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Promoting LGBTQueer “Pride” at the expense of children’s innocence: AFTAH in the News
Burgers & Buggery: Burger King-Finland’s Instagram post celebrates homosexuality (Covid-delayed “Helsinki Pride”) with this twisted graphic of their “King” mascot in a same-sex kiss with none other than Ronald McDonald. LGBTQueer activists care far more about promoting and rationalizing their sinful, unnatural lifestyle than they do about protecting children’s innocence.
This story by One News Now is the perfect illustration of how evil is pushed on the public in the name of “equality.” See Breitbart’s coverage of this indecent, anti-children corporate stunt HERE. American For Truth is featured below:
Burger chains confusing love and perversion
First printed: 9/15/202, One News Now, by Charlie Butts
In Finland, where Burger King is running an ad campaign featuring its mascot kissing Ronald McDonald, one conservative activist says the restaurant chain has made another assault on youth and the culture.
Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) and The Center for Morality tells OneNewsNow Burger King is promoting sexual deviance in the name of love with its new “Love Conquers All” slogan.
“It’s sad because woke corporations are now in the vanguard of cultural Marxism,” LaBarbera laments. “This stunt by Burger King has nothing to do with selling burgers and fries and everything to do with selling perversion and the left’s sexual agenda.”
He points out that Burger King has a long history of supporting the LGBT movement, but the new ad takes it to a new level by interpreting homosexuality as perfectly natural love.
“This isn’t about love,” the AFTAH founder reiterates. “This is about perversion. And the question is will cultural Marxism and sexual perversion conquer truth and our biblical Judeo/Christian values that have made America strong but are now under withering attacks by these leftists.”
By using the Burger King and Ronald McDonald mascots, LaBarbera says the corporation is clearly targeting children and youth. But what makes him especially angry is that the corporate left is corrupting every icon that can be seen as wholesome, all-American, or innocent to sell their agenda.
Folks, the good people at Ligonier Ministries “buried the lede” in reporting their own poll, as editors say. The good news NOT highlighted in this Ligonier release is that evangelical Christian support for radical “gender” ideology is falling fast.
Below is a graphic on the key “State of Theology” poll question (Statement No. 29) that bears this out: from 2016 to 2020, the percentage of respondents who “strongly disagreed” with the statement, “Gender identity is a matter of choice” rose from 54 percent to 67 percent. The percentage who “strongly agreed” fell from 24 percent to 15 percent in the same period.
Things are very bad culturally and so many who call themselves “Christian” are succumbing to worldly, LGBTQueer activist propaganda, but at least things are moving in the right direction on the God- and nature-defying “transgender” agenda. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
Here is Ligonier’s analysis of that section of the poll:
The unbiblical concept of relative truth has influenced every sphere of life in the United States, including the ethical issues that continue to be at the forefront of public debate. In 2020, a large percentage of U.S. evangelicals reject the arguments of “gender fluidity,” and this has been trending in a positive direction. Yet it remains concerning that one in five evangelicals still appears to reject the Bible’s teaching that our gender as male or female is given by God our Creator (Gen 1:27).
Here is Ligonier’s press release (after the jump):
Folks, if you care about America, and true integrity in the upcoming election, I urge you to take the time to watch this full episode of this Dan Bongino show describing the “Coming Coup” against President Trump. Bongino brilliantly pulls together all the nefarious elements of the Democrats’ emerging campaign to de-legitimize a Trump victory Nov. 3. The program’s show notes are HERE; see especially Michael Anton’s piece on “The Coming Coup?” in The American Mind.
Essentially what Bongino et al are describing is a George Soros-funded, left-wing “destabilization” campaign against the President that uses disinformation-based “narratives” (lies) to attack Trump, spread rapidly through the (mostly-Trump-despising) national media and social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.). At around the 50-minute mark of this video, Bongino analyzes and debunks the recent “narrative” coming from the leftist Atlantic magazine: that Trump disparaged military dead in refusing to visit a soldiers’ cemetery in France; see this key Breitbart story on former National Security Advisor John Bolton debunking the hit-piece. Tragically, Fox News “confirmed” the story (but not really!).
