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Dear Readers, I tweeted out the following after Twitter reinstated my account Friday (9/24/21) after suspending it for alleged “hate” three days earlier. Here is a link to my appeal letter, and HERE is the AFTAH story on the original suspension.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
Back on Twitter. Suspension lifted following my appeal (see link below). It says a lot about certain cowardly (pro-)#LGBTQ “Morality-Phobes” that their first inclination when they see a viewpoint they don’t like is to file a “report” to Twitter: #Leftismhttps://t.co/cDKJpOkQqEpic.twitter.com/KTqsaGDUfm
Twitter’s Version of “Hate”: Above graphic shows tweet that led to Peter LaBarbera’s Twitter suspension. It simply makes the point that Muslims following Sharia Law treat homosexuals harsher than Christians.
Update: Twitter reinstated LaBarbera’s account on Friday, Sept. 24.
I sent the following letter 9-22-21 to appeal Twitter’s suspension of my account on Sept. 21, 2021. My Twitter page, now listing me with zero followers, can be found at: twitter.com/PeterLaBarbera.–Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth
I am appealing my suspension (9-21-21) for alleged “hateful conduct.” On 9-20, I sent out an innocuous and accurate tweet pointing out that it is radical, Sharia-enforcing Muslims (in Islamic states) that are killing homosexuals, not Christians. This was in reply to a sardonic tweet urging me to go to a country with “Sharia Law and stuff,” because I oppose homosexuality as immoral. The sad truth is that although Christians are often falsely accused of “hate” towards homosexuals because of their biblical and moral beliefs, it is fundamentalist Islamic states like Iran where homosexuals have suffered under the most draconian punishments, including death by hanging and stoning.
I refer you to Pages 5 and 56-58 in the U.S. State Department’s 2020 Human Rights report on Iran (https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IRAN-2020-HUMAN-RIGHTS-REPORT.pdf), which documents that the death penalty and other severe punishments have been carried out against homosexuals, and justified by Iran’s foreign minister.
My tweet in no way “promoted violence” or hatred against homosexuals. In fact, I was simply pointing to the irony that while American Christians are often demonized for alleged cruelty towards gays, actual violence in the form of harsh punishments against homosexuals actually occurs in hardline Islamic states.
I appeal this unjust suspension and ask you to restore my account in good standing. I challenge you to view my Twitter feed, where I routinely engage civilly with LGBTQ-identified critics like [LGBTQ writer and activist] Dan Savage (@fakedansavage). Even though they strongly disagree with me on sexual morality, we are able to dialogue back-and-forth, even poking fun at one another. I thought that was the original vision of Jack Dorsey and Twitter. Thank you for considering this appeal.–@PeterLaBarbera
I just posted this on Gettr and Gab, two alternatives to Twitter, which suspended my account for an innocuous and accurate tweet. (My Twitter page now shows zero followers.) We’ll see how my appeal goes, but given Twitter’s hard-Left bias against conservatives, I don’t expect to be reinstated.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Yesterday (9-21-21) I was suspended by Twitter for this completely accurate and innocuous tweet. After 12+ years being very active on the platform, my followers were wiped out. I was responding to a lefty named George, who had snidely tweeted that I should join a “Sharia Law” country because I oppose homosexuality. I will appeal although, having been harassed and shadow-banned by Twitter going way back, I don’t expect to be reinstated. My response follows: “Sorry George. Radical (#ShariaLaw -enforcing) Muslims hang homosexuals or throw them off of buildings. Radical Christians pray for them to follow #JesusChrist and leave sinful homosexuality behind, as so many #exgays have.”
Below is the full email suspension notice sent to LaBarbera by Twitter on September 21, 2021:
Now “more reasonable” than USA, says Family Research Council
This is a 2008 photo shot of a young woman who had her healthy breasts removed to appear like a man, marching in a “Transgender Pride” parade in Northhampton, MA. It was shot by Mass Resistance, a leading group opposing LGBTQ activism.
Reason on the subject of gender transition for minors is increasingly prevailing on the international scene. With Finland’s recent move to cut back on the practice, multiple countries in Europe, including Great Britain and Sweden, now recognize that performing potentially irreversible procedures on children that transform their endocrine systems and remove healthy sexual organs should not be the go-to intervention for treating psychological dissonance over one’s biological sex.
In taking this positive step toward protecting the physical integrity of children suffering from gender dysphoria, Finland last year amended their national health care policy and issued new guidelines to end the wide-spread availability of interventions on those who are under 18 (a translation of the guidelines was just finished earlier this month). After reviewing the research on pediatric transgender medicine, Finnish authorities determined that the scientific evidence did not support medical intervention, and rather, psychotherapy should be the first treatment used with minors.
Folks, I appeared September 1, 2021 on VCY America “Crosstalk” with my friend and host Jim Schneider [click to listen HERE], to discuss various LGBTQ-agenda stories. We talked about: Netflix’s propagandistic “documentary,’ “Pray Away” [see my in-depth LifeSiteNews articles on this manipulative film HERE (Part 1) and HERE (Part 2)]; Joe Biden’s “thorough commitment” to the “trans” and LGBTQ agendas; and the CDC’s (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) ridiculously “woke” speech code (I guess we can’t say “expectant mom” anymore!). The Left is nuts, they dominate the Democrat Party, and they’re dragging America down, so keep on fighting for truth. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Following is the “Crosstalk” show summary (click HERE or on “MP3” below to listen):
Date: September 1, 2021 Host: Jim Schneider ?Guest: Peter LaBarbera MP3 ???| Order
One news item that never seems to take a break is the LGBTQ+ agenda. Returning to comment on the latest news items related to this topic was Peter LaBarbera. Peter is the founder and president of Americans for Truth.
Stories discussed included:
Harvard Law Today posted an article about alumni and current students fighting for thelegalization of polyamory.
The Centers for Disease Control come out with preferred terms for select population groups.
The Netflix propaganda documentary called Pray Away focuses on ex-gays that became prominent Christian leaders and now have fallen back to the sin of their old lifestyle.
Peter believes President Joe Biden will go back to his radical base and the largest part of that is the LGBTQ movement.
The Daily Caller reports that the nation’s largest LGBTQ rights advocacy group is investigating HRC President Alphonso David’s role in helping Governor Andrew Cuomo discredit accusers.
Congressman Chris Pappas of New Hampshire has introduced a bill to establish an LGBTQ veterans advisory committee at the Department of Veterans Affairs.
A lawsuit being brought against President Biden by medical professionals over his mandate that would require doctors to perform transgender surgeries.
DC Comics to kill off the Clark Kent character from Superman. Jonathan Kent will take over, and according to a number of media sources, Jonathan will come out as homosexual. This is after DC has already announced that Batwoman is a lesbian and Robin the Boy Wonder is bisexual.
A teacher allegedly tells students to pledge allegiance to a gay pride flag.
This is just some of the material from the first half of the broadcast. Hear much more, including what listeners had to say, on this edition of Crosstalk.