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Folks, this one says it all. I found it on Twitter. From “children’s” books to corporate “wokeness,” to the smug, pro-gay/trans/”non-binary” cheerleaders in the media and Hollywood, you just can’t escape ubiquitous LGBTQueer propaganda these days. That’s especially true during June, which pro-immorality “progressives” have deemed “Pride” month as if it were some sacred, extended holiday. Always remember this: homosexuality, like any sin, is nothing to be proud of. (See this excellent EX-“gay” website for a dose of truth.) To see my Twitter feed, go to @Peter LaBarbera. — PL, AFTAH
Found on Twitter, June 9, 2021; see this link. Original source unknown.
Screenshot of “Blues Clues Pride Parade” video promoting homosexuality, transgenderism, pansexuality and Black Lives Matter. Blues Clues is produced by Nickelodeon.
To listen to Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera’s interview with VCY America “Crosstalk,” hosted by Jim Schneider, click HERE. The Crosstalk description of the broadcast is below.
LGBTQ+ Tsunami
Date: June 3, 2021 Host: Jim Schneider ?Guest: Peter LaBarbera
America is being hit by a tsunami. We see the demise of the family and the church through the policies and institutions that are coming under the LGBTQ+ agenda. This tsunami is also hitting schools, businesses, libraries, the prison system, media and more.
This broadcast detailed some of the specifics as Peter LaBarbera, founder and president of Americans for Truth, joined Jim to bring details concerning the following stories:
Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes did a story about those who come out as transgender, only to change their minds and de-transition. According to Peter, she simply let them tell their stories and this enraged homosexual and transgender activists.
A grade school gym teacher in Virginia expressed his concern about the transgender indoctrination of students in the schools. Two days later he was removed from the classroom.
An excerpt of a LGBT pride parade song (sung by a “drag queen”) from the TV series, Blues Clues, celebrates aberrant, un-biblical family models.
Kellogg’s is sexualizing their cereal boxes with the release of Together with Pride. The box tops feature a spot for children to add their own pronouns of choice. With every box sold, the company is donating $3 to GLAAD to support the LGBTQ+ community.
A 9 year old in 3rd grade brought home a school assignment referring to experimenting with gender presentation and gender spectrum.
Jim and Peter presented much more including LGBTQ news from politics, sports, the military and the church, while listeners contributed their thoughts as well.
This excellent monologue aired on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson show today (May 25, 2021). Although Tucker has largely conceded the principled fight against normalizing homosexuality (in fact he is a big promoter of “gay conservatives”), he continues to do yeoman’s work in exposing the extreme “transgender” agenda.
Kudos also to “60 Minutes” reporter Leslie Stahl for covering the “De-Transitioning” movement of young adults who regret the rush to alter and even destroy their bodies through their fantastical pursuit of becoming the opposite sex (“gender”).–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
“When society reaches the point where you’re deemed anathema if you simply point out that a man can’t really become a ‘woman,’ and vice versa, then is it safe to say that–unless there’s a popular revolt against this ‘woke’ nonsense–we’re toast?” #TransInsanity #RachelLevine”—Twitter post by @PeterLaBarbera, Jan 19, 2021, deemed “hateful conduct” and ordered removed by the social media platform.
‘Dude Looks Like a Lady’? The rock group Aerosmith might not have seen this coming:Biden HHS appointee Dr. Rachel Levine is a biological male (formerly Richard Levine) and the father of two children. He “transitioned” to a “female” identity, ultimately divorcing his wife of 30 years. Twitter banned LaBarbera for 12 hours for criticizing the “trans” notion that a man can become a “woman.” He removed the tweet and is back on Twitter @PeterLaBarbera. This is not the first time he has been suspended for putting out a tweet that challenges leftist, pro-LGBTQ groupthink.
By AFTAH, Feb. 3, 2021
Social media giant Twitter demanded January 19 the removal of an allegedly “hateful” tweet by Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera questioning “transgender” ideology–that a man can become a “woman”–following the appointment by President* Biden of a male-to-female transsexual Dr. Rachel (formerly Richard) Levine to a high-level post at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Dr. Levine, a pediatrician and father of two who divorced his wife of 30 years as he “transitioned” to a the “gender identity” of “transgender woman,” was appointed by Biden to be the Assistant Secretary of Health at HHS. He will need to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate to take the position.