We must never underestimate the Left’s ability and willingness to sow chaos, spread lies and subvert the Constitution to attain power. They will do ANYTHING to stop Trump’s reelection, and the corrupt media with their “fake news” will help them. Watch the ENTIRE Bongino video, then share it with friends. It’s that important. God bless.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
Making California Safer for Chickenhawks: The author of SB 145 is homosexual California Democratic State Sen. Scott Wiener, shown with his head circled in this photo he tweeted of himself attending the 2016 “Up Your Alley” sadomasochistic street fair in San Francisco. Wiener’s bill would make it much less likely that homosexual men convicted of sodomizing underage boys would be put on the state’s Sex Offender Registry.
If there was one thing we could all agree on, you would think it would be this: minors should be protected from sexually aggressive adults. Yet, with a nod to “equality” under the law for the gay community, the California Assembly has voted to lessen the potential penalty for 24-year-olds who have sex with children as young as 14. Shockingly — or should I say, revoltingly — this is one of two similar bills that have just been passed by these legislators.
As explained by Greg Burt of the California Family Council, “The California legislature finished it’s 2020 session on Monday by passing a controversial bill that reduces the penalties on some adults who have consensual sex with minors as young as 14 years of age.”
Why on earth would they pass something like this? Why would they want to potentially reduce these penalties?
The Reasoning? The Current Law is Harsher on Homosexual Sex
I understand that the sexual acts are allegedly “consensual” and that the difference in age can be no more than 10 years. And I understand that some people end up having to register as sex offenders who really do not fit the bill.
But that’s the whole issue when it comes to children. Can a child that young make a truly informed, consensual decision? And is not the adult required to take responsibility and not engage in sexual acts with a child, no matter how willing that child may be? Isn’t this the difference between adults and children under the law?
Burt explains that “Senate Bill 145’s author, LGBT Caucus Leader Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), said the bill was necessary because current law is harsher if the crime involved homosexual sex between an adult and a minor as opposed to heterosexual sex. All the Republicans and even some prominent and powerful Democrats did not buy that argument.”
As detailed by Equality California (which celebrated the bill), “Currently, for consensual yet illegal sexual relations between a teenager age 14 to 17 and a partner within 10 years of age, ‘sexual intercourse’ (i.e., vaginal intercourse) does not mandate that the offender to go onto the sex offender registry; rather, the judge has discretion to decide, based on the facts of the case, whether sex offender registration is warranted or unwarranted. By contrast, for all other forms of intercourse — specifically, oral and anal intercourse — sex offender registration is mandated under all situations, with no judicial discretion.”
Gay activists felt this was unfair, sponsoring SB 145, which allows the judge to have the same discretion with “all other forms of intercourse.” In other words, men who have gay sex with boys shouldn’t be punished anymore strictly than men who have heterosexual sex with girls.
Two Revealing Questions
And this leads to two very serious (and revealing) questions. First, why would we want to protect an adult who commits a sexual act with a minor as young as 14? Second, how prevalent is adult-minor sex in the gay community? (For the answer to that question, see here. Or just read more about the life of gay icon Harvey Milk. Note also that I’m not talking about pedophilia but rather so-called “consensual” acts between adults and teens as young as 14.)
The real focus should have been on the protection of the children rather than on lessening the penalty for certain sexual acts. With that in mind, a bill could have been passed calling for equal penalties for any of these sex acts, be they “heterosexual” or “homosexual” acts. Instead, gay activists pushed to lessen penalties for sexual acts that are even more common in the homosexual community. How telling.
First, why would we want to protect an adult who commits a sexual act with a minor as young as 14? Second, how prevalent is adult-minor sex in the gay community?
Among those opposing the bill was Democrat Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez. She said: “Any sex is sex. I don’t care who it is between or what sex act it is. That being said, I cannot in my mind as a mother understand how sex between a 24-year-old and a 14-year-old could ever be consensual, how it could ever not be a registerable offense.”
She continued, “We should never give up on this idea that children are not, should be in any way subject to a predator. And that is what it is.”
California’s Senate Passed Another Troubling Bill
But there’s more. Burt reports that the Senate also passed “AB 1145, a bill to lower the mandated reporting requirements for some statutory rape cases. The bill was sponsored by Equality California. The bill was approved 25 to 10, with the Republicans voting no.”
