Homosexual attacks on Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern have resumed after she introduced several pro-family bills in the state legislature.
The following email was sent to Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern (R), through her legislative website–blaming her for the death of 18-year-old “transgender” activist Black Brockington. It is simply insane to make such reckless and preposterous charges–but pro-LGBTQueer activists do it all the time. Note how the anonymous writer accuses Kern–who is mistakenly called a senator–of being “personally responsible” for the presumed suicide in North Carolina.
By the way, AFTAH gets hate-missives like this daily, and Kern, who is a personal friend, has received far worse then this over the years due to her record of standing up unapologetically against the homosexual activist lobby in Oklahoma.
It is sad how such awful tragedies are exploited for political gain. I know Sally well, and I know she is grieved by a life cut short like this. Here is a New York Daily News piece on the 18-year-old Brockington, who said of her “transgender” identity: “I was born female, and I identify as male.” It is speculated that she killed herself after struggling with depression, but the Daily News reports that, “It’s not clear how Brockington, a native of Charleston, died.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
E-mail letter sent to St. Rep. Sally Kern:
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2015 9:14 AM
To: Sally Kern
Subject: Congrats
Senator Kern:
Congratulations, you are personally responsible for the death of another innocent teenager. Blake Brockington, a transgender teen from Charlotte, NC committed suicide yesterday. Last year he was voted by his fellow classmates to be homecoming king. Now he’s gone; thanks to your pure hate of people you don’t even know. All this poor boy knew was people like you hated him because he didn’t fit into your mold.