Below is the “Remove Tweet” notice that Twitter sent LaBarbera, suspending him for 12 hours for posting this tweet that allegedly violates the social media corporation’s “Hateful Conduct” policy:
Twitter Enforces Transgender Agenda: Above is the notice received by LaBarbera through his Twitter account (@PeterLaBarbera) Jan. 19, 2021 ordering him to remove the tweet.
Below is the text of the tweet, which linked to an article about Dr. Levine’s appointment:
“When society reaches the point where you’re deemed anathema if you simply point out that a man can’t really become a ‘woman,’ and vice versa, then is it safe to saw that–unless there’s a popular revolt against this ‘woke’ nonsense–we’re toast? #TransInsanity #RachelLevine”
Twitter has ramped up its banishments, expulsions and censorship of conservative accounts following ongoing claims by former President Trump that he actually won the election on November 3, but was robbed by massive Democrat electoral fraud in six battleground states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada. See former Trump official and Harvard economist Peter Navarro’s reports making the comprehensive case that the election was stolen HERE.
After hundreds of pro-Trump zealots rioted at the U.S. Capitol January 6–as a massive pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington, D.C. was going on with Trump speaking–Twitter shut down the sitting president’s Twitter account in what many conservatives (and even some foreign leaders) regarded as an extraordinarily galling act of corporate arrogance. Facebook also suspended Trump, and later Twitter permanently banned the 45th president.
Democrats have sought to blame Trump for allegedly “inciting” the Capitol incursion as an “insurrection,” but in his D.C. rally speech he called on his followers to “peacefully and patriotically” march to the Capitol, where some Republican lawmakers were challenging the election returns from the battleground states tainted by voter fraud.
Trump was still speaking as people entered the Capitol, as throngs broke through weak police barriers. One Trump supporter, Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, was shot and killed in the melee, and dozens of police were injured.
Subsequent investigations revealed that the assault was pre-planned and coordinated by right-wing militia (and anti-government) groups, discrediting that idea that it sprang up from the reckless words of the president. Nevertheless, Democrats and 10 Republicans voted in the House Jan. 13 to impeach the president over the events. The impeachment will likely die in the Senate, where 45 Senators have voted that to “impeach” a president who has already left office is unconstitutional.
Twitter advances Left’s false ‘hate’ narrative
LaBarbera had published many “Stop the Steal”-oriented tweets after Nov. 3, but his account had long been harassed and punished by Twitter due to his moral opposition to the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) political and cultural agenda.
Twitter maintains an expansive “hateful conduct” policy that proscribes “incitement” against people-groups based on specific criteria, including “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” However, LaBarbera has long said he opposes homosexual (and LGBTQ) behaviors, which do not define the person and which can be overcome. For decades, LaBarbera has been on the receiving end of considerable angry and sometimes hateful attacks by homosexual militants like Wayne Besen for defending the existence of “ex-gays,” people like Stephen Black who have left homosexuality and “gay” identity behind (mostly through born-again conversion to Jesus Christ).
Since the inception of Lambda Report, the newsletter that spawned Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), LaBarbera has condemned all violence against homosexuals, as well as hateful vilification like the notorious “God Hates Fags” campaign of the Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church–whose followers deny the redemption and forgiveness through Christ of people caught up in “gay” and other sexually immoral lifestyles.
Nevertheless, Americans For Truth has been deemed a “hate group” by the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center, which has tremendous influence in the media buttressing the Left’s tendentious narrative that organizations opposed to the normalization of disordered and sinful LGBTQ behaviors are ipso facto guilty of malice, “hatred” and “prejudice” against the “LGBTQ community.” The most sinister aspect of that narrative is that “hostile speech” breeds violence against people, a rationale that self-styled “progressives” increasingly use to call for legal and corporate bans on so-called “hate speech.”
Rooted in this false narrative, the Twitter policy is worded in such a way that it not only (appropriately) demands punitive action against accounts that encourage actual “violent threats” against “marginalized and historically underrepresented communities,” but also prohibits “inciting behavior that targets individuals or groups of people belonging to protected categories.”
One of those “incitements” is speech that “spread(s) fearful stereotypes about a protected category.” Here’s where it gets fuzzy, because one man’s traditional or biblical morality–or refusal to contradict biology through nonsensical pronouns–is another man’s “hateful slur” against an aggrieved “sexual minority.”
Twitter, media enforce ‘transgender’ ideology
In fact, Twitter has stepped up its “anti-hate” enforcements against those critical of “transgender” ideology–the idea that sex (gender) is not fixed from birth but is fluid and changeable, e.g., that a biological male like (then-) Dr. Richard Levine can become the “woman” he believes he really is, Rachel, and thereby henceforth should (must) be called a woman and never be referred to with the male pronouns that match his inborn sex.
