Culture War No More? Arizona Democratic Senate candidate Rep. Kyrsten Sinema probably regrets protesting the U.S. military in this pink tutu, but she has nothing to fear from Republicans (and media conservatives) over her self-declaration that she is “bisexual.” That’s because GOP candidates and much of “conservative” media have abandoned telling the truth about the homosexual agenda. (Remember that “culture war” issue?) Meanwhile, the leading LGBTQ lobby group, Human Rights Campaign, spent $26 million targeting six key battleground states in the mid-term election. Hear AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera discuss the LGBTQ electoral agenda on VCY America’s “Crosstalk” HERE, and on AFR’s “Janet Mefferd Live” HERE.
“If Christians and conservatives are afraid to even discuss the homosexual agenda, how can we ever hope to defeat it?”
Why is it that one side in the Culture War over the normalization of sex-and-gender perversion (the LGBTQ agenda) is spending many millions of dollars on the election while the other side is afraid even to discuss it? I have been asking this question in Christian media (AFA’s “One News Now,” AFR’s “Janet Mefferd Live,” VCY America’s “Crosstalk” [go directly to MP3 audio HERE] and AFA of Pennsylvania’s radio talk show) leading up to today’s election, and we sent out this press release today. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
AFTAH is under siege from pro-LGBTQ censors; help us overcome the ‘Gay Thought Police’; donate safely online HERE, or mail your donation to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.
Americans for Truth
Election Day, Nov. 6, 2018
Contact: Peter LaBarbera: americansfortruth@gmail.com; 312-324-3787
Nancy Pelosi Promises Radical LGBTQ “Equality Act” if Democrats Win House, while GOP Candidates Self-Censor on Homosexual Agenda
The most dangerous legislation ever to come out of the revolutionary “gay” activist movement – the federal “Equality Act,” which proposes adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes in the Civil Rights code – hangs in the balance as Americans go to the polls today.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) promised that if the Democrat Party wins back the House and she becomes Speaker Pelosi, a top priority will be passing the Equality Act, which now has 198 co-sponsors in the House, all but two of them Democrats.
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org) president Peter LaBarbera has renamed the Equality Act the “Criminalizing Christianity Act” and called it a “gay and transgender lawyers’ dream bill.” It would effectively criminalize traditional morality and undermine religious liberty by punishing Americans for living out their conscience on issues like unnatural homosexual “marriage” ceremonies and taxpayer funding of grotesque transsexual “sex-reassignment surgeries” (masquerading as “health care”).
In an excellent article summarizing the Equality Act, Heritage Foundation scholar Ryan Anderson writes, “By making ‘gender identity’ a protected class, the government would force Americans to embrace transgender ideology in a variety of settings…elevating “gender identity” to a protected class across our federal antidiscrimination laws could impose a nationwide transgender bathroom policy, a nationwide pronoun policy, a nationwide sex-reassignment health care mandate….”
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