Twenty years later, a movement grows to build an intellectual case for tolerance and respect for pedophiles — whom B4UAct calls “Minor Attracted People”

Seducing Boys into Sodomy: It is very hard to watch something so evil, but note how NAMBLA leader Leyland Stevenson–interviewed in the 1994 film, “ChickenHawk: Men Who Love Boys”–rationalizes and explains his methods for sexually seducing boys. See video below.
This award-winning documentary “ChickenHawk: Men Who Love Boys” was produced in 1994. It was directed by Adi Sideman, who allowed NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) members (and leaders) to speak in their own words, describing their evil actions and thoughts involving boys.
Note how Leyland Stevenson, the über-creepy former NAMBLA secretary whose interview is at the center of this film, clsims that the boys are looking for sexual contact with men. This is the central and sickening rationale of all “boy lovers.”
More than two decades ago, I met Stevenson in the course of Americans For Truth’s predecessor, Lambda Report’s, efforts to expose NAMBLA and pro-pedophile groups worldwide. AFTAH’s and LR’s investigative reporting inspired a 1994 American law barring U.S. taxpayer funding to any international organization with pedophile connections.
History note: NAMBLA was once allowed to march in homosexual “pride” parades.
One thing NAMBLA is right about: pederasty–sex between men and boys–has ancient roots and must be included in the history of (male) homosexuality.
Building sympathy
Two decades after the release of “ChickenHawk,” there is a growing effort afoot to encourage tolerance and a type of respect for pedophiles–renamed (note the softening language) “MAPs” (Minor-Attracted People”); see this website. The “MAP” advocates are using the same strategies to gain recognition and build acceptance for this perverse “identity” as homosexual and “transgender” activists used to normalize their deviant identities and behaviors.
That means, in part, portraying adults whose “orientation” includes desiring sex with children–as a kind of “victim”; see B4UAct’s commitment to “stigma reduction” for MAPs (pedophiles/pederasts). That’s a very hard sell to Americans, but we would never doubt the tenacity of sexual revolutionaries in attempting to achieve it. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
WARNING: Some offensive sexual descriptions, but film is mostly interviews and shows nothing sexual in nature