Is it any surprise that Equality California was elated about this bill as well? And does this not confirm what conservative activists have argued for years, namely, that many in the gay community want to lower the age of consent? (Almost 50 years ago, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform called for “Repeal of all state laws governing the age of sexual consent.”)
As Burt notes, “This means high school teachers or counselors who know or suspect one of their 16-year-old students or counselees is having sex with a 20-year-old, they are no longer required to report it to authorities. This bill is especially concerning in light of how many LGBT organizations are sponsoring social events between young teenagers and young adults. See the following fliers for LGBT social events.”
California Legislators Have Voted to Protect Abusers
Groups like Mass Resistance have pointed out for years that many a young person got initiated into homosexual acts through their teachers and “mentors.”
Now, California legislators have voted to protect the abusers.
Folks, below is the August 24, 2020 interview I did with Christian talk show host Janet Mefferd. It starts in the beginning. (You can also listen to it on Soundcloud HERE.) We discuss the radical LGBTQueer agenda of the Democratic Party and its 2020 candidates, Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris:
Here is Mefferd’s description of the program. My interview was followed by one with Tim Winter of the Parents Television Council on the exploitative Netflix film “Cuties”:
Joe Biden has a plan to advance LGBTQ+ “equality” in America and around the world. How would a Biden-Harris White House further advance the Big Gay Revolution and erode religious freedom and moral sanity in America? I’ll talk it over with Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality. Plus: The Parents Television Council is calling for Netflix to cancel its awful film, “Cuties,” which sexually exploits young girls. President Tim Winter joins us on Monday’s JANET MEFFERD TODAY.
Thank you to Janet Mefferd for the opportunity to appear on her first-rate show to analyze the ongoing normalization of perversion that is being carried out through “mainstream” politics. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Folks, thank God for conservative intellectuals like Dr. Paul Kengor who cut against the leftist groupthink that dominates “elite” America (media, academia, Hollywood and big corporations). Here is a link to a short video about Kengor’s new book, “The Devil and Karl Marx”. Following that is an excellent review of the book by Robert Knight.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Marx, Black Lives Matter and the Devil
By Robert Knight
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
The rapidity with which virtually every sizeable institution in America has bent its knee to BLM [Black Lives Matter] is stunning. Some think it’s just about racial remonstrance and reforming police procedure, and even love of neighbor and equality before God. But the call for getting on one’s knees to this movement and parroting their Marxist slogans is anything but sacred.
An important new book by historian Paul Kengor sheds considerable light on Karl Marx and by implication the madness and mob violence that has descended on the country.
The throngs setting fire to police stations, looting stores and tearing down America’s cultural history are acting in the name of Black Lives Matter, a Marxist group that our ruling elites have airbrushed and turned into a totem of worship.
The current conflict is not merely a political disagreement over rectifying racial disparities – it’s a clash of religions: atheistic Marxism versus Christianity and Judaism.
At issue is whether the mobs, allied with the Democratic Party and leftist groups, can overthrow America’s Christian-inspired self-governing republic, where our rights come from our Creator, not fickle men in power.
In “The Devil and Karl Marx,” Prof. Kengor explores not only the communist icon’s religious views but how they corrupted so many others over nearly two centuries.
Marx hated God and Christianity with a white-hot passion. His prose is packed with attacks on faith, and his youthful poetry bristles with malice:
Look now, my blood-dark sword shall stab Unerringly within thy soul. God neither knows nor honors art. The hellish vapors rise and fill the brain Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed. See the sword – the Prince of Darkness sold it to me. For he beats the time and gives the signs. Ever more boldly I play the dance of death.”
Citing numerous biographies and Marx’s own writings, Prof. Kengor reveals a man whose own family and friends were frightened by his demonic fits of rage and dark babblings about violence. His own father said he was “governed by a demon.” A key biographer, Robert Payne, described Marx as having “the devil’s view of the world and the devil’s malignity.”
In 1849, Marx wrote, “When our turn comes, we shall make no excuses for the terror. There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror.”
