Folks, I encourage you to support my friend (and AFTAH Board Member) Matt Barber by buying his book, “Hating Jesus: The American Left’s War on Christianity”–co-authored with Paul Hair. What I love about Matt is his aggressive approach–a welcome contrast to the guilt-ridden, defensive (and beaten down) posture that so many Christians and conservatives have in dealing with Big Gay Inc. Buy Hating Jesus on Amazon HERE. Congrats to Matt and Paul for their book, which hopefully will toughen up a lot of spines! This review first appeared on–Matt’s excellent website.–@Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Jesus Haters’ Evil Agenda Exposed
By Gina Miller
While it is becoming increasingly difficult, in the face of glaring evidence to the contrary, for members of the Marxist Left to deny their war on Christianity, they still press on with their deceptive denials. “There’s no ‘war on Christianity’!” they mockingly proclaim. But now, Matt Barber, with the assistance of Paul Hair, has written a book that shatters the lies of Christ haters everywhere.
In “Hating Jesus: The American Left’s War On Christianity,” Matt takes the reader step by step through the irrefutable facts about the war on Christianity and Christians being waged in the United States. The ultimate goal of those waging the war is the outlawing of all things Christ, including freedom itself.
In this must-read book, Matt explains that America was indeed founded as a Christian nation, not a “theocracy,” but a Christian nation. He explains the difference and then proceeds to take the reader through some of the many examples of attacks on Christians and Christianity. He reveals the deeper purpose of this anti-Christian war, how the Godless Left created an in-depth strategy for the obliteration of Christianity in the United States and how the lukewarm church let it happen. Finally, he outlines the ways in which we can fight back and even reverse the evil gains of this satanic army of Christ haters.
If you’ve been paying even a little attention over the past decade or so, you will know that one of the main groups of people targeting Christians and Christianity in America are militant homosexuals and related deviants. As Matt explains in the introduction of the book:
To be sure, while there are many persons and groups in the U.S. who hate Christ, perhaps the chief extremists leading the War on Christianity are the “LGBT” special interests; or, as I prefer, the “Big Sin” lobby. They are tremendously well-funded, organized and highly influential. For this reason, you will see multiple examples in the coming pages of homosexuals attacking Christianity in general, and Christians in particular, even as there remain myriad more anti-Christian and other “progressive” extremist groups (some of which we will detail) who, likewise, hate authentic Christianity in America.
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