Protesters say ‘F- you” to Pence; can you imagine media’s reaction if conservatives did this to Obama’s VP?
WARNING: Explicit language from immature LGBTQ leftists in video
Folks, this is from our friends at Media Research Center; see the MRC NewsBusters story that accompanies the video HERE. As I tweeted:
“Petty, mean, spoiled, classless, hateful, intolerant, morally corrupt: LGBTQ leftists throw “queer” party outside Pence’s temporary DC home.”
The most ironic line from the protesters in this video is when the guy yells out, “We choose love over hate!” Are you kidding me? Vice President Mike Pence, a very decent man, has been on the receiving end of a non-stop barrage of LGBTQ activist and “progressive” *hate* since Trump picked him as running-mate. Thank God these leftists lost on Nov. 8. American needs a very long break from their self-righteous, destructive foolishness. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
MRCTV video description:
WARNING: explicit language. MRCC covered the “Queer Dance Party” through Mike Pence’s neighborhood Wednesday night. WATCH: We caught on camera everything from “f*ck you” interviews to vandalism to poking fun/dancing circles around a lone Trump supporter.