POSTPONED: AFTAH Chicago Banquet Featuring EX-Transsexual Walt Heyer

Tuesday, June 12th, 2018

Healthy Change: Walt Heyer. See his website,

UPDATE: The AFTAH 2018 Banquet has been postponed. We hope to host Walt Heyer for a banquet in the Spring. Stay tuned and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Folks, you’re not going to want to miss this year’s AFTAH dinner-banquet, featuring Walt Heyer, a man who once identified as a “woman,” so much so that he went through body-disfiguring “sex reassignment surgeries” to match his body with his delusion. But the Lord had other plans for Walt, and you will be blessed to hear his astonishing story in person!

The AFTAH event is POSTPONED…., 

Walt is the author of several books and the website, God is using him worldwide in amazing ways to respond to the “transgender insanity” that is all the rage in the leftist media, Hollywood and academia. Back in 2011, AFTAH was one of the first pro-family groups to interview Walt about his compelling life story, so we are very excited to have him now as our speaker. Please plan to be there! — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera

PS. Here is a short video of Walt being interviewed by the conservative Heritage Foundation’s online publication Daily Signal:

Save the Date – Friday, October 28 – AFTAH Banquet Featuring Linda Harvey – ‘Selling Gender Deviance to America’s Youth’

Thursday, July 14th, 2016

Even minors are seeking body-disfiguring operations–as “progressives” promote gender confusion to kids

Linda Harvey of Mission America is a leading Christian, pro-family expert warning on the destructive impact of homosexualism and transsexualism on America's youth.

Linda Harvey of Mission America is a leading Christian, pro-family expert warning of the destructive impact of the homosexual and transgender agenda on America’s youth. Harvey is the keynote speaker at the annual AFTAH dinner-banquet on Friday, October 28, at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, IL. She is speaking on: “How the Gay and Transgender Lobbies Are Selling Gender Deviance & Body Mutilation to America’s Youth.” The banquet is just $25/person or a Table of 10 for $250; pay online HERE or send your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.

Note:  Pay at the Door: doors open at 5:00 PM, Friday, Oct. 28 and dinner will be served at 6:30. Linda’s presentation begins at 7:30.  Tickets are just $25 and you can pay at the door. See Basic Info below.

Hey all, please reserve the date of Friday, October 28, 2016 for AFTAH’s annual Chicagoland banquet. This year we’re very excited to have as our keynote speaker my good friend, Linda Harvey–the founder of Mission America, a WND columnist, and one of the world’s leading pro-family experts on the aggressive agenda to corrupt youth with homosexualism and transsexualism.

On Friday, Oct. 28 we will have our annual dinner-banquet, only at a different location than usual: Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, Illinois, pastored by my friend John Kirkwood. Linda will lead an in-depth discussion on radical transgender youth activism. Doors will open at 5:00 pm and our dinner will be served around 6:30. We will have a Q&A period after Linda’s talk, which has this theme:

“How the Gay and Transgender Lobbies Are Selling Gender Deviance & Body Mutilation to America’s Youth.”

The AFTAH dinner-banquet event costs just $25 but if you are able, please consider buying a Table of 10 for $250.   You can sign up online using our special banquet sign-up form HERE. Or mail your check to:

PO Box 5522
Naperville, IL 60567-5522

NOTE: If you cannot make the banquet, please send a gift to AFTAH anyway to help us fight the anti-Christian, anti-freedom, pro-corrupt-the-children Homosexual-Transgender Lobby: give online HERE.


Basic Facts:

What:  Annual Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) Dinner-Banquet fundraiser

When:  Friday, October 28, 2016; doors open at 5:00; dinner served at 6:30

Who:  Linda Harvey, founder of the Christian, pro-family group Mission America and columnist

Where:  Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, IL (near Route 83 and I-290). Address: Grace-Gospel Fellowship, 4 North 220 Route 83 (Frontage Road), Bensenville, IL 60106; church phone: (630) 834-0550. The church is a red barn-like building with abortion-victim crosses in the yard: it is on the west side of Rt. 83, about a mile north of I-290. In Google Maps, the church is listed as “Grace Gospel Center.”  Park behind the church and enter through the lower level. 

Cost:  Just $25 per person or $250 for a Table of 10; pay online using our Banquet Form, or mail your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522  [to give a general donation to AFTAH, go here]

Questions?  Write Brad Wallace at; call him at 312-324-3787. Or write AFTAH at


About the Table of 10: we also encourage YOU to help Americans For Truth by purchasing a Table of 10–just $250 for the dinner-banquet. Even if you can’t fill your entire table, you will help us fill those spots with students and others who otherwise couldn’t afford to come.

AFTAH annual banquets are special. Ask anyone who’s been to one! They are not about celebrity but are  highly informative and ALWAYS focused mainly on the mission of educating people about homosexualism and transsexualism. You won’t want to miss this exciting opportunity to learn from and interact with a modern-day pro-family hero, Linda Harvey.

In an age of utter confusion and sexual/gender anarchy, Truth is even more precious and we must defend it vigorously. Please save these days and make it a point to be there! @Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH [an important P.S. on “Why We Fight” after jump]

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