Our friends at Liberty Counsel put out the following release to correct a cheap shot narrative being used against the organization, which opposes an anti-lynching bill because it contains an unnecessary LGBT provision. Here is a tweet I sent out on this, followed by a video featuring LC’s Jonathan Alexandre:
False and simplistic narrative designed to demonize Liberty Counsel. Like them, I support a law banning ALL lynching. In fact, I’d support #DeathPenaltyJustice for someone convicted of lynching a homosexual, or anyone. — @PeterLaBarbera, January 11, 2019
The following news release was sent out today by Liberty Counsel:
False Reporting on Lynching Bill Endangers Lives
Jan 10, 2019
ORLANDO, FL — Some media have falsely reported that Liberty Counsel is opposed to banning lynching, or, opposes banning lynching of LGBT people. Such reporting is false, reckless, and offensive. In fact, Mat Staver said, “No one can or should oppose a bill that bans lynching.” Staver continued, “We oppose lynching across the board for any person. Period!”
“The bill in question created a list of protected categories, thus limiting the application of the law. Lynching should be prohibited no matter the person’s reason for committing this violent crime,” concluded Staver.
As an African-American, Jonathan Alexandre, Director of Public Policy for Liberty Counsel in Washington, D.C., is likewise outraged over the false narrative of the media. He said, “The systematic torture and abuse of African-Americans throughout history is this country’s greatest disgrace. Some politicians and media have tried to use this horrible history to push unrelated political agendas by hijacking a serious issue. Lynching is wrong for all people despite the reason for targeting a victim.”
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