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Christians Must Return to Principle after Pro-‘Gay Marriage’ Election Day SweepHomosexual activists sweep “gay marriage” ballot measures in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington State![]() Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin) becomes the first open lesbian to win a U.S. Senate seat. Most assuredly, the voters of Wisconsin were largely uninformed about Baldwin’s radical record in support of the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda. By Peter LaBarbera Read it on Christian Newswire CHICAGO– Tuesday was a devastating day for pro-family advocates concerned about the advance of same-sex “marriage” and homosexual activism. While politics does not decide moral and spiritual Truth, it is an indicator of the heart of our nation. On Nov. 6, America took another giant step away from God and our Judeo-Christian heritage. Here are the ‘Gay’ Lobby’s biggest victories:
No longer can pro-family advocates say that homosexual “marriage” has never been voted in by the people. Thanks to a never-ending bombardment of media-, educational- and pop-culture propaganda in favor of All Things Gay, homosexual “marriage” is now semi-popular, at least in Blue States. And there is no sugar-coating how damaging Obama’s reelection will be to this already depraved nation. Tuesday’s “gay” victories were abetted by an unofficial Republican Party strategy that eschews discussion of “social issues.” Yet even as GOP elites recoiled from the cultural battles over abortion and “gay rights,” homosexual militants pressed more aggressively than ever for their goal of using government power to force acceptance of their aberrant lifestyle. Sadly, there is a “passion gap” or maybe a “boldness gap” between LGBT activists and their overly defensive pro-family opponents. Many timid, guilt-ridden Christians make rotten Culture Warriors, while unapologetic “gays” excel at it. So what is the next step for defenders of sexual normalcy? Pro-family advocates must stop looking for short cuts and return to their principled duty of educating citizens – especially brainwashed youth — on why homosexual behavior is wrong, unnatural, unhealthy and – most important – changeable. (Thousands of former homosexuals like DL Foster testify to the reality of ex-“gay” change.) Reframing the debate to “defending marriage” – a “positive” approach once seen as the salvation of the pro-family movement – only gave well-organized “gay” activists a big, fat target to shoot at: “Marriage.” And on Tuesday, they scored several direct hits on that target. By pretending that the fight to preserve real marriage is somehow separate from homosexuality, pro-family advocates undermined their core principles – leading to long-term (and even short-term) defeat. Who are we kidding? This titanic fight has always been about homosexuality, not just “defending marriage.” We need to stop conceding the moral high ground in a fearful bid to appear “tolerant”: one pro-family group, Protect Marriage Maine, asserted that “same-sex couples are entitled to respect” – a claim at odds with historic Scriptural teaching. While Christians should respect all persons as made in God’s image, we must never “respect” behaviors and relationships grounded in sexual sin. The normalization of homosexuality, which God calls an abomination, is one of the most amazing and audacious marketing stories of our age. It is also a big business: the “gay” Human Rights Campaign spent $20 million this election cycle. Nevertheless, every homosexual triumph is a Pyrrhic victory because it elevates a destructive and immoral perversion to the realm of noble-sounding “civil rights.” Those committed to defending God’s wonderful design of male-female human sexuality and offering the hope of the Gospel to homosexual strugglers must not grow weary in well-doing. Shame on Christians if our commitment to defending Truth pales in comparison to the zeal of “gay” activists in defending their lies. Peter LaBarbera is president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), a group devoted to opposing and exposing homosexual activism. E-mail: americansfortruth@gmail.com.
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on Thursday, November 8th, 2012 at 12:28 pm and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, Democrat Party, Evangelicals, Lesbianism, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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