to smear Christian, pro-family opponents as “haters,” more and more everyday people are recognizing that the nastiest, cruelest and most intolerant activists in America are homosexual militants like you, Dan Savage, Evan Hurst and the comically-named “Truth” Wins Out. All of you would be exposed as phonies if the “mainstream” media were anything close to impartial.
As for me, I wear Truth Wins Out’s hatred and very “queer” putdowns like this as a Badge of Honor.
Peter LaBarbera
Founder and President
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
This article was posted
on Thursday, November 3rd, 2011 at 12:16 pm and is filed under
Biblical Truth,
Homosexual Blogs,
Homosexual Divorce,
Homosexual Hate,
Left-wing activism,
Lies by homosexual activists,
The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups,
Truth Wins Out.
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