Studies find male bisexuals conduits of HIV to heterosexual women

By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Exclusive
- “MSMW [men who have sex with men and women] may serve as a conduit for HIV transmission between MSM [men who have sex with men] and heterosexuals.”
- “Consistent with previous studies, compared with MSW [men who have sex with women], MSMW reported significantly higher numbers of sex partners and were significantly more likely to engage in anal intercourse with their female partners.” — Journal of Urban Health, July 2009, “Behaviorally Bisexual Men and their Risk Behaviors with Men and Women”
CHICAGO–Talk about marketing perversion and unhealthy behavior to kids: take a look at these photos of “Captain Bisexual” marching in Sunday’s Chicago homosexual “pride” parade. He is the ostensibly child-friendly face of a group called Bisexual Queer Alliance Chicago. Click on the photos to enlarge them and notice the youth in the background. Even though it appeared that organizers had dialed down the more raunchy floats compared to past “Chicago Pride” parades (I’ve observed three or four Chicago parades), there were still some X-rated contingents and spectacles like this that were utterly inappropriate for children. And yet, as you can see, many children looked on from the sidelines.
What exactly is “Bisexual Justice,” anyway? (What about Bisexual Injustice, i.e., the role of bisexuals in spreading HIV from homosexual men to heterosexual women? [See this 2009 study in the Journal of Urban Health and this short essay.]) And what would “Bisexual Marriage” look like? It is troubling that parents of young and teenaged children would bring them to a parade where popular youthful images (comic-book superheroes) are used to normalize unhealthy and immoral behaviors:

AS YOUNG CHILDREN LOOK ON: 'Captain Bisexual' of "Bisexual Queer Alliance Chicago" waves his "Bisexual Justice" banner as he strolls down North Broadway St. in Chicago's "gay" pride parade, June 25, 2012. Photos: Peter LaBarbera,
Advocates for bisexuality, transsexuality and sadomasochism are attempting to use the same tactics as homosexual (“gay”) activists to normalize their perversions. [NOTE: Permission is granted to use any photo provided that credit is given to “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality;” Direct questions to:]:

Bisexual (In)Justice? A 2009 study in the Journal of Urban Health found that "MSMW (men who have sex with men and women) may serve as a conduit for HIV transmission between MSM (men who have sex with men) and heterosexuals."
Just as there is a “rainbow flag” symbolizing homosexual “pride,” there are special flags embraced by celebrants of bisexuality and even sadomasochism:

Pink, purple and blue "Bisexual Pride Flag." Click on photos to enlarge.
Below is the “pride” flag used by sadomasochists, who are called the “Leather Community” in urban and LGBT-friendly circles:

Black-and-blue (and white) "Leather Pride" flag with red heart in the corner -- for "proud" celebrants of deviant sadomasochistic sex -- adorns a float at 2012 "Chicago Pride."
This article was posted
on Tuesday, June 26th, 2012 at 8:52 pm and is filed under
Bisexuals-Conduits of HIV to Heteros,
Corrupting Children,
Gay Culture,
GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools,
Health & Science,
Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals,
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