Pro-homosexual ads will help insurance gain 1oo% ranking in “gay” lobby’s biased scorecard

No Mom. Two “Dads.” Brought to You by Allstate: Was it “meant to be” that this beautiful little girl would be denied a mom, and have immoral behavior modeled to her by the two adult “dads” in her home? By producing pro-homosexual advocacy ads like this, Allstate earns a higher ranking in the “Corporate Equality Index” scorecard put out by the anti-Christian homosexual activist group, Human Rights Campaign. Click to enlarge.
Allstate Corporation (800-ALLSTATE; 800-255-7828) recently released this web ad celebrating two homosexual men who adopted a baby girl. Translation: Allstate is celebrating homes in which an innocent child is intentionally deprived of a mom or dad.
The ad will help the insurance giant rack up points on the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign’s woefully-biased corporate “gay” scorecard, the “Corporate Equality Index” (CEI) — which AFTAH has exposed as a very “rigged” ratings system. The CEI gives companies points for funding homosexual groups and causes, and for running ads that promote LGBT lifestyles –and punishes corporations (minus 25 points) for actions that it regards as “anti-LGBT blemishes” on the Index. [See the CEI graphic that follows the video.]
In other words, a corporation like Allstate receives points for positively pro-LGBT “Public Engagements” like this ad–but would LOSE points if it were to support, say, a pro-traditional-marriage referendum or a law barring men like Bruce (“Caitlyn”) Jenner from using female restrooms. Needless to say, a corporate grant to Americans For Truth would earn a swift 25-point deduction from HRC, but with a gift to GLAAD, they would be one-third of their way to earning the maximum 15 points for Public Engagement.
Allstate currently has an 85-percent score, according to HRC– and obviously it aims to bump it up to a “perfect” 100-percent rating.
Little girls and little boys deserve a mom and a dad whenever possible–and they do not deserve to be the innocent victims of a perverse social experiment intended to validate sexual misbehaviors that have been condemned throughout history. Remember when American corporations like Allstate supported wholesome family values instead of a politically correct sin movement? — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @Peter LaBarbera
The following is Human Rights Campaign’s “Corporate Equality Index” scoring system regarding corporate philanthropy and homosexuality-related advocacy (click to enlarge and view more clearly):
Source: HRC document, “Corporate Equality Index 2016: Criteria Updates and Toolkit for Success 2016.”
HRC states regarding its new “requirement” for a perfect rating:
For a 100% in the 2016 Corporate Equality Index report, businesses must:
- Have sexual orientation and gender identity non-discrimination protections explicitly included in all of its operations, both within the US and global operations.
- Require US contractors to abide by companies’ existing inclusive non-discrimination policy.
- Implement internal requirements prohibiting company/ law firm philanthropic giving to non-religious organizations that have a written policy of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and/ or gender identity.