Folks, the day for deciding America’s future is finally here. I wrote this piece for, where I am now a U.S. reporter. [Sign up for LSN updates here.] This callout quote below aptly represents the way “progressives” think. Rather than mold our behaviors to God’s ideal–revealed through the Bible–modern liberals resent those who adhere to a Higher Law and will not conform to sin-based agendas. Go out and vote, and as always, ignore the corrupt, liberal media! — Peter LaBarbera,
“One of my big problems right now is that too many people believe they have a direct line to the divine and they never want to change their mind about anything.” — Hillary Clinton, NPR “Fresh Air” interview, 2014
Flashback – Pro-LGBT Clinton Defended Natural Marriage as ‘Sacred Bond’ of Man and Woman
By Peter LaBarbera
November 7, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Like the Democratic U.S. president she is trying to succeed, Hillary Clinton has done a 180-degree U-turn on the legalization of homosexual “marriage”—going from a religious-minded foe of genderless “marriage” in 2000 to a fervent crusader for it today as a supposed “constitutional right.”
Most ominously in a post-Obergefell America that is increasingly hostile to citizens who do not wish to participate in or validate same-sex “marriage,” Hillary Clinton is now a vocal opponent of “religious freedom restoration” laws like the one overturned in Indiana. These laws aim to preserve people’s right to live out their support for natural marriage before God (a belief Hillary shared pre-2013) and not to countenance sin.
She also openly expresses hostility to faith-based citizens who refuse to bend their thinking on homosexual “marriage.”
In that vein, Mrs. Clinton touts the federal LGBTQ “Equality Act,” which adds homosexuality and transgenderism to the 1964 Civil Rights Act and which, in its present form, would explicitly negate the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act—which Congress passed to defend religious liberty and the First Amendment.
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