A direct line can be drawn from Marx to Adolph Hitler, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung, all of whom despised Christianity and embraced murderous forms of socialism.
Before Marx, violent socialism was unleashed in 1789, with the guillotining of 40,000 aristocrats and others. The French Revolution was ultimately an atheist revolt against the church and the rule of law. The Jacobins in revolutionary France sought to wipe out history in order to create a Godless utopia. A hint of their fanatical atheism can be seen today in the beheadings in America of statues of Jesus and Mary and the torching of churches.
Communist revolutions, beginning in Russia in 1917, have taken at least 140 million lives, enslaved literally billions of people and spread unspeakable horror everywhere Marxism has taken root, Dr. Kengor notes.
When Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullours boasted in 2015 that “myself” and BLM co-founder Alicia Garza “are trained Marxists,” was she aware of the poisonous pedigree of her stated worldview? Perhaps it didn’t matter.
BLM’s website is packed with Marxist rhetoric and flat-out lies like this: “In 2014, Mike Brown was murdered by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.” Mr. Wilson, who was acting in self-defense, was cleared during the Obama administration. Never get in the way of a useful narrative.
Among other things, BLM is using the LGBTQ movement as a blunt instrument:
“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure… foster a queer?affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking.”
Families produce independent-minded people, which is why socialists promote sexual anarchy. Marx and his co-author Friedrich Engels denounced families, saying the state should seize and raise children.
The rapidity with which virtually every sizeable institution in America has bent its knee to BLM is stunning. To be fair, most probably think it’s just about racial remonstrance and reforming police procedure, and even love of neighbor and equality before God.
But the call for getting on one’s knees to this movement and parroting their Marxist slogans is anything but sacred. How do Christians, in particular, justify kneeling to anything other than God Almighty and His Son Jesus Christ? A few courageous athletes have refused to go along.
For many, fear of man has triumphed over devotion to God. Aided by a relentless media, Democrats have embraced Marxist mob rule while few Republicans other than President Trump have found the courage to call it what it is: un-American and evil.
A final word on Marx. If he had had a glimpse into the murderous misery his philosophy would unleash, would he have shelved his books and spared the world?
Hardly likely. Prof. Kengor shares a line from the heroine in one of Marx’s poems:
“Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited, I know it full well. My soul, once true to God, is chosen for Hell.”
Robert Knight is a OneNewsNow contributor. His latest book is “The Coming Communist Wave: What Happens If the Left Captures All Three Branches of Government”. This column ran originally in The Washington Times.
This column, which was originally published in the Washington Times, is reprinted with permission of the author.
Pro-LGBTQueer creed aims to “dismantle cisgender privilege … free ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking”
The following is reprinted from the “Black Lives Matter” website in the section, “What We Believe.” Note the sections bolded in red. For those unfamiliar with LGBTQueer activist newspeak, the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) defines “cisgender” as follows:
“Refers to a person whose gender identity aligns with the gender and sex assigned at birth (i.e., not a transgender man/woman). Colloquially shortened to “cis” or combined as cis woman or cis man. The word cisgender distinguishes without assuming that cisgender is the neutral or normal state.”
In other words, “cisgender” is the Sexual Left’s term to designate normalcy, i.e., from a gender perspective, one who is not aberrant (say, a biological female who lives and acts like the woman she is). Note that the NLGJA, which curiously bills itself as a mere professional organization–as opposed to a powerful, LGBTQ-activist force within the dominant liberal media–takes pains to assert that just because “cisgender” people act normally, we are not to assume that they are indeed normal.
In order to mainstream sex-and-gender perversion, new, “queer-friendly” words like cisgender and heteronormative must be created to stigmatize what, in a healthy society, is natural and normal. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; @PeterLaBarbera
From the Black Lives Matter website:
What We Believe
Four years ago, what is now known as the Black Lives Matter Global Network began to organize. It started out as a chapter-based, member-led organization whose mission was to build local power and to intervene when violence was inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.
In the years since, we’ve committed to struggling together and to imagining and creating a world free of anti-Blackness, where every Black person has the social, economic, and political power to thrive.
