Evangelical Support for Radical Gender Ideology Plummeting – But One in Five Still Reject the Bible’s Teaching on Gender: Ligonier Poll

Thursday, September 10th, 2020

Folks, the good people at Ligonier Ministries “buried the lede” in reporting their own poll, as editors say. The good news NOT highlighted in this Ligonier release is that evangelical Christian support for radical “gender” ideology is falling fast.

Below is a graphic on the key “State of Theology” poll question  (Statement No. 29) that bears this out: from 2016 to 2020, the percentage of respondents who “strongly disagreed” with the statement, “Gender identity is a matter of choice” rose from 54 percent to 67 percent. The percentage who “strongly agreed” fell from 24 percent to 15 percent in the same period.

Things are very bad culturally and so many who call themselves “Christian” are succumbing to worldly, LGBTQueer activist propaganda, but at least things are moving in the right direction on the God- and nature-defying “transgender” agenda. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera

Here is Ligonier’s analysis of that section of the poll:

The unbiblical concept of relative truth has influenced every sphere of life in the United States, including the ethical issues that continue to be at the forefront of public debate. In 2020, a large percentage of U.S. evangelicals reject the arguments of “gender fluidity,” and this has been trending in a positive direction. Yet it remains concerning that one in five evangelicals still appears to reject the Bible’s teaching that our gender as male or female is given by God our Creator (Gen 1:27).

Here is Ligonier’s press release (after the jump):

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Understanding the New, Self-Based Morality Emerging in America

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016

A Nation of “My Truths”: Barna Research Group graphic shows high percentages of Americans (including Christians) who believe in subjective morality. See full Barna story on the new, “self-fulfillment morality” HERE. Click to enlarge.

By Micah Clark, AFA of Indiana

If you are familiar with the story of Noah’s Ark beyond a Sunday School flannel graph, you’ll likely recall that the times in which Noah lived were described as days of exceptional evil across the earth. This saddened the heart of God. Many observers think that we are living in days of global evil again. I am not sure if we are in similar times, but there’s no doubt that the mass killing of Muslims and Christians all across the globe from civil wars and radical Islam saddens God’s heart.

In parts of the Bible, similar times of exceptional evil are described as times in which “everyone did what was right in their own eyes” or according to themselves. Morality was in the eye of the beholder. Nothing was off limits anymore because it was up to each person’s heart, no matter how confused or depraved, to determine. How else can one explain the insanity of Lot’s offering his own daughters up to crazed men in Sodom under the guise of good manners and cultural norms?

In this backdrop, a new study from the Barna Research Group may concern many while also explaining much of the evil in America. Entitled, “The End of Absolutes: America’s New Moral Code” Barna’s research finds that the vast majority of Americans (80 percent) express concern about our nation’s moral condition. Every demographic shares this concern, with 89 percent of elders, 87 percent of baby-boomers, 75 percent of Gen-X’ers and 74 percent of Millennials expressing concerns about America’s moral condition. Although 90 percent of Christians express concern over our moral decline, even 67 percent of adults of no faith say they have concerns about America’s values.

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New Ohio Poll Finds Declining Support for Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Thursday, April 24th, 2014
Phil Burress

Phil Burress

Here is a new survey that cuts through the media-manufactured hype that the battle over homosexual “marriage” is over and that legalized same-sex “marriage” with popular support is “inevitable” across the United States.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Citizens for Community Values Action (CCVA)


April 14, 2014

Contact: Phil Burress, Chairman, Citizens for Community Values Action (CCVA)

New Poll Shows Decline in Support for Same-Sex Marriage

A new independent poll of 405 registered Ohio voters confirms a decline in support for same-sex marriage in Ohio. The poll was commissioned by Citizens for Community Values Action (CCVA) and conducted during the week of March 31 – April 3.

Highlights of the poll show:

1) Only 33% of respondents are certain they would vote to allow marriage between two people of the same sex. Correspondingly, 52% of people are certain to vote to keep marriage as only between one man and one woman.

2) 55% do not think it is necessary to have another vote this year on homosexual marriage

3) On the question, “Do you personally agree or disagree that marriage should only be between a man and a woman?”  56% agreed and 34% disagreed, with 9% don’t know/no response.

4) 89% of those polled are either absolutely (66%) or very likely (23%) to vote.

“These are the kind of numbers we saw prior to the 2004 vote when Ohioans passed Issue 1, the Marriage Amendment, with nearly 62% of the vote,” said Phil Burress, CCVA Chairman. “I believe this return to pre-2004 polling numbers is a direct result of the open hostility and bullying being experienced by citizens and people of faith who hold a natural or traditional view of marriage.”

“Like Ohio, voters in 31 out of 34 states have voted with margins as high as 60-80% to recognize marriage as only between one man and one woman,” Burress stated. “The shockingly intolerant decision by Federal Judge Black to invalidate the clear will of more than 3.3 million Ohio voters is egregious. It’s another example of homosexual activists using sympathetic judges and the courts as a blunt instrument to force a redefinition of marriage and family on the people of Ohio. It seems clear that when advocates of ‘marriage equality’ cannot convince the people and win at the ballot box, they resort to the courts and judicial fiat. But it’s also clear that most Ohioans still understand that natural marriage has no equal.”

“We believe Judge Black’s decision will be overturned – as it should be – by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit,” Burress concluded.

The survey, attached HERE, was conducted by QEV Analytics among registered Ohio voters with at least nominal voting history.

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