“Evil prevails when good churches do nothing.”

Godless ‘Morality’ Advocates…like “gay Christian” activist Matthew Vines are filling the void left by biblical pastors who refuse to get involved in the Culture War over morality in America. In what might be termed a form of “Satanic evangelism,” Vines’ Reformation Project trains people to go into evangelical churches with appealing, homosexuality-affirming and “gay theology” messages–“to create an environment in which Christian leaders will have the freedom to take the next steps toward affirming and including LGBT people in all aspects of church life.” In other words, to infiltrate churches to get them to accommodate a sexual sin that the Word of God calls an abomination. For some actual truth on the subject, see Prof. Rob Gagnon’s paper, “How Bad Is Homosexual Practice According to Scripture?”
Dear Readers,
This piece by my friend Micah Clark, who ably runs the Indiana Family Association, confirms what many of us already knew: pastors are copping out of the Culture War over moral values. As it turns out, liberal (apostate) churches–usually pro-abortion “rights,” pro-LGBTQ and socialist-leaning–are filling the Public Square void. In other words, an organized onslaught of secular and religious liberals is working to radically change transform this nation. And remember: leftist “change agents”–the same fellows who used to scream: “Don’t impose your morality on us!”–do all their destructive modernist work in the name of “morality.”
The Left marches lockstep to aggressively push its humanist, anti-God “morality.” What has happened to the real people of faith who should be today’s moral leaders? — @PeterLaBarbera, AFTAH
How to Lose Freedom in One Easy Step
By Micah Clark
Millions of Americans may be watching the Republican national convention this week. Some data is finding that this in an election year in which record numbers of voters seem to be interested in deciding who will be our next president. For example, the Republican primary has seen a 62% increase in voter turnout this year over 2012, from 19.2 million votes four years ago to 31 million this year.
This may be why a new study of church engagement has caught pollsters by surprise. The new study from the American Culture and Faith Institute is being described as “nothing less than astounding.”
At a time when religious hostility is on the rise and recognized as a problem among a majority of all Americans, the very institutions targeted by such bigotry are in full retreating from the battle.
The study of 600 theologically conservative evangelical pastors finds that they are “unlikely to call their congregations to participate in any meaningful way” in the 2016 election.
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