Mike Heath of Maine Recounts Murder Linked to Chicago Sadomasochistic ‘Perversion Museum’ – Leather Archives

Tuesday, June 9th, 2015

“The sin of homosexual perversion took Fred Wilson to a place called a dungeon. It cost him his life, and it showed him the horrors of hell.”

–Mike Heath, at AFTAH press event exposing Chicago’s “Leather Archives” perversion “museum”

Rev. Mike Heath stands next to AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera at press event in front of Chicago's "Perversion Museum," the sadomasochism-celebrating Leather Archives & Museum. At right with microphone is Monte Larrick, the former Moody Radio reporter who now does media reports for Illinois Family Institute.

Calling Evil, Evil: Rev. Mike Heath stands to the left of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera at press event in front of Chicago’s homosexual “Perversion Museum,” the sadomasochism-celebrating “Leather Archives & Museum.” At right with microphone is Monte Larrick, the former Moody Radio reporter who now is on staff Illinois Family Institute. See Part One of AFTAH’s report on the vile collections housed at the “museum”–which include works celebrating “fisting,” urination “watersports” and BDSM–including the eroticization of such perversions engaged in between adults and minors. See AFTAH’s PDF flier alerting Chicago residents to the uber-perverse “museum” HERE.

The following statement on Chicago “Leather Archive and Museum” was made May 22, 2015, at a press event held directly in front of the Leather Archived & Museum at 6418 N. Greenview Avenue in Chicago:

Chicago, Illinois

Americans for Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) Press Conference

Friday, May 22, 2015

By Rev. Michael S. Heath, President, Helping Hands Ministries Augusta, Maine


My friend Peter LaBarbera and I are here today to expose a grave, and up to now, a well­-hidden evil.

Christianity teaches that evil thrives by cloaking itself in what is pleasing and what is good. Hence, sodomy is called being “gay.” The word “gay” is like the name on the front of this building “LA&M.”

It sounds pleasant, lamb­like almost. The vile movement that is honored by this “museum” chooses to hide their evil, their malice and their contempt for community standards behind the name “LA&M.”

Bruce LaVallee-Davidson

Bruce LaVallee-Davidson

But no evil can be concealed for very long. Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Living God, Very God in Human Form, said “What is done in secret shall be shouted from the rooftops.”

We are here to shout it from the rooftops. Fred Wilson could not be here today to tell his story. Fred Wilson is dead, He was a donor to this temple, this shrine to sadomasochism, and he was shot and killed in a sadomasochistic orgy. Four days later, his killer testified on behalf of same sex “marriage” at a public hearing in Maine.

I published an article on the matter in 2012:

Read the rest of this article »

AFTAH Flier Alerts Chicago Neighborhood to Homosexual Perversion ‘Museum’ – Leather Archives – Located within Blocks of Three Schools

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

WARNING: Highly Offensive Subject Matter


Sadistic Perversion ‘Museum’ and its Innocent Neighbors: The “Leather Archives & Museum” (LA&M) is a essentially a perversion “museum”–celebrating and chronicling some of the most extreme and depraved (and dangerous) sexual fetishes ever invented by mankind. That includes hard-core (consensual) sadistic brutality, “master-slave” degradation–and even the eroticization of incest and adult sex with children. Part of Chicago’s “LGBT community,” LA&M is located at 6418 N. Greenview Avenue in the city’s Rogers Park neighborhood–just three blocks away from Joyce Kilmer Elementary School (6700 N. Greenview). Little children walk by the LA&M building every day to attend a day-care facility on nearby Devon Ave. There are two other public schools located within a half mile of the perversion museum–Hayt Elementary School and Sullivan High School. Click HERE to view AFTAH’s flier alerting Rogers Park residents to the Archives and its vile contents.

Click HERE or the the link below to view the Americans For Truth flier that was distributed in Chicago’s Rogers Park neighborhood May 22, 2015–exposing a homosexual “perversion museum” (AFTAH’s description) known as the Leather Archives and Museum, located at 6418 Greenview Avenue, near Devon on the city’s north side. The “Leather Archives” chronicles the history of sadomasochism and is intricately connected to Chicago’s annual “International Mr. Leather” BDSM (Bondage& Discipline, Dominanc & Submission, Sadism & Masochism) celebration drawing thousands of mostly homosexual “leathermen” to the Windy City.



