Following is an important opinion piece by our friend Gina Miller providing background about a court case that poses a direct threat to Americans’ freedom. The pro-homosexual Left–in this case the well-heeled “hate” manipulators at Southern Poverty Law Center–are attempting to use the courts to shut down ex-“gay” therapists–who help men and women overcome unwanted same-sex attractions. (Next they will be going after ex-“gay” ministries and church- or religiously-affiliated counselors.) Leftists are totalitarians at heart, as more and more they move to squelch dissent on the “gay” issue (in the name of “equality” and “protecting” people, of course–liberals know how to package their tyranny). This column first ran about a year ago in Renew America, an excellent website for patriots. Please do all you can to help JONAH and Chuck LiMandri’s Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, as literally is liberty are on the line in this case. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
February 16, 2014
By Gina Miller
Listen to an audio version of this column at Renew America
As we continue to watch insanity reign in our nation on far too many levels, yet another activist federal judge, an Obama appointee who apparently does not know the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, has overruled the will of the people in the State of Virginia and declared its ban on same-sex “marriage” to be “unconstitutional.” So continues the warped, vicious assault on truth, reason, the family and our freedoms.
We also have an example of what a Godless, morally relativistic university system produces. A third-year law student at Yale has written an opinion piece published on Wednesday in the New York Times. Jacob Victor’s column titled, “Ending ‘Gay Conversion’ for Good,” demonstrates the standard, leftist talking-point lies used against those who help people overcome unwanted same-sex attraction.
His piece begins:
Therapy programs that purport to “convert” lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender kids have caused immeasurable harm since they became prominent in the 1970s. Rigorous studies have shown again and again that efforts to change young people’s sexual orientation not only fail, but are also linked to suicidal behavior, depression, anxiety, drug use and risky sexual behavior.
These are lies. I am not aware of any therapists who guarantee conversion, any kind of therapists. When sin has a powerful hold on someone, it’s never easy to let it go, but it is possible. Countless people have escaped the grip of homosexuality and have gone on to live normal lives. To say that change from homosexuality is not possible is to lie.
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