AFTAH’s LaBarbera Apologizes to Trinidadians for USA’s Promotion of Homosexualism to the World – Hits Global LGBT Envoy Randy Berry as ‘Obama’s Ambassador for Sexual Perversion’Obama administration has spent $700 million since 2012 promoting homosexualism and gender confusion (transgenderism) abroadAmericans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera apologized on Trinidad & Tobago radio last week on behalf of pro-family Americans for the Obama Administration’s promotion of the “radical homosexual and gender confusion agenda” in countries all over the world. LaBarbera—now a regular weekly guest on a Christian radio program in the dual-island Caribbean nation–singled out Obama’s first-ever “Global Ambassador to LGBTI Persons,” Randy Berry, for criticism, calling Berry “Obama’s Special Ambassador for Sexual Perversion,” He made the comments on the morning radio program of Morris Johnson, pastor of the Church of the Firstborn Assembly, in Arima, Trinidad. The U.S. State Department appointed Berry as global envoy for “gay rights” earlier this year. The AFTAH president labeled the United States’ and the West’s promotion of immoral LGBTQ lifestyles and agendas in more socially conservative developing nations like Trinidad a “new form of imperialism” and urged Trinidadians to “learn the lesson from what’s happened in the United States” regarding the escalating homosexual agenda. In the U.S., he said, incremental gains by homosexual activists led to more radical changes and ultimately to the revolutionary redefinition of marriage to accommodate homosexualism–which will only accelerate “gay” activist power further, undermining religious freedom and corrupting children. LaBarbera urged his audience in Trinidad and Tobago (located off the northeastern coast of Venezuela) not to believe homosexual activists when they claim they want only limited reforms such as greater “tolerance.” Invariably, he said, every pro-LGBT-activist victory in the law and culture is only a stepping-stone to more radical changes. No president has done more to promote the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda than Barack Obama–both in the United States and abroad. Small countries like Trinidad face immense pressure from the USA, European Union and other wealthy Western nations to conform to their acceptance and promotion of homosexual agenda items such as homosexual “marriage” and to eradicate their anti-sodomy laws. Much like Obama turned the White House into the rainbow colors that have been appropriated by homosexual-bi-transgender activist as a symbol for their aberrant movement, under his administration U.S. Embassies have flown the “rainbow flag” beneath the American flag (see photo ablve) on a day chosen by “gay” activists to condemn “homophobia.” The New York Times reports:
Even the radically pro-LGBT NY Times acknowledges that Obama’s aggressive promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism in Africa “may have done more harm than good.”
But thankfully, there is considerable pushback against Western LGBTQ neo-imperialism across the globe: a 2014 poll in Jamaica found that 91 percent of the country’s citizens support retaining the country’s anti-buggery (anti-sodomy) law–despite American and European government pressure to repeal it. The people of Slovenia just voted in a 2-1 landslide to overturn a homosexual “marriage” law passed by their legislators–who tried to put up as many roadblocks as possible to stymie a popular referendum on the unpopular law. And earlier this year in Kenya, National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi and four other legislators in that nation so dear to President Obama took the extraordinary step of calling on him–in advance of a White House visit there–not to push lecture Kenyans on homosexual “marriage.” . Reported LifeSiteNews:
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on Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015 at 12:53 pm and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Biblical Truth, Government Promotion, News, Trinidad & Tobago.
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