Fox News’ powerhouse cites Left’s favorite Bible verse to criticize ‘Duck Dynasty’ star
“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?” —Phil Robertson, interview with GQ magazine, Jan. 2014
Folks, last year I did an in-depth report for America’s Survival Inc., on Fox News growing pro-homosexuality bias, and in it I noted Bill O’Reilly’s evolving support for homosexual “rights.” That includes backing homosexual adoption, homosexuals in the military and saying he doesn’t really care much anymore about (opposing) “gay marriage.” I also noted that O”Reilly occasionally does segments [like this] that infuriate LGBT activists. We are grateful for all the good work he has done (e.g., going after predators).
However, in the December 20, 2013 segment below–in which O’Reilly faults “Duck Dynasty’s” Phil Robertson for “singling out” homosexuals and being “judgmental”–his analysis was sophomoric and inane. Watch for yourself, but it seems to me that O’Reilly doesn’t understand that Robertson was paraphrasing the New Testament (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) when he told GQ that homosexuals (and other unrepentant sinners) would not go to heaven. (Read what Robertson actually told GQ–including his quote above hoping for the redemption of repentant homosexuals–HERE.)
Yes, Bill, the God of the universe condemns sexual sin, “singles out” unnatural sins against the body like homosexuality as abominations (detestable), and sends unrepentant sinners who refuse to accept Jesus’ “free gift” of salvation to Hell. And Jesus did not advise us “not to judge” but rather to make right, non-hypocritical judgments [see this useful Frank Turek video on Jesus and judging]. Homosexualism is about changeable behavior, and people are not their sins: there is no special category for intrinsic “gayness” (i.e., as “who you are”) in God’s Word. That’s a 20th Century creation and a product of the Sexual Revolution–and decades of homosexual advocacy–that transformed a destructive sin pattern into an innocuous, personal (proud) identity.
Then note how O’Reilly — like some smug, biblically illiterate college kid — trots out the trendy “anti-judging” verse (Luke 6:37) (out of context) to gain some Bible cred for his Talking Points. (Memo to Bill: read a bit further in Luke 6 and Jesus explains HOW to judge people — with humility and by examining their fruit.) It is stunning to see a guy like O’Reilly who has made a very good living rebutting liberal Political Correctness, now spouting the PC line on homosexualism and passing it off as Christianity. To do so, he must ignore not only inconvenient Bible passages but his own Catholic Church’s clear teachings on homosexuality.
Criticizing Fox News’ Big Kahuna means I probably will never appear on “The O’Reilly Factor,” but no matter. AFTAH will continue to call out Bill O’Reilly for his situational morality, cafeteria Christianity and, yes, Bill: in this case, your “Pro-Sin Spin.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH [note excerpted quotations from the interview appear beneath video and after the jump]
Description of Mediaite segment posted by YouTube channel “TV Alberta”;
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