Gina Miller: Presbyterian USA Denomination Again Chooses Sodomy over the Bible

Tuesday, March 24th, 2015

PC_USA_logoThis column first appeared on the Renew America site. March 19, 2015

By Gina Miller

The world is overflowing with deception (good is evil, and evil is good), false religions and doctrines forged in Hell. Among the world’s false religions, there are none more sinister – in my opinion – than those that claim the name of Christ while espousing all kinds of unbiblical error and even things the Lord calls abomination. While other false religions are no less dangerous to the eternal spirits of those beguiled by them, it is supremely detestable when false gospels are presented under the name of Jesus.

Jesus is the Son of God, and He is God. He came to earth to offer Himself as a perfect sacrifice for our sins. We are all accountable to God for our sins. We are all born in sin, and we each struggle with sin all our lives (at least those of us who recognize our sinfulness struggle with it, but others may not consider it at all). Jesus lived a sinless life as God in the flesh, and his willing sacrifice on the cross was perfect and acceptable to cover the sins of anyone who would believe in Him. Jesus is the only way – the only way – for man to be reconciled to God. He died so we could be free from sin, not be “out and proud” of our sin! The devil knows this and wants to prevent as many people from being saved as he possibly can, so he has labored from the beginning of Christ’s earthly ministry to infiltrate the church, to infuse it with his evil, subtle deceptions and myriad divisions. He has been greatly successful.

Today, we see rampant apostasy in many so-called Christian churches. There are plenty of denominations and churches that have created their own set of man-made traditions and regulations apart from Scripture, and in some cases, contrary to it. When churches that purport to be Christian rely on anything other than the Bible alone for revelation of God’s plan for mankind, then error is inevitable. When the Rock is not your foundation (no, the Rock is not Peter; it’s Jesus), then you will be prone to swallow all manner of false teachings.

Thus it is with the Presbyterian USA group, which voted this week to add the acceptance of sodomite “marriage” to its constitution. This follows on the heels of a 2011 vote that saw the group amend its charter to accept the ordination of unrepentant homosexuals to leadership position in its churches.

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