Vice President Mike Pence’s Speech at the March For Life – Transcript

Monday, January 30th, 2017

“Life is winning,” says Pence. first VP to address annual March for Life in person

Vice President Mike Pence.

Vice President Mike Pence. Will the new administration reverse Obama’s immoral legacy on abortion and homosexualism? See AFTAH’s release on Trump and the evil SCOTUS Obergefell ruling HERE.

Wow, confident pro-life advocacy from the White House. What a welcome contrast to eight years of social leftism under Obama. We know that opposition to abortion does not automatically translate into resistance to the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda. But, pro-family folks, here is our mission field: the millions of Americans who stand up boldly for the unborn.

There is no true justice in defending life but not defending natural marriage, or not defending children against the push to indoctrinate them in aberrant sex and gender “identies” and “lifestyles.” We must not honor God by rallying to support innocent life but then dishonor Him by acquiescing to deviant reconfigurations of marriage and family. (Why again is Walmart selling Heather Has Two Mommies?) Rather, we must be all about the whole Truth. Remember that homosexualism, too, is anti-life.

As Vice President Pence stated, 44 years ago the Supreme Court turned away from the “timeless ideal” of the inalienable right to life. But just two years ago, the Court in its arrogance–helped by Obama’s treachery–turned away from God’s wonderful plan for marriage as uniting the sexes to create children and families. Pray and work for this new administration to roll back the previous White House’s evil abortion AND homosexualist agendas! –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

The White House
Office of the Vice President
For Immediate Release

March for Life Remarks of Vice President Pence – As Prepared for Delivery




As Prepared for Delivery –

On behalf of President Donald Trump, my wife Karen, and our daughter Charlotte, I’d like to welcome you all to Washington, D.C. for the 44th annual March for Life.

And I am deeply humbled to be the first Vice President of the United States to ever have the privilege to attend this historic gathering.

More than two-hundred and forty years ago, our Founders wrote words that have echoed through the ages.

They declared “these truths to be self-evident.” That we are, all of us, “endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights,” and “that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Forty-four years ago, our Supreme Court turned away from the first of these timeless ideals.

But today, three generations hence, because of all of you, and the many more who stand with us in marches just like this across this nation, life is winning in America again.

That is evident in the election of pro-life majorities in the Congress of the United States.

But it is no more evident than in the historic election of a president who stands for a stronger America, a more prosperous America, and a president who I proudly say stands for the right to life – President Donald Trump.

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‘I Now Pronounce You Man and Robot’ – Michael Brown on ‘Robosexuals’

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Once you destroy the male-female boundary for marriage that has stood since the beginning of time, all boundaries are open to question. Ditto for male, female and “gender identities.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Why Can’t I Marry the Robot I Love? The Rise of Robosexuals


Dr. Michael Brown

By Dr. Michael Borwn, 12/23/16, reprinted from the excellent Charisma media website; subscribe HERE

Do people have the right to marry the one they love, even if the one they love is a robot? If not, why not? After all, in the words of Lilly from France, who has fallen in love with her robot, “We don’t hurt anybody; we are just happy.”

Isn’t that what matters in the end, that people are happy?

Lilly calls herself a “proud robosexual,” and she fully plans on marrying her robot, whom she named InMoovator.

As explained in the Daily Mail, “Lilly is reportedly engaged to the robot and says they will marry when human-robot marriage is legalized in France.”

But why should this surprise us? People have not only married their same-sex spouses (which has the merit of joining together fellow-humans, albeit completely opposite to the God-ordained male-female pattern), but they have married animals and inanimate objects and, with increasing frequency, married themselves.

Indeed, it was just a few days ago that Good Housekeeping—not some radical, far-out, tabloid—ran the story, “WHY I MARRIED MYSELF. Self-marriage is a small but growing movement around the world.”

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Linda Harvey on Oregon’s ‘Gender-Obliterating Nonsense’ – The Worst State to Raise Children

Sunday, October 16th, 2016

LGBTQ Liberalism Is Destroying Young Women’s Bodies: Alex Matheny, 20, shows off her “transgender” “top surgery” at right after she had her healthy breasts surgically removed to have a flat chest like the “man” she wants to be (and yet never can be). At left is photo of Alex as a beautiful girl a few years ago in high school. Ideas have consequences, and the “transgender” ideology pushed by powerful LGBTQ groups like the Human Rights Campaign is leading thousands of youth to mutilate their bodies to fulfill a disordered fantasy of becoming the opposite sex. This dangerous agenda is most aggressive in deep-blue states like Washington and Oregon. Matheny is shown October 6, 2016, one month after her breast-removal operation; at this point she had been on (male) testosterone hormone therapy for about nine months. Photos: Alex Matheny’s Twitter page. Click on graphic to enlarge.

Folks, here is another column on gender insanity by Linda Harvey, who is the keynote speaker at the AFTAH dinner-banquet in less than two weeks, on Friday, October 28, 2016 at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church, in Bensenville, Illinois (in northwest suburban Chicago). Full details HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


The Worst State to Raise Children

By Linda Harvey, first published by Oct. 9, 2016

Warning: This column contains graphic content.


Linda Harvey

Linda Harvey comes to Chicagoland for the annual AFTAH dinner-banquet Friday, Oct. 28. Tickets are just $25/person. Full details HERE.

It’s official: Oregon is in free-fall.

And if possible, you really don’t want to raise children there until some big changes are made.

Among a badly behaving peer group – the rest of the states in the U.S. – Oregon still sinks below them all, even radical Massachusetts and loony California.

It’s not just the legalized marijuana and assisted suicide. It’s not just the bisexual governor and the after-school Satan clubs that some Portlandia-dazed educators have welcomed.

Oregon’s liberals – who dominate the government and schools – consider children guinea pigs for grotesque experiments in sexual and spiritual corruption. Praise God for the few Christians and conservatives who have managed to limit these programs to some extent.

But much more remains to be done to protect Oregon’s children from permanent harm.

Consider these facts:

  • In Oregon, a 15-year-old can now embark on hormone and sex-change surgical treatment without a parent’s consent, paid for by Medicaid. This policy was quietly enacted in 2015 by an appointed commission of the Oregon Health Authority. Judicial Watch accessed documents and found that 56 children were treated for gender “assessment” in the first six months of the program, some under age 9.
  • Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins University, has called the Oregon policy for gender-confused youth “child abuse” and that such operations for youth are “never appropriate.”
  • The option for young teens to have healthy breasts and penises amputated is being advocated through the many school-based health clinics that bypass parental rights to advise children about intimate issues and often refer them to Planned Parenthood. Among the services the clinics promote for minor children are “reproductive health” and counseling for “LGBTQ” issues.

So middle-school girls are given birth control and referrals to Planned Parenthood, and students questioning their sexuality will most likely be told, inaccurately, that some people are “born that way” and that such sexual expression is just as natural as heterosexuality.

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