Along those lines, Twitter’s “Hateful Conduct” policy reads:
“We prohibit targeting individuals with repeated slurs, tropes or other content that intends to dehumanize, degrade or reinforce negative or harmful stereotypes about a protected category. This includes targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals.”
Here is how the left-wing, anti-conservative group Media Matters describes “misgendering”:
“Deadnaming” is calling a “transgender” person like Dr. Rachel Levine by his former name that matches his actual inborn sex, in this case, Dr. Richard Levine. While many conservatives do use the post-“transition” name for “transwomen” like Dr. Levine, they draw the line at referring to them with female pronouns or calling them actual “women.”
Russell Moore is president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Commission.
I say: Impeach Russell Moore for dereliction of duty. Russell Moore has written a pathetic article. “The Roman Road from Insurrection,” calling for Trump’s removal from office by impeachment or application of the 25th Amendment if he does not resign. This call from Moore is hardly surprising because it exhibits the same “Never-Trump” tunnel vision, hatred, and dearth of documentation that we have come to expect from him in politics.
The article is short on facts and long on bluster. His whole argument is predicated on the claim that Trump incited violence and insurrection, which he clearly did not. There is no reasonable way to conclude that Trump incited a riot if one gave a careful read of the entire transcript of Trump’s speech.
Even what happened by the wrongdoers in the Capitol doesn’t remotely approach the 30+ dead and $2 billion worth of damage in the seven-month-long race riots involving much larger numbers this past year, stoked and incited by Democrats, during which time Moore did not call for a single Democrat to be removed from office. While he judges the race riots by the best in the movement he judges Trump supporters by the tiniest and most extreme elements.
Trump has legitimate grounds for believing that the election was stolen. Nowhere was there any attempt to do signature matches in areas where there were unbelievable high voting rates, areas where there were no safeguards for insuring that significant fraud did not occur.
The real threat to the Republic and to its Constitution is coming from the Democrat Party but Moore is too blind, for whatever reason, to see it. He has done his best to insure that the Party that poses the greatest threat to religious liberty by far would get elected.
That’s why he shouldn’t be President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. Impeach Russell Moore.
Robert Gagnon is Professor of Theology, Houston Baptist University. Bestselling author of *The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics.* His excellent website is www.robgagnon.net. For his Twitter page, go HERE.
Folks, this is an excellent episode of former Trump advisor Steve Bannon’s “War Room,” which is now daily must-viewing for all conservatives who care about America and countering the Left’s campaign to demonize and destroy President Donald Trump. Joining Bannon in this video are Peter Navarro, a Harvard-educated economist and Director of the National Trade Council at the White House; Jack Posobiec (with OANN), an up-and-coming Trump media conservative; and conservative radio host John Frederick.
Note the first part of the show where Bannon and Navarro analyze the Maoist-like congressional “struggle session” targeting Ohio Representative Jim Jordan, who supported a congressional challenge to the certification of the Electoral College results in the presidential election, citing suspected widespread fraud.
Jordan, to his credit, does not capitulate under the withering verbal assault. What Bannon describes is now a common approach of the leftist in demanding acquiescence to their ideological “narratives.” We would all do well to stand our ground and defend our principles like Rep. Jordan. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
“The ultimate reason for the season is to recognize, repent, and receive the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ as the gift of personal salvation—the most important, inspiring, and illustrious events in history.”
Historian Will Durant declared, “The greatest question of our time is not communism versus individualism; not Europe versus America; not even the East versus West. It is whether men can live without God.”
That’s why we celebrate Christmas.
Each nation is made up of all kinds of people: atheists, humanists, secularists, do-gooders, good-doers, traditionalists, religious people of hundreds of religions, church members, nominal Christians, and dedicated Christians. Most of these people celebrate Christmas, at least a secular Christmas. But then, a secular Christmas, while completely legal, is not celebrating Christmas.
Some people have an affinity toward snowmen, Rudolph, a jolly old man, gifts, wild parties, elves, and reindeer. If that’s your thing, go with it. But it isn’t Christmas.
Some dedicated Christians refuse to celebrate Christmas for various reasons. They are correct in their belief that the Bible gives no command to do so, but then there is no biblical command to observe Easter. We are not even sure when Christ was born. Evidently, we don’t need to know that fact. The fact of His birth is sufficient. The day doesn’t matter.