Black Lives Matter began as a call to action in response to state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism. Our intention from the very beginning was to connect Black people from all over the world who have a shared desire for justice to act together in their communities. The impetus for that commitment was, and still is, the rampant and deliberate violence inflicted on us by the state.
Enraged by the death of Trayvon Martin and the subsequent acquittal of his killer, George Zimmerman, and inspired by the 31-day takeover of the Florida State Capitol by POWER U and the Dream Defenders, we took to the streets. A year later, we set out together on the Black Lives Matter Freedom Ride to Ferguson, in search of justice for Mike Brown and all of those who have been torn apart by state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism. Forever changed, we returned home and began building the infrastructure for the Black Lives Matter Global Network, which, even in its infancy, has become a political home for many.
Ferguson helped to catalyze a movement to which we’ve all helped give life. Organizers who call this network home have ousted anti-Black politicians, won critical legislation to benefit Black lives, and changed the terms of the debate on Blackness around the world. Through movement and relationship building, we have also helped catalyze other movements and shifted culture with an eye toward the dangerous impacts of anti-Blackness.
These are the results of our collective efforts.
The Black Lives Matter Global Network is as powerful as it is because of our membership, our partners, our supporters, our staff, and you. Our continued commitment to liberation for all Black people means we are continuing the work of our ancestors and fighting for our collective freedom because it is our duty.
Every day, we recommit to healing ourselves and each other, and to co-creating alongside comrades, allies, and family a culture where each person feels seen, heard, and supported.
We acknowledge, respect, and celebrate differences and commonalities.
We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people.
We intentionally build and nurture a beloved community that is bonded together through a beautiful struggle that is restorative, not depleting.
We are unapologetically Black in our positioning. In affirming that Black Lives Matter, we need not qualify our position. To love and desire freedom and justice for ourselves is a prerequisite for wanting the same for others.
We see ourselves as part of the global Black family, and we are aware of the different ways we are impacted or privileged as Black people who exist in different parts of the world.
We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location.
We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead.
We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.
We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.
We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.
We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
We foster a queer?affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).
We cultivate an intergenerational and communal network free from ageism. We believe that all people, regardless of age, show up with the capacity to lead and learn.
We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another.
“Represents the end of the conservative legal project as we know it,” says Senator.
Dear AFTAH Readers:
Well, it looks like American social conservatives have a new leader in that moral and dysfunctional cesspool we call “Washington, D.C.” His name is Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Missouri). On Monday (June 15, 2020), the U.S. Supreme Court blind-sided the Right by delivering an abominable miscarriage of jurisprudence, Bostock v. Clayton County, GA–its 6-3 majority achieved by the treacherous votes of two now-EX-“originalists,” Justice Neil Gorsuch and Chief Justice John Roberts. Both were appointed by Republican Presidents (Gorsuch by President Trump and Roberts by George W. Bush) and were heralded by conservatives during their judicial confirmation hearings as future judges who would “interpret the law, not make laws.”
So much for that. It turns out that judges, like so many politicians, lie, dissemble, or at least “grow” (“progressively” speaking) after winning their lifetime seat on the august court. Bostock hands the LGBTQueer lobby a huge “legislative” victory, to quote Sen. Hawley. Unless checked by real legislators and We the People, it will certainly lead to a cascade of social-engineering tyranny in the name of “gay” and “trans” “equality” [see Justice Alito’s devastating dissent, beginning p. 44].
We expected to be sold out by Mr. “Balls and Strikes” himself, Roberts, after his inexplicable 2012 SCOTUS vote upholding ObamaCare as a “tax.” But Gorsuch’s descent into contorted, liberal legal “reasoning” (bereft of actual reason and common sense) stunned everyone. For goodness’ sake, no lawmaker had even heard of “transgender” in 1964. But the dominant media, now the most powerful branch of the LGBTQ movement, loves Bostock, and even more so because it signals conservative legal acquiescence to the Gay/Trans Revolution.
Above is Sen. Hawley’s outstanding response on the Senate floor (June 17) to this pseudo-textualist apostasy. I wonder: why isn’t our President speaking like this, and why did so many “conservative” Republicans on Capitol Hill run for cover rather than defend core principles like Hawley? — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera