Gospel evangelism

Ex-Lesbian Yvette Schneider Testifies to ‘Complete’ and Permanent Change

Friday, June 22nd, 2007

yvette_-schneider.jpg EDITOR’S NOTE: Yvette Schneider’s comments below relate to her own story of transformative change and were initially made following a controversy last year surrounding Exodus President Alan Chamber’s quotes in the Los Angeles Times. Since we first published this piece, we have learned that Alan’s statements were incomplete and taken out of context by self-serving homosexual activists to create an impression that he never sought to create — i.e., questioning the potential for radical and even complete change in the life of homosexual strugglers.

Since the Times interview, Mr. Chambers has clarified his position on change in homosexuality to AFTAH saying:

“There are a variety of levels at which individuals experience change when it comes to the issue of homosexuality. For some it may be a rapid, total transformation, but for many, it is often a gradual process of dealing with difficult life issues, habits and behaviors. Regardless of the timing, any change is still change and as Christians, we know that the process of dealing with sin and becoming more like Christ will continue throughout the course of our lives.”


Original Americans For Truth article, June 22, 2007:

Ex-Lesbian Yvette Schneider Testifies to ‘Complete’ and Permanent Change

The following is offered by former lesbian Yvette Schneider in response to Exodus International President (and former homosexual) Alan Chambers’ comment in the Los Angeles Times, “By no means would we ever say change can be sudden or complete.” Schneider, now a mom in St. Louis, was once a featured speaker on Focus on the Family’s “Love Won Out” tour highlighting the possiblity of change for homosexuals. Yvette can be reached at livinginvictory@hotmail.com. Emphasis is hers:

I came out of homosexuality after a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ and a desire to serve and obey Him. I can say with complete honesty that I NEVER have homosexual desires of any sort – physical or emotional.

Editor’s Note: Although we criticized Alan for his remark to the Times — and who would doubt the pressure he faces from a liberal media seeking to discredit the idea of healthy change for homosexuals — we know that he and Exodus International, like all Christians, celebrate God’s healing work in her life.


The following Christian tract gives a short summary of Yvette’s path out of homosexuality:

Yvette: a Journey from Darkness into Light
By Annetta Small

“I saw myself on my hands and
knees eating stale crumbs off
a dirty floor because I could not stand
up and see the feast that God had for
me. God, please help me to stand up
and leave these crumbs alone and enter
into what you have for me,” I prayed
one day after a six-year involvement
in the lesbian lifestyle.”
—Yvette Cantu Schneider

“Are you and your girlfriend having a
homosexual relationship?” Yvette’s mother
asked her one day, suspicious of the relationship
she saw between Yvette and her closest
friend. Angered and devastated, Yvette, then
17, locked herself in the bathroom and cried.
Although the thought of such a relationship
repulsed her, deep in her heart she wished that
it were true. “Everything I need is in this
relationship,” she thought miserably.

Read the rest of this article »

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