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AFA: Supreme Court Justices Kagan and Ginsburg Should Recuse Themselves from SCOTUS ‘Gay Marriage’ CasesBoth justices performed homosexual “marriages”![]() No Justice: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is hardly impartial on the issue of homosexuality-based “marriage’ (just as she isn’t on abortion). According to AFA, Ginsburg has “officiated” at five counterfeit same-sex “weddings.” Justice Elena Kagan has also performed sodomy-based “marriage” rituals. AFA says both “activist” justices should recuse themselves from SCOTUS cases on the issue. American Family Association) Press Release Friday, January 16, 2015 Kagan and Ginsburg: Recuse Yourselves!American Family Association Says Supreme Court Justices Should Step Down on SCOTUS Marriage Cases [Note: AFTAH has added quote marks around the word “marriage”–as in same-sex “marriage”–in all non-quotation references to the term in the original release–to preserve the natural, age-old understanding of the word.] TUPELO, Miss.—The issue of same-sex “marriage” in America has divided the country this past year, with state, district and federal courts issuing ruling after ruling. In light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s announcement that it will hear the issue, American Family Association (AFA, www.afa.net) says Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Ruth Bader Ginsburg should recuse themselves from making any same-sex “marriage” decisions because they have both conducted same-sex marriage ceremonies.
AFA sent an Action Alert to its one million-plus supporters, asking them to write a letter to their members of Congress, urging them to remind members of the nation’s highest court of their charge to maintain impartiality. Title 28, Part I, Chapter 21, Section 455 of the U.S. Code titled “Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge,” states that “Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” Kagan performed a September 21, 2014, same-sex “marriage” ceremony for her former law clerk and his partner in Maryland. And Ginsburg performed a same-sex “marriage” ceremony at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C., in August 2013. OneNewsNow.com, AFA’s news service, also reported that Ginsburg has officiated at least five same-sex “marriage” ceremonies. According to a 2010 article in the Washington Post when Kagan was first appointed, she recused herself from several cases at the start of her time on the bench. In the first term she served as the 112th Supreme Court Justice, for example, Kagan recused herself from about half of the 51 cases the Court had accepted in that term because of her work as solicitor general, the government’s chief legal representative in the Supreme Court and the nation’s lower appellate courts. AFA suggests in its Action Alert that concerned Americans write a letter to their members of Congress urging them to call on Justices Kagan and Ginsburg to recuse themselves from any same-sex “marriage” cases, as their previous actions in performing same-sex ceremonies raise more than a reasonable doubt regarding their impartiality on this issue. AFA offers its friends and supporters several mobile apps through http://www.afa.net/resources/mobile-apps/. The AFA Action Alerts app, with breaking news and action alerts, is available for the iPhone and iPad on the Apple App Store, on Google Play and on the Amazon Appstore for Android. The AFR (American Family Radio) app is available for Apple and Android products, and the AFA Action app with, for example, voter information at election time, is available on Apple and Android platforms. For more information on American Family Association, visit www.afa.net. Media: Contact: Deborah Hamilton, Hamilton Strategies, 215.815.7716, 610.584.1096; DHamilton@HamiltonStrategies.com ### To interview a representative from American Family Association, contact Deborah Hamilton at dhamilton@hamiltonstrategies.com, 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096. American Family Association (AFA) a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization was founded in 1977 by Donald E. Wildmon, who was pastoring First United Methodist Church in Southaven, Mississippi, at the time. Since 1977, AFA has been on the frontlines of America’s culture war. The original name of the ministry was National Federation for Decency but was changed to American Family Association in 1988. Today, AFA is one of the largest and most effective pro-family organizations in the country with more than one million online supporters and approximately 180,000 paid subscribers to the AFA Journal, the ministry’s monthly magazine. In addition, AFA owns and operates nearly 200 radio stations across the country under the American Family Radio banner. Other divisions of AFA include American Family Radio, the AFA Foundation and OneNewsNow.com, an online news provider that is syndicated around the world. AFA maintains activist web sites such as OneMillionMoms.com that rally Christian activists to contact companies asking them to drop their advertising from objectionable TV shows. AFA websites average over 6 million unique visitors and 44 million hits per year. AFA uses all these means to communicate an outspoken, resolute, Christian voice throughout America.
This article was posted
on Wednesday, January 21st, 2015 at 12:01 pm and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Government Promotion, News, Supreme Court.
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