VIDEO: Bruce (‘Caitlyn’) Jenner Sounds Like a Man Because He IS a Man – ESPY Awards Speech

Thursday, July 16th, 2015
The Bruce Jenner of old, when America--despite all her problems--was a much saner nation than today.

Saner Days: The Bruce Jenner of old, when America–despite all of her problems–was a much saner nation than today.

In a way, Bruce (“Caitlyn”)* Jenner’s pitiable attempt to become a “woman” is symbolic of the precipitous moral and spiritual decline of our nation. The America of just a few decades past–when Jenner won the Olympic Decathlon (1976)–did not honor gender confusion and sexual deviance. But the new America, Obama’s and the Democrats’ America, not only celebrates both perversions here in the U.S. but uses American foreign aid dollars to push them on unwilling nations abroad. (Kenya’s political leaders are warning President Obama not to lecture them on homosexual “rights” and “gay marriage” in his upcoming visit to their country.)

Below, Jenner accepts ESPN’s “Arthur Ashe Courage Award”–not for any athletic achievement but because he fits the media’s and the Left’s upside-down redefinition of “courage.” Defying God and Nature in the most radical way imaginable–attempting to change your own God-given sex–is a lot of things–tragic, impossible, rebellious, confused, irrational, self-deceived–but it is not ‘courageous.’ And yet powerful opinion-makers guide us in a daily exercise of mass-lying as they push this and other politically correct myths on an increasingly dumbed-down culture.

AFTAH has urged Americans and people worldwide to pray for Bruce Jenner, but keep in mind that in his now-public role as a “transgender” change agent, he goes from being one who struggles with gender confusion to an ACTIVIST who promotes the extreme transgender agenda, even to young people and children. As such, like the entire LGBTQueer movement that seeks to impose its warped “morality” on the country, Jenner must be fought at every turn. Americans possessing common sense, morals and biblical faith lack the media’s power–notice ABC’s shameless championing of Jenner as a hero–but we possess the Truth. And Bruce’s distinctly male voice, the hardest thing for male-to-female transsexuals to change, stubbornly reveals that Truth, too. Close your eyes and listen; as my daughter said, “That’s a guy.”

Watch this ABC broadcast and weep–for Jenner, for the death of journalism and for our nation–which is undergoing a “transition” as godless, as destructive and as revolutionary as this poor man in a dress. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

*As a matter of policy and principle, Americans For Truth will not refer to Bruce Jenner by his chosen female name, “Caitlyn”–especially considering his assumed role as transgender change agent, using his influence to confirm other men and women–even boys and girls–in similar gender confusion.


Transgender Bruce Jenner’s Interview with Diane Sawyer Will Continue to Open Immoral Doors

Friday, April 24th, 2015

“I Feel, Therefore I Am” — This sums up the philosophy of both the homosexual and “transgender” movements. But reality is more important than confused or rebellious feelings, and the objective reality is that God made Bruce Jenner a man, and he can never become a woman. Pray for Mr. Jenner.

Contact: 4 WINDS, 608-469-7956

MADISON, Wis., April 24, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ — Bruce Jenner’s interview with Diane Sawyer on 20/20 will be glorified by the LGBTQ movement. The interview will be on Friday, April 24.

In 2003, 4 WINDS was the only Christian sports ministry publicly taking on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for allowing transgenders in the Olympics. The IOC effort passed smoothly.

“We knew this would create a problem down the road,” says 4 WINDS President Steve McConkey. “The problem now is even greater than we thought it would be. You now have thirty-three state high school associations allowing transgender athletes on their high school teams. It will only get worse.”

During the last two years, 4 WINDS voiced their concerns when the IOC and the United States Olympic Committee pushed their LGBTQ non-discrimination policies.

“If an athlete is in a church and they voice their view on homosexuality, what are the consequences?” states Steve McConkey. “Free speech is free because the government and sports associations do not have the right to dictate how a person believes. Biblical values are non-negotiable on major doctrines and morals.”

The decline in morals in the USA can be attributed to Christians not knowing how to defend their faith. Christians need to pray and freely voice their concerns.

4 WINDS hopes that those who are in error would come to know Jesus Christ as Savior. The only hope man has is through the cross of Christ. Please contact 4 WINDS for further information.


Steve McConkey is the President of 4 Winds Christian Athletics (4 WINDS). Steve and his wife started working in world-class track and field ministries in 1981. 4 WINDS was formed in 1988 and expanded to all sports in 2014. Steve regularly appears on worldwide radio and is frequently quoted in articles throughout the world. He has a Master of Public Health from Western Kentucky University with honors and a BS-Public Health from Minnesota State University, Mankato. Steve became a Christian in 1976 after reading the New Testament. He was born in Des Moines, Iowa, but moved to NW Wisconsin after the sixth grade. Ministry headquarters have been in Eugene, Dallas-Fort Worth, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and now in Madison, Wisconsin. Steve operates Big Planet Watch and Track and Field Report at

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