TOO CLOSE: Sullivan High School is located a block away from the “Leather Archives” perversion “museum.” The Archives contains at least one booklet that describes a teenage boy sodomized and “fisted” by an older man as a “chicken” — a “gay” slang term for adolescent boys pursued for sex by adult male “chickenhawks.”

More coming on AFTAH’s press event highlighting the “Leather Archives” perversion “museum.”

Below is the text of the AFTAH Flier [click here for PDF]; we passed out about 800 of them in Rogers Park but homosexual activists later went back and took many of them away:

Did You Know?

…That a Deviant
Perversion “Museum”
…Is Located in Your

…Within 3 blocks of
Kilmer Elementary
School and Sullivan
High School?

The “Leather Archives & Museum,” located at 6418 N. Greenview (near Devon), celebrates the most heinous and vile sadomasochistic behaviors ever invented by mankind—acts so twisted that we cannot even describe them here. This includes “Macho Sluts.” a book of “fiction” with a pedophilic-incest fantasy.

TAKE ACTION: Call your Alderman:
Ald. Pat O’Connor: 773-769-1140; email: ward40@cityofchicago.org

Children deserve better. A homosexual perversion “museum” that celebrates consensual sexual violence, human degradation—and even sexual “slavery” and pedophilia—should NOT be located near schools—period.

Flier created by Americans For Truth About Homosexuality; see www.AmericansForTruth.org; phone: 312-324-3787; email: americansfortruth@gmail.com. Write: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567.

Caption: A Perversion “Museum”? The Leather Archives & Museum, located at 6418 N.
Greenview Ave. in Chicago, glorifies homosexual sadomasochism and the most extreme and depraved sexual perversions invented by mankind—including incestuous pedophilia and sexual “slavery.” Three Blocks Away: Kilmer Elementary School, 6700 N. Greenview Ave.


AFTAH to Expose Chicago ‘Perversion Museum’ – the Leather Archives – at Press Event Friday – Sadistic ‘Museum’ Is Near Three Schools

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

A Perversion “Museum”? The Leather Archives & Museum, located in this nondescript building at 6418 N. Greenview Ave. in Chicago, glorifies homosexual sadomasochism and the most extreme and depraved sexual perversions invented by mankind—including incestuous pedophilia and (consensual) sexual “slavery.” The BDSM “museum” also caters to heterosexual sadomasochists.

AFTAH Press Event Friday, May 22, 10:30 AM, 6418 N. Greenview Ave., Chicago:

PURPOSE: We will be alerting the local Rogers Park neighborhood that this sadistic “perversion museum”–celebrating some of the most extreme and vile practices ever invented by mankind–is located just three blocks from an elementary school (Joyce Kilmer Elementary) and even closer to a high school (Roger C. Sullivan HS). See this map of Rogers Park, Chicago.

The “Leather Archives” plays a very active role in Chicago’s annual “International Mr. Leather” (IML), which draws thousands of homosexual BDSM (Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, Sadism & Masochism”) “leathermen” to the Windy City every Memorial Day weekend. See past AFTAH stories on the IML deviance-sex-fest HERE (2007), HERE (2008), and HERE (2014).

WHEN: Friday, May 22, 10:30 AM.

WHERE: Directly in front of the Leather Archives & Museum (LA&M), 6418 N. Greenview Ave, Chicago (in the Rogers Park neighborhood in north Chicago, near the intersection of Greenview and Devon).

WHO: Speakers:

  • Peter LaBarbera, President, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH);  
  • Mike Heath, former director, Christian Civic League of Maine, founder, Helping Hands Ministry, Augusta, Maine 
Also represented but not attending:
  • Mary Anne Hackett, Catholic Citizens of Illinois;
  • Jim Komaniecki, Restore American Liberty
  • Nick Costello, Board Member, Catholic Citizens of IL and lifelong Chicago resident
Contact: Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com
The Kilmer Elementary School is located just three blocks from the perversion "museum" known as the "Leather Archives."

Just Three Blocks Away: The Kilmer Elementary School is located on Greenview Ave., just three blocks from the homosexual BDSM perversion “museum” known as the “Leather Archives.”

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