Houston pastors’ victory shows “Gender Identity” laws should influence elections

Biological Men in Women’s Restrooms? This is a man…who wants to be a woman: should he be allowed to use public female restrooms in the name of LGBTQ “equal rights”? Photo taken by AFTAH at 2012 Philadelphia “gay pride” parade. Click to enlarge.
By Donna Miller
The Houston pastors’ response to their power-grabbing lesbian mayor Annise Parker’s recent acts of intimidation has been an event from which we should learn far-reaching lessons. A national controversy erupted after Parker issued subpoenas for the sermons of city pastors who sued her after her administration dubiously blocked a citizens’ petition campaign to repeal a pro-homosexual/-transgender “equal rights” ordinance she strongly supported. This historic incident:
- taught pastors worldwide how to stand against government tyranny and abuse of power;
- removed the mask off presumably positive anti-discrimination (“gender identity”) laws that, in fact, discriminate against women; and
- educated citizenry worldwide on “bathroom bills.”
While these so-called “anti-discrimination”/”gender identity” laws are presented to limit discrimination, these radical laws and policies discriminate against women by forcing them to endure public indecent exposure. Do you know any other law or policy that a sets apart rules for less than 1 percent of the population (transgenders), but another huge portion of the population (women and girls) are told that they must endure men’s publicly indecency – all in the name of civil rights?
Since America is having national elections tomorrow (November 4), it is important to see which politicians support a national bathroom bill (affecting every community in America), the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).
The U. S. Senate passed this horrendous law in 2013, and Americans can verify how their senator voted at this link. The U. S. House of Representatives introduced this bill, and the sponsors by every local representative of this bill can be found at this link.
In America, at least 18 states plus the District of Columbia have enacted statewide bathroom bills. Again, these bills were presented as warm and fuzzy ‘inclusive’ anti-discrimination laws. I would love to see the reaction of a politician’s wife who experienced a biological man in her bathroom. After all, men are taught since little tykes that public bathrooms are not a private situation. For women, however, a bathroom is one of the most private places in the universe – and it should stay that way!
Bathroom attacks of women and children are at epidemic level. Most of these attacks are by predators. After studying predators for years, I have learned that they use anything to gain an advantage on their victims.
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