God’s Voice 2022 Conference May 6-7: A Biblical Response to LGBTQ+ Tyranny and the ‘Queering’ of the Christian Church

Folks, I am honored to be speaking at the 2022 “God’s Voice” conference May-6-7 in Oklahoma City. This two-day conference is responding to the aggressive campaign by LGBTQ activists and “gay Christian” groups like REVOICE to push the Church to accept their distorted worldview. They are literally trying to redefine Christianity to accommodate immoral and disordered LGBTQ lifestyles and identities.

I was part of the original God’s Voice conference in 2020, and it was simply outstanding. I highly encourage you to attend this conference if you are able. Register HERE. Thanks to my good friend Stephen Black of First Stone Ministries for organizing this important educational event.

I can’t wait to attend and learn from our excellent speakers:

  • Dr. Everett Piper: “No Room for Christians: The Imago Dei and the New LGBTQ+ Religion”
  • David Pickup: “First They Came for the Books: LGBTQ+ Censorship Against Christians”
  • Michael Perkins: “Dangerous Affirmations of So-Called “LGBTQ+ Christianity”
  • Dr. Scott Lively: “The Legal Oppression of the Equality Act – LGBTQ+ Superiority”
  • Laura Leigh Stanlake (First Stone) & Denise Shick (Help4Families ministry): Support, Prayer, and Ministry for Those Affected by LGBTQ+ Tyranny
  • Rev. Al Baker: “What REVOICE Hath Wrought: LGBTQ+ Activism and the Future of the PCA, and the Church’s Challenge
Here (after the jump) is the schedule, followed by a description of God’s Voice and its genesis.

God’s Voice Conference 2022

Friday Evening, May 6

5:30 PM Registration – Open

6:30 Welcome and Opening Prayer

6:40 Worship

6:55 Stephen Black: “God’s Voice: Proclaiming The Gospel of Jesus Christ”

7:40 Video of Understanding the Deception of REVOICE

7:50 Testimonies of Freedom Realized: Jim Farrington & Aaron Girod

8:10 Dr. Everett Piper: “No Room for Christians: The Imago Dei and the New LGBTQ+ Religion”

9:00  Dismissal and Closing Prayer

Saturday, May 7

7:45 AM Registration – Open

8:30 Welcome and Opening Prayer

8:35 Worship

8:50 Dr. Scott Lively: “The Legal Oppression of the Equality Act – LGBTQ+ Superiority”

9:30 Rev. Al Baker: “What REVOICE Hath Wrought: LGBTQ+ Activism and the Future of the PCA, and the Church’s Challenge

10:20  BREAK- Exhibit Area

10:40  Announcements & Breakout Sessions (To be confirmed)

  • TBA
  • Laura Leigh Stanlake & Denise Shick: Support, Prayer, and Ministry for Those Affected by LGBTQ+ Tyranny
  • Peter LaBarbera: “Rules for Big Gay Radicals: Saul Alinsky and Activist Tactics”
  • Scott Lively: “Sued for a Lie: My Legal Fight Against the LGBTQ+ Mob”
  • David Pickup: “First They Came for the Books: LGBTQ+ Censorship Against Christians”

Noon-1:30 PM — Lunch

1:35 Michael Perkins: “Dangerous Affirmations of So-Called “LGBTQ+ Christianity”

2:30 BREAK

2:45 Denise Shick: Homophobia & Transphobia? Families in the Crosshairs of The LGBTQ+ Secular Humanistic Religious Oppression (Laura Beth Perry – short testimony)

3:30 BREAK – Exhibit Area


4:45  Panel Discussion – Q&A, Dr. Scott Lively, Dr. Quentin Van Meter, M.D. Perkins, Peter LaBarbera, and Denise Shick – Stephen Black to moderate.

5:45 Dinner Break

7:20 Dr. Quentin Van Meter: “The Growing Deception of Transgender Medicine”

8:25 Closing Message, Senior Pastor Keith Burkhart: God’s Voice: Proclaiming The HOPE of Eternal Life and God’s Plan (Closing Testimony – Darren Mehl)

8:50 Worship / Prayer

9:00 Final Announcements and Dismissal

Why God’s Voice

GOD’S VOICE Conference was first launched in February 2019 as a biblical response to the queering* of the church of Jesus Christ and to the encroachment of the false narrative of “LGBTQ+ Christianity” into conservative Christianity through the REVOICE conference.

However, as the LGBTQ+ activist movement has grown extreme and gained political power, its voice and actions are impacting every level of society, with devastating consequences — especially for Christians.

That’s why GOD’S VOICE 2022 will present “A Biblical Response to LGBTQ+ Tyranny.”

From therapy bans to Amazon censorship, from Drag Queen Story Hours to children seeking surgical “gender transitions,” from making LGBTQ+ behaviors equal to race and gender through the so-called “Equality Act” to lawsuits against evangelical believers, from radical activism at Christian colleges to incremental activism through devices like REVOICE, the LGBTQ+ activist movement is revealing itself as a tyrannical force that threatens morality, biology and our God-given rights to religious freedom and free speech.

Join us May 6 and 7, 2022, in Oklahoma City as leading Christian experts reveal these threats in detail and explain how you and your church can stand at a time of LGBTQ+ tyranny. Plus, you’ll hear powerful, biblical teaching and encouragement for the battle as together we stand on the inerrant, unchanging and life-transforming power of the Word of God!

What the church needs now is GOD’S VOICE!

But this command I gave them: ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people. And walk in all the way that I command you, that it may be well with you.'” Jeremiah 7:23

This article was posted on Friday, April 1st, 2022 at 12:43 pm and is filed under News. You can follow any updates